the Centre for Clergy Care & Congregational Health
Welcome to the Centre!


The Centre is now incorporated and has its own charitable number. Please make all cheques out to The Centre for Clergy Care and Congregational Health.

Read up about the work of the Centre in our Spring Newsletter

Read Working Papers based on new research on the Church in Canada by our Senior Researchers

Support the mission of the Centre! Go here to find out how.



Clergy Care

Lay Leadership Care

Congregational Care

Group Events

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Did you know that research in Canada shows that many clergy experience...

- issues of identity

- lack of meaningful relationships

- disconnect between Calling and task

- little support from the collegial system

Congregations pay the price!

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Are you a minister or other ministry professional seeking a supportive network? Are you a congregational leader looking for resources? Do you find ministry overwhelming at times, lonely or draining?



The Centre for Clergy Care and Congregational Health exists to support the well-being of clergy and congregations and to enhance the overall ministry of the church in Canada.


Using cultural research, pastoral psychology, spiritual direction and other means of discernment, the Centre seeks to:

  • offer ongoing education, retreats, workshops and visiting lectureships
  • coordinate efforts to support clergy well-being at key points in ministry - beginning, continuing and ending well
  • work to establish small support groups for clergy and offer facilitation training
  • provide resources to assist congregations in exploring areas of growth and care to promote healthy ministry
  • create a resource base for the areas of pastoral psychology and clergy well-being


May you find through the Centre’s varied ministries to clergy, lay leaders and congregations, rejuvenation, rest for your soul, and edification of your mind to benefit you and your own work for Christ’s kingdom.

Contact us for more information!













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Copyright 2006 The Centre for Clergy Care and Congregational Health