Sustainability Success Stories


Title of the Project :  Creating an Action Plan for Climate Change

Description of the Project : Participants will be provided with the opportunity to develop an action plan in lessening climate change and reducing air pollution in their community, school or at home. Participating schools will also have an opportunity to showcase their projects at a citizen and/or youth forum at the 2002 Smog Summit.

Skill or Issue Addressed : developing an action plan

Contact Information :

Name :  Lorraine Fung

Title : Health Promotion Consultant

Affiliation : Toronto Public Health

Address : 277 Victoria Street, 7th Floor, Toronto, Ont., M5B 1W2

Phone : (416) 338-8078

Fax :  (416) 392-7418

E-mail :


Title of the Project :  Build your own natural water filter

Description of the Project : Participants are taught how to build a natural water filter for their schools that is similar to the ones used by the City in their water filtration plants. Participants will be supplied with materials to build their own natural water filter and test the filter using muddy water.

Skill or Issue Addressed : how to clean water

Contact Information :

Name :  Mark Cooper

Title :Public Information Officer

Affiliation : City of Toronto, Public Works Department

Address : 55 John St. Toronto, Ont., M5V 3C6

Phone : (416) 392-3566

Fax : (416) 392-2974

E-mail :



Title of the Project : Pollution Watch

Description of the Project : Participants will learn about tools they can use to reduce chemical pollution in their communities and explore how they can use an interactive website called Pollution Watch.

Contact Information :

Name :  Corey Diamond

Affiliation : The Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy

Phone : (416) 923-3529



Title of the Project :  Banning the use of Pesticides

Description of the Project : Participants will learn how to develop a successful campaign strategy using the issue/debate of whether or not Toronto City Council or York Region should adopt a pesticide by-law. Participants will learn how to build a campaign from the grassroots to council chambers. A mock political debate will help participants see both sides of the debate.

Skill or Issue Addressed : Policy Development,  Environmental By-Laws

Contact Information :

Name :  Katrina Miller

Title : Pesticide Campaigner

Affiliation : Toronto Environmental Alliance

Address : 30 Duncan Street, Suite 201, Toronto, M5V 2L3

Phone : (416) 596-0660

Fax : (416) 596-0345

E-mail :

Web site :

Key Partners : York Region Environmental Alliance


Title of the Project :  Clean Air Action Plans

Description of the Project : Participants will be walked through a step-by-step guide that will help their schools or community groups organize a clean air project with a clear vision and achievable goals. Participants will explore a variety of project options related to curbing air pollution. They will also discuss realistic action project goal setting, identify available resources, and explore techniques to communicate with local media, government representatives and the public. The workshop will emphasize how to measure a project’s success so that it can be improved and celebrated.

Contact Information :

Name :  Jarah West and Rob Johnson

Title : Clean Air project co-ordinator

Affiliation : Friends of the Rouge Watershed

Address : 2259 Meadowvale Road, Scarborough, Ont., M1X 1R2

Phone : (416) 208-0252

Fax : Same (please call first)

E-mail : and



Title of the Project : Temagami: Forest Activism at Work

Description of the Project : This workshop focusses on logging in Temagami, the world’s largest remaining intact red and white pine forests. The workshop will focus on how residents of the GTA can effect what goes on in Temagami and have a stake in this publicly owned resource.  Participants will learn how to plan an advocacy campaign using the media, fellow students and the general public.

Skill or Issue Addressed :how to organize an advocacy/activist campaign

Contact Information :

Name : Josh Matlow

Title : Wilderness Campaigner

Affiliation : Earthroots

Address : 401 Richmond St. W., Suite 410, Toronto, Ont., M5V 3A8

Phone : (416) 599-0152

Fax : (416) 340-2429

E-mail :

Web site :


Title of the Project : Beyond the Car: Reinventing Transportation

Description of the Project : Tackle the challenges of smog, traffic congestion, and sprawl by learning and applying key skills in creative problem solving and innovation. Participants of the workshop are invited to look at the way we get from door-to-door and the impacts of our movement on the environment, community and economy. Participants will also have the opportunity to reinvent and promote cleaner and greener options for transportation and community design.

