the Centre for Clergy Care & Congregational Health
Presbyterian Record Index

Why the Presbyterian Record?

This project hopes to not end here, but to expand to include other denominations' publications spanning the same era of church history. All such publications will open a priceless window onto the events and issues of the time which influenced the tremendous growth and subsequent decline which occurred.

The Presbyterian Record seemed a good place to start as we have the most ready access to it here at Knox College. Our hope is to expand into other denominations in the near future to capture the same snapshots in time.




To assist with Stuart's post-World War II research of the church in Canada, Anne has created an index of major articles from the Presbyterian Record spanning the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.

This index is limited to articles which are at least one page including photos. It does not include editorials, ads, or shorter articles. However, it does point to trends, history and concerns of the time.

The index is available below as a PDF file. You will need to have Adobe software downloaded so that your computer can read this file.

Using and Searching for Data in a PDF

When you open one of the files, an 8 1/2 x 14" page will come up on the screen. You can enlarge the text by clicking on the "+" sign beside the number with the percent sign. You can shrink the font size by clicking on the "-" sign beside this number. As the text increases, you may need to slide, or scroll, from left to right to see the text of the entire page.

A PDF file allows you to search by using any key word - a year, month, author's name, topic or title of article.

To do a search, look for the binoculars on the screen and click on them. This will bring up a search box on the screen. Type in a key word and the occurrences of that word within the index will show up underneath. By placing your cursor on one of the references that show up and clicking, the PDF document will jump to the page where you can find this text and highlight the key word.

The search engine will take you through every incident of that word within the database. Try several words relating to your topic for a more thorough search.

Presbyterian Record Index for the 1950s

Presbyterian Record Index for the 1960s

Presbyterian Record Index for the 1970s




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