The University of Toronto
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Electronic library of Ukrainian Literature

Name:  _______________________________                        Solicitation code: 0570023918
Address: _______________________________                    
Phone # : ______________________________                     Job Title: _________________________
Fax #: ________________________________                      Employer: ________________________
E-mail: ________________________________                     Address: __________________________

Are you a grad of UofT?   If so, what year?  _______

I would like to contribute a total of $ ___________________ to
The Electronic Library of Ukrainian Literature Fund
(project 0560007429)


ONE TIME GIFT (cheque or credit card information enclosed)
___ Cheque 
___ Credit Card payment in the amount of $ ______________                

___ VISA     ___ Mastercard    ___ AMEX  
Credit Card# _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _             Expiry Date _ _/_ _    
_______________________       _________________________                
Name on card                           Signature

Corporate Matching Gifts

Did you know that your company might match your gift to the University of Toronto?
To find out how, talk to your Human Resources office, or call 416-978-2173.

___ I have enclosed my Corporate Matching Gift Form.

Name of Employer



Here is my monthly gift of $ _________
for the next _______ months
Start date _ _ / _ _ / _ _                      
End date _ _ / _ _ / _ _
D D   M M   Y Y         

CONTINUOUS MONTHLY GIFT* of: $ ____________
* Continuous monthly gifts will be deducted in the middle of the month.  I understand that I can change my monthly gift at any time via written notice to the Annual Fund office.

Tax receipts will be mailed annually in February

I am making my gift via:
___ direct monthly debit of my chequing account (void cheque is enclosed)
___ monthly debit of my credit card
___ VISA     ___ Mastercard    ___ AMEX  
Credit Card# _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _             Expiry Date _ _/_ _  

Please return this form along with your donation to:
(If possible, please print the PDF version of this document)
Annual Fund Office, 21 King’s College Circle, Toronto, ON  M5S 3J3
If you have any questions, please contact Tara Wilson at 416-978-7154 or at 1-800-463-6048.

Please make cheques payable to the University of Toronto
Be sure to check out our web site at:
Charitable reg. BN 108162330-RR0001    ** A receipt for income tax purposes will be issued for all donations