Contact Information :

Name : Janet Lo

Title : Project Manager

Affiliation : The Network of Excellence for Sustainable Transportation (NEST)

Phone : (416) 338-5086

E-mail :



Title of the Project :  Sustainable Building

Description of the Project : Participants will learn about buildings, their impacts on our communities, and opportunities to transform the built environment in the GTA. An opportunity to build a straw bale wall and learn about building retrofits will be provided.

Skill or Issue Addressed : critical thinking, empowerment to develop appropriate responses to concerns, project design and implementation and measurement of progress

Contact Information :

Name : Scott Pegg

Title :  Recent Graduate

Affiliation : Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University

E-mail :



Title of the Project : Waste Diversion, What’s in it for you? Recycling-Waste Management

Description of the Project : Participants will gain a firsthand experience of what is in a garbage can by conducting a waste audit.  By sorting garbage, participants will learn to identify issues, sources, and solutions for the GTA’s garbage crisis. Participants will learn how they can make a difference at home and at school.

Contact Information :

Name : Mieke Foster

Title : Recycling Coordinator

Affiliation : Toronto District School Board

Phone : (416) 395-4147

E-mail :



Title of the Project :  Growing Emergent Plant from Seed

Description of the Project : The workshop will detail Malvern Collegiate’s experiences implementing the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s Aquatic Plants Programme.  This programme addresses the need to create or rehabilitate wetlands in the GTA. Classes receive all the materials, Including seeds, to grow emergent plants (i.e. cattails and bulrushes).  Seedlings are planted by students in a wetland area that is at the school, or nearby.  Where this is not appropriate, seedlings can be donated back to the TRCA for a planting programme.

Skill or Issue Addressed : this program addresses the need to create or rehabilitate wetlands in the GTA

Contact Information :

Name :  Leesa Blake

Title :  Teacher

Affiliation : Malvern Collegiate Institute

Address : 55 Malvern Ave., Toronto, Ont., M4E 3E4

Phone : (416) 469-0098

E-mail :

Key Partners : Toronto Region Conservation Authority



Title of the Project : Learning Grounds: School Ground Naturalization

Description of the Project : Students, teachers and neighbours are working to transform concrete school grounds into natural “outdoor classrooms”. Through Evergreen’s National Grants and Awards of Excellence, schools can apply for funding and resources to support their naturalization projects. Evergreen’s print and video resources help guide schools through the process of implementing a project and provide case study books of successful projects. Over 1600 school ground naturalization projects have been implemented across Canada as a result of Evergreen’s support.  Participants will have the opportunity to learn about a variety of naturalization projects that have been implemented across the country.

Contact Information :

Name : Wendy Heron

Title : Senior Project Manager

Affiliation : Evergreen

Address : 355 Adelaide St. W., 5th Floor, Toronto, Ont., M5V 1S2

Phone : (416) 596-1495 #27

Fax : (416) 596-1443

E-mail :

Web site :



Title of the Project : Measuring your ecological footprint

Description of the Project : With a current population of about 5.0 million, the GTA is one of the fastest growing urban regions in North America. As we continue to grow, we require more energy, better and faster transportation, more material goods and services, more food, more living space, more jobs, industry, recreation and more waste assimilation capacity.  If we consider that current projections show that over the next 25 years populations within the GTA will increase by over two million people, understanding how much nature we have and how much we will need in the future becomes a critical planning question.  City of Toronto will deliver a workshop on the Ecological Footprint, an ecological accounting tool that provides an overall picture of just how much of nature’s capital we need to sustain our lifestyles. Participants will have an opportunity to calculate their personal footprint.

Contact Information :

Name : Eric Krause

Affiliation : City of Toronto

Phone : (416) 392-2984

E-mail :

Web site : or http:/



Title of the Project : A creative approach to environmental health promotion

Description of the Project : An interactive, multimedia presentation will focus on the link between human health and environmental health. Participants will learn how to think out of the box when it comes to promoting environmental health and will be able to take away posters and fliers that they themselves will create.

