IclR transcription factor family

at the University of Toronto

Alexandra Ezersky

Alexandra is a graduate student in the Department of Medical Biophysics, working on the IclR project. She is focusing on crystallization of IclR transcription factors, including co-crystallization with small molecule ligands or operator DNA fragments, and on studies of IclR proteins’ interactions with their DNA targets and with their specific ligands.

Alexandra has received a B.Sc. degree in Pharmacy from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where she was working in Dr. Reuven Reich’s lab in the Department of Pharmacology.

email: alexandra.ezersky@utoronto.ca
phone: 416-946-0074

  1. Davidson B, Lazarovici P, Ezersky A, Nesland JM, Berner A, Risberg B, Trope CG, Kristensen GB, Goscinski M, Van de Putte G, Reich R. (2001). "Expression levels of the nerve growth factor receptors TrkA and p75 in effusions and solid tumors of serous ovarian carcinoma patients." Clin Cancer Res, 7(11): 3457-64.

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