Contact Information :

Name : Lynn Fairweather

Affiliation : Women’s’ Healthy Environment Network

Phone : (416) 928-0880

E-mail :



Title of the Project : Making Business Green

Description of the Project : CH2M Hill will show how they are changing their business practices to incorporate Sustainable Development. Participants will examine an array of skills that are useful in influencing businesses to adopt more sustainable practices (i.e. purchasing power, letter writing, etc), and will participate in a variety of lobbying scenarios.

Contact Information :

Name : Frances Wilbur

Affiliation : CH2M HILL Canada Limited

Phone : (416) 499-0090 #213

E-mail :




Title of the Project : Mountain Equipment Co-op: Creating A Sustainability Policy

Description of the Project : This workshop will showcase Mountain Equipment Co-op’s (MEC) various in-store sustainable business practices. MEC is currently working on a new sustainability policy, and for the first time are making it available to staff and members to give feedback and suggestions. This workshop will focus on MEC experiences developing their in-store sustainability practices and how these practices relate to every day business.( i.e.: waste audits, building materials, rooftop garden, recycling and composting, etc.) MEC staff will provide participants will insights about opportunities and barriers that must be addressed in the planning stage of project implementation.

Contact Information :

Name :  David Robinson, James Vasilyev, Dushan Jojkic,

Title : Social and Environmental Co-ordinator (David)

Affiliation : Mountain Equipment Co-op

Address : 400 King St. W., Toronto, Ont. M5V 1K2

Phone : (416) 340-2667

Fax : (416) 340-7708

E-mail :



Title of the Project :  The Global Web

Description of the Project : Our choices as consumers have a huge impact around the world. Terrorism, sweatshops, child and slave labour, poverty, pollution and the depletion of our natural resources are some of the costs of “business as usual.” But our voices and our dollars can make a difference. Ten Thousand Villages will be delivering a workshop about the successes of fair trade alternatives, and some of the other ways we can fight for our people and our planet.  

Contact Information :

Name :Elaine Pequegnat

Title : Manager

Affiliation :  Ten Thousand Villages

Address : 2599 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont., M4P 2K1

Phone (416) 932-1673

Fax : (416) 932-1848

E-mail :

Web site :



Title of the Project : Exploring how art and drama techniques can be used to enhance community safety

Description of the Project : Participants will be lead through a workshop on naming, strategizing and communicating around conflict issues that effect community life. Art and drama techniques will be explored as a platform for taking action. Participants will have a chance to express key safety issues in their community and develop strategies for change.

Skill or Issue Addressed : involving youth in naming and expressing key safety isssues and strategy making in the community, using art and drama techniques to engage

Contact Information :

Name : Alan Richardson and Sandra Crockard

Title :Co-directors

Affiliation : Trinity Theatre Studio

Address : 1503 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont., M4J 5C3

Phone : (416) 421-4888

Fax : (416) 406-2011

E-mail :



Title of the Project : Media Literacy

Description of the Project : The workshop will provide youth with practical ideas on how to play an active (versus passive) role in their interaction with media

Contact Information :

Name :  Dalton Higgins

Title : Writer and pop culture observer. 

Affiliation : Independent

Phone : (416) 657-1314

E-mail :



Title of the Project : Environmental Racism

Description of the Project : OPIRG is a student funded, volunteer-based organization at the University of Toronto which promotes and engages in action, education and research on a wide range of social justice and environmental issues.  There is a great deal of opportunity to build a wide range of skills while working for meaningful social change. Social Justice, Environmental Justice, what is the relationship? How do they converge, and diverge from one another? This workshop will explore these issues and themes by providing strategies and a space for individuals to discuss and hash out concerns.

Contact Information :

Name : Patricia Lee

Affiliation : The Ontario Public Interest Research Group

Phone : (416) 978-7770

E-mail :




Title of the Project : Your City, Your Future

Description of the Project : A success story workshop on political literacy will be presented. Participants will learn about the Toronto Youth Cabinet’s successes, their relationship with City government and explore the issues, strategies and barriers that they have faced.  Participants will engage in a series of hands-on, orientation scenarios to explore how to create change.

Contact Information :

Name : Ange Kinnear

Title : Toronto Youth Cabinet Co-ordinator

Affiliation : Toronto Youth Cabinet

Phone : (416) 392-4927

E-mail :




Title of the Project : Getting Answers from your government

Description of the Project : Participants will gain a better understanding of the three levels of government: municipal, provincial and federal, and how to get involved. Participants will learn where to go for information and how to get answers from your government.

Skill or Issue Addressed : understanding the 3 levels of government, how to get involved and where to go for information

Contact Information :

Name :Frank DeJong

Title : Leader

Affiliation : The Green Party of Ontario

Address : 244 Gerrard St. E., Toronto, Ont., M5A 2G2

Phone : (416) 533-6798

E-mail :



Title of the Project : Homeless Makers

Description of the Project : Homelessness is caused by deliberate decisions made by governments, businesses and communities. What are the homeless-making processes in my community? Who are the homeless-makers? The National Homelessness and Housing Network will guide participants through an analysis of the underlying causes of homelessness in the GTA, and will explore some effective responses.  Using a practical worksheet, we'll answer these questions and identify skills and responses to challenge the homeless-makers! An emphasis will be placed on political advocacy skills.

Contact Information :

Name : Michael Shapcott

Affiliation : Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada/National Homelessness and Housing Network

Phone : (416) 533-6798

E-mail :




Title of the Project : FoodShare Toronto’s Policy Recommendations to Make the GTA Food Secure in the 21st Century

Description of the Project : For more than 17 years FoodShare Toronto has been developing programs to improve people’s access to affordable, healthy food --- from field to table. These programs include community gardens, student nutrition, and the Good Food Box. In 1998 FoodShare published a report of 28 policy recommendations, which if implemented would ensure that Ontario would have a future in which hunger would be reduced, healthy food would be promoted, and farmers would have a sustainable future. Participants will have an opportunity to analyze their current food system and examine the interconnection between problems of hunger, health crisis caused by the current food system and the crisis in agriculture. We will then look to some potential solutions to these problems at the individual, community, and social policy level.

Skill or Issue Addressed : how to analyze individual, community and social food insecurity

Contact Information :

Name : Debbie Field

Title : Executive Director

Affiliation :  FoodShare Toronto

Address : 238 Queen Street W. M5V 1Z7

Phone : (416) 392-1657

Fax : (416) 392-6650

E-mail :




Title of the Project : Community gardening: Community Building through Problem Solving, working together for a common goal

Description of the Project : Community gardens help to build strong communities and civic participation, while also providing the opportunity to grow food, connect with nature, get some physical activity, and have social interaction with people in your neighbourhood. Gardens can turn acquaintances into friends. FoodShare Toronto will lead workshop participants through role playing scenarios and deliver a workshop on community gardening.

Skill or Issue Addressed :community building through problem solving, working together for a common shared goal

Contact Information :

Name : Laura Berman

Title : Community Garden Program Co-ordinator

Affiliation :  FoodShare Toronto

Address : 238 Queen St. W., Toronto, Ont., M5V 1Z7

Phone : (416) 392-1668

Fax : (416) 392-6650

E-mail :




Title of the Project : Cool Schools Program

Description of the Project : The Clean Air Partnership (CAP) an initiative of the Toronto Atmospheric Fund, will deliver a workshop about the “Cool Schools” programme, which provides grants of up to $2000 to schools to implement projects which involve students, staff and community in solutions to enhance their local environment.  CAP is interested in funding projects that promote alternative transportation options to and from school, enhance school ground green space, introduce energy conservation and renewable energy, and incorporate climate change into the curriculum. Participants will learn how to write proposals and develop an effective fundraising strategy to support their action projects.

Contact Information :

Name : Katherine Wood

Title : Toronto Atmospheric Fund Cool Schools Coordinator

Affiliation :  The Clean Air Partnership

Phone : (416) 392-0444



Title of the Project : Beachwatch Patrol- Youth in Action

Description of the Project : Members of Toronto Environmental Alliance’s Beachwatch Patrol will talk about their experiences participating in the summer Beachwatch Patrol, what they learned, and how they stayed involved while back at school. Participants will learn about how household practices can effect water quality and beach closures, and will help the Patrol make a list of Beach clean-up activities for this year’s programme.

Contact Information :

Name : Katarina Savinova and Kale Broadhagen

Title : Beach Watch Patrol

Affiliation :  Toronto Environmental Alliance

Address : 30 Duncan St., Suite 201, Toronto, Ont., M5V 2C3

Phone : (416) 596-0660

Fax : (416) 596-0345

E-mail :

Web site :



Title of the Project : School Yard Naturalization

Description of the Project : Participants will learn how to start a schoolyard naturalization project.  Friends of the Rouge Watershed have successfully naturalized many schoolyards in the Rouge watershed by changing traditional mowed grass schoolyards into ecological niches and learning centres. Participants will learn techniques to assist in site preparation, species selection and site  maintenance, as well as fundraising skills.

Contact Information :

Name : Jarah West and Rob Johnson

Title : Projects Director (Rob)

Affiliation : Friends of the Rouge Watershed

Address : 2259 Meadowvale Road

Phone : (416) 208-0252

Fax : Same (please call ahead)

E-mail :



Title of the Project : Students monitoring for change

Description of the Project : In this joint success story, students from the Scarborough Academy for Technological, Environmental and Computer Studies (SATEC) will share their experiences in the Changing Currents environmental monitoring program launched in Fall 2001 by Citizens’ Environment Watch (CEW).  Students will present the results of their activities in water and air quality monitoring, including their field work, data analysis and action plans to improve their local and regional environments.  Teachers from SATEC and CEW staff will also share their insights on implementing the program.  By attending this session, participants will have an opportunity to see firsthand how they can assess, communicate and take action on local and regional water and air quality issues. 

Contact Information :

Name : Michelle Barraclough

Title : Teacher

Affiliation :  Scarborough Academy for Technological, Environmental and Computer Studies

Phone : (416) 978-4144

Key Partners : Citizens Environment Watch



Title of the Project : Saving the World in 40 hours, or as a Coop student!

Description of the Project : Participants will explore how students can use their community service hours or a coop term to plan and implement projects within their school and community to conserve energy, reduce waste and foster environmentally friendly behaviors. Skills to be examined include project planning, public speaking, advocacy skills, and determination.

Skill or Issue Addressed : project planning, public speaking, advocacy skills

Contact Information :

Name : Beth Parks and Katie Gad

Title : Project Facilitators, Students for Sustainability

Affiliation : Department of Environmental Education, Toronto District School Board

Address : 5050 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont., M2N 5N8

Phone : (416) 395-4922

Fax : (416) 395-4932

E-mail :



Title of the Project : School participation in urban planning

Description of the Project : This workshop will outline how a group of Grade Eleven students at Sutton District High School participated in creating a sustainable plan for their community. We will look at how the students participated, what links there were to the curriculum in Geomatics (grade 11), what links/possibilities exist in other subject areas (i.e. Civics) and what the outcomes of the project were.  Students and teachers will be given an opportunity to explore their own ideas on what makes a sustainable community, and through the idea of forecasting and backcasting, how that vision might be achieved.

Curriculum connections :    

Grade Level(s) : 11

Subject Area(s):Geomatics, Civics

Contact Information :

Name : Anne Henry

Title : Teacher

Affiliation :  Sutton District High School

Address : 20798 Dalton Rd., Sutton, Ont., L0E 1R0

Phone : (905) 722-3281

Fax : (905) 722-8892

E-mail :




Title of the Project : Rethinking Recycling in Schools: Moving from Student/ Teacher Initiatives to Structural Transformation

Description of the Project : This workshop will address recycling programmes in schools. Participants will learn how to access community resources and funding for recycling, develop strategies for long-term success, and examine the possibilities for long-term success and real change through political awareness and action.

Skill or Issue Addressed : learning how to access community resources and funding for recycling, developing strategies for long term success and real change through political awareness and action

Contact Information :

Name : Peter Petrasek and Michele Root

Title : Teachers

Affiliation :Cardinal Newman High School

Address : 2675 Kingston Rd., Scarborough, Ont., M1M 1M2

Phone : (416) 393-5519

Fax : (416) 393-5110

E-mail :

Key Partners : Notre Dame High School, St. Dominic Savio Elementary



Title of the Project : Success Story: The Restoration of Black Creek

Description of the Project : Chaminade College Catholic Secondary School will showcase their accomplishments over the past four years performing erosion control work on Black Creek, and raising Brown Trout and Atlantic Salmon in their own Fish Hatchery.

Contact Information :

Name : Robert Giza

Title : Teacher

Affiliation : Chaminade College Catholic Secondary School

Address : 490 Queen’s Drive, Toronto, Ont., M6L 1M8

Phone : (416) 393-5509

Fax : (416) 397-6093




Title of the Project : Think globally, act locally

Description of the Project : The success story about how St. Mary’s collect used books, toys, Christmas cards, clothing, stamps, etc.  to be reused  both in the GTA and abroad will be presented. Skills to be examined include how to raise awareness, and mobilize and activate a community into concrete plans. By networking with the local community, participants will learn that it is possible to have a global effect.

Skill or Issue Addressed : Raising awareness, mobilizing and activating a community into concrete plans.

Contact Information :

Name : Steve De Quintal

Title : Teacher

Affiliation :  St. Mary’s Catholic Secondary

Address : 66 Dufferin Park Ave., Toronto, Ont., M6H 1J6

Phone : (416) 393-5528

Fax : (416) 393-5998

E-mail :




Title of the Project : The Black Creek Project and Archbishop Romero Secondary School

Description of the Project : Workshop participants will learn about Archbishop Romero’s water quality monitoring programme, and conservation efforts to clean up the Black Creek and reduce waste in their school. Participants will learn interesting science experiments that can be used to monitor the environment and how to plan their own recycling and clean-up projects.

Contact Information :

Name : John Rawski

Title : Teacher

Affiliation :  Archbishop Romero Catholic Secondary

Address : 99 Humber Blvd., Toronto, Ont., M6L 2H4

Phone : (416) 393-5555 #81672

Fax : (416) 393-5010



Title of the Project : Solar Panels provide extra electricity to King City Secondary

Description of the Project : King City Secondary School will showcase their school project in which solar panels installed in the school roof feed into the building’s electricity supply. (The solar panels were provided and installed by what was once Ontario Hydro Generation.) The power generated also operates the pump for the man made pond located on school grounds.  The pond is part of an ongoing yearly effort to naturalize the school grounds.  King City students will share how they have assisted with this ongoing project at their school.

Curriculum connections :    

Grade Level(s) : 10

Subject Area(s): Science

Strand/Theme(s): Earth and Space, Gr. 11 Physics : energy, Gr. 11 Science : human impact on the environment

Contact Information :

Name : Kathleen Hewitt

Title : Teacher

Affiliation :  King City Secondary School

Address : 2001 King Rd., King City, Ont., L7B 1K2

Phone : (905) 833-5332

Fax : (905) 833-3750

E-mail :

Key Partners : Ontario Power Generation



Title of the Project : International Innovations Projects, at U of T

Description of the Project : Students of Malvern Collegiate will deliver a success story workshop on their The International Innovation Project which focuses on using applied natural technologies to build environmental understanding and improve building quality.  This programme is a collaboration of high school students with university researchers. New environmentally friendly technology is developed to help improve air quality in the school.  Students at the school, monitor and test the effectiveness of the technology and prepare a report to be submitted for publication.

Contact Information :

Name : Leesa Blake

Title : Teacher

Affiliation :  Malvern Collegiate Institute

Address :  55 Malvern Ave., Toronto, Ont., M4E 3E4

Phone : (416) 393-1480 #20096

E-mail :



Title of the Project : Earth Week Tree-Planting

Description of the Project : During Earth Week 2002, environment club advisor, and recipient of the 2001 Rouge Park Award, Terry Tamblyn will lead 200 Thornlea S.S. staff and students on a semi-annual tree-planting along the Rouge River.  In recent years, Terry and his environment club have successfully raised over $30,000 and planted over 5000 trees.  The environment club actively promotes the motto  « Think globally, Act locally », raising environmental awareness within the school community. 

Curriculum connections :    

Grade Level(s) : Grade 10

Subject Area(s) : Science

Strand/Theme(s) : The Sustainability of Ecosystems (succession, carbon cycle, soil fertrility, human impact and responsibility, protecting Canada’s ecosystems). 

Contact Information :

Name : Terry Tamblyn

Title :  Department Head

Affiliation :  Thornlea Secondary School Environment Club

Address : 8075 Bayview Ave.

Thornhill, Ontario   L3T 4N4

Phone : (905) 889-9696 #188

Fax : (905) 889-2991

E-mail :




Title of the Project :  Sustainable Activities in the Denison Community

Description of the Project : Action plans include a woodlot and wetland study, road crossing naturalization and harvesting of invasive species.

Curriculum connections :    

Grade Level(s) : Grades 9 to OAC

Subject Area(s) :  Geography                                           

Strand/Theme(s) : Human/Environmental Interactions

Contact Information :

Name : Gord Hunter

Title : Teacher

Affiliation : Dr. John M. Denison Secondary School

Address : 135 Bristol Rd., Newmarket, Ont., L3Y 8J7

Phone : (905) 836-0021

Fax :  (905) 836-7728

E-mail :

Key Partners : Regional Municipality of York, Ministry of Natural Resources, Yorkland Stewardship Council.



Title of the Project :   City of Toronto’s Annual Enviro Festival

Description of the Project : Each year this event is held during EarthWeek.  Pre-registered students and their teachers are invited to attend the event at Nathan Phillip’s Square.  Static and interactive displays are set up that address Sustainability as it pertains to Air, Water, Soil and Energy. 

Curriculum connections :    

Grade Level(s) : Grades 4-6

Subject Area(s) :  Science

Strand/Theme(s) : Life systems, energy and control, government and energy conservation, Aboriginal wisdom, culture and the environment, matter and materials, energy and control.

Contact Information :

Name : Eva Boyd

Title : Community Outreach Coordinator

Affiliation : City of Toronto

Address : 16th Floor, Metro Hall

Toronto, Ontario  M5V 3C6

Phone :  (416) 338-5489

Fax : (416) 392-9317

E-mail :

Web site

Key Partners : Toronto District School Board, Toronto Catholic District School Board, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.




Title of the Project :   Toronto Environmental Volunteers

Description of the Project : City of Toronto residents can participate in hands on projects and programs supported by the Toronto Works department.  Originating as the Waste Watchers Program, over 500 volunteers have now expanded their volunteer efforts to include projects which address: stormwater pollution, drinking water quality, water efficiency, energy conservation, air quality, composting, recycling and waste reduction.  Volunteers receive training prior to involvement in a project. 

Contact Information :

Name :  Mary Lovett

Title :  Coordinator of Toronto Environmental Volunteers

Affiliation : City of Toronto, Works and Emergency Services

Address : 19th Floor, Stn. 1180

55 John St., Toronto, Ontario

Phone : (416) 392-4697

Fax : (416) 392-4754

E-mail :  or

Web site :

Key Partners : Schools, community, local government.