
Emanuel Adler is the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Chair in Israeli Studies in the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto and editor of International Organization. Previously, he was Professor of International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His publications include Security Communities; Communitarian International Relations; Convergence of Civilizations; and “Seizing the Middle Ground: Constructivism in World Politics.” His current projects include projects on the turn to practice in International Relations, a constructivist reconsideration of strategic logic, including deterrence, European cooperative security and pluralistic integration, European security institutions, including the OSCE and NATO, civilization as a community of practice, and rationality and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Robert Clegg Austin (PhD University of Toronto) is a specialist on Albania and Kosovo. In the past, Dr. Austin was a Tirana-based correspondent of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty; a Slovak-based correspondent with The Economist Group of Publications; and a newswriter with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in Toronto. Austin has written articles for The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, Orbis, and East European Quarterly. He is the CERES Senior Lecturer and Graduate Coordinator. In the 2009 - 2010 academic year Austin is a Visiting Professor of Balkan History and Politics at the University of Graz in Austria.

Harald Bathelt (PhD, Giessen, F.R.G.; Habilitation, Giessen, F.R.G.) holds the Canada Research Chair in Innovation and Governance at the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto. He is also cross-appointed as Professor in the University of Toronto’s Department of Geography and Research Associate of the Viessmann Research Centre at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo. His research interests include: clusters, innovation systems and knowledge-creation, political economy, industrial restructuring, globalization, regional policy and governance. Publications include books on a relational conception of economic geography (2003), regional multiplier effects of universities (ed., 2002), industrial restructuring and the division of labor in the German chemical industry (1997) and a comparative study of regional growth in US and Canadian high-tech regions (1991). He has published conceptual and empirical articles in leading journals, such as Progress in Human Geography, Journal of Economic Geography, Environment and Planning, Economic Geography, Regional Studies and European Planning Studies. Additional information on his present research activities and publications can be found at http://www.harald-bathelt.com

Aurel Braun (PhD London School of Economics). Professor Braun's research interests include international politics, particularly strategic studies, and the problems of transition. Major publications: Romanian Foreign Policy since 1965: The Political and Military Limits of Autonomy (1978); Ceausescu: The Problems of Power (1980); Small-State Security in the Balkans (1983); The Middle East in Global Strategy (1987), editor and contributor; The Soviet-East European Relationship in the Gorbachev Era (1990), editor and contributor; The Extreme Right: International Peace and Security at Risk (1997), editor and contributor; Dilemmas of Transition (1999), coeditor and contributor. Professor Braun has contributed articles on the Warsaw Pact, Comecon, East European politics, international relations, and strategic studies to Orbis , Problems of Communism , Millennium , Parameters , The Middle East Focus , Sudosteuropa , and International Journal.

Sandra Bucerius (PhD, Frankfurt) is Assistant Professor of Criminology. She is currently working on a monograph based on her five-year ethnographic and qualitative research with a group of 55 young male 2nd generation Muslim migrants who specialized in drug trafficking in Frankfurt/Germany. Drawing on an extensive amount of field notes and over one hundred in-depth interviews, she analyzes the relationship between social exclusion, immigration and informal economies. Her future research will analyse what characteristics increase a neighbourhood’s vulnerability to crime in Toronto and which micro-level processes present risk or offer protective factors to criminogenic forces at the neighbourhood level. In a second project, she will be analyzing the crucial factors for socio-economic success among second generation Turkish immigrants in Germany.

Randall Hansen (D Phil, Oxford University) is Director of the Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies and a Full Professor of Political Science and also holds a Canada Research Chair in Immigration and Governance. His research interests cover comparative public policy and contemporary history. His is the author of Fire and Fury: The Allied Bombing of Germany (Doubleday, 2008, Penguin, 2009), Citizenship and Immigration in Postwar Britain (Oxford University Press, 2000, [w Patrick Weil] Towards a European Nationality (Palgrave, 2001, [w Patrick Weil] Dual Citizenship, Social Rights and Federal Citizenship (Berghahn, 2002) and [w Matthew Gibney] Immigration and Asylum (An Encyclopedia) (ABC Clio, 2005). His current projects include a volume on liberalism, immigration and integration, on immigration and public opinion, and manuscripts on eugenics and forced sterilization and the history of German resistance after July 20, 1944. His website is www.randallhansen.ca.  

Jennifer Jenkins (PhD, University of Michigan) is Associate Professor of German and European History in the Department of History. She is the Canada Research Chair in Twentieth-Century German History. Professor Jenkins is the author of Provincial Modernity: Local Culture and Liberal Politics in Fin-de-Siecle Hamburg (Cornell University Press, 2003) and is currently working on a book project on architecture and national memory in twentieth-century Germany. She has written on historical preservation in Berlin and teaches courses on place, memory, and history in modern Europe.

Jeffrey Kopstein (BA, MA, PhD, Berkeley) is Director of the Centre for Jewish Studies and Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto.  Before moving to Toronto, he taught at Dartmouth College, the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Colorado at Boulder.  His research interests are in comparative and European politics, ethnic conflict, and transatlantic relations. He has held fellowships at Harvard University's Center for European Studies and Princeton University's Center for International Studies.  He is also a recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship.  His research has been supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the National Science Foundation (USA), and the National Council for East European and Eurasian Research (USA).  He has published The Politics of Economic Decline in East Germany, 1945-1989 (1997), and co-edited Growing Apart? America and Europe in the 21st Century (2008) and Comparative Politics: Interests, Identities, and Institutions in a Changing Global Order (2008).  Recent articles have appeared in Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Politics, Perspectives on Politics, Polin, Review of International Studies, The Washington Quarterly, Slavic Review, and Contemporary European History

Anna C. Korteweg (PhD, University of California at Berkeley) is Assistant Professor in Sociology. Her research focuses on how national identity is defined in public and parliamentary debates on immigrant integration. In her work, she analyzes how various political actors construct the problematic of immigrant integration in the intersections gender, religion, ethnicity and national origin. As part of this research, she has published on the media debates surrounding the murder of Theo van Gogh, honour killing in the Netherlands and Germany, and Sharia-based arbitration in Ontario. Her current work focuses on immigrant integration policy making in Germany and the Netherlands (with Phil Triadafilopoulos, Political Science). She is also working on a book manuscript on the connection between media debates and policy developments regarding honour-related violence, the headscarf and burqa, and Sharia law in Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Britain (with Gökçe Yurdakul, Humboldt Universität, Berlin). Her past work focused on the construction of citizenship at the Dutch and American welfare offices. She has published in various scholarly journals, including Theory & Society, Annual Review of Sociology, Social Politics, Ethnic and Racial Studies and Gender & Society as well as in edited book volumes. She has recently finished a four-country study on media and policy debates regarding honour-related violence for UNRISD (with Gökçe Yurdakul): Religion, Culture and the Politicization of Honour-Related Violence: A Critical Analysis of Media and Policy Debates in Western Europe and North America.

Paul Robert Magocsi (FRSC PhD Princeton). Interested in the history of nationalism, in particular among ethnic groups living in border areas. Has published in the fields of history, sociolinguistics, bibliography, cartography, and immigration studies. Author of The Shaping of a National Identity (1978), Galicia: An Historical Survey and Bibliographic Guide (1983), Our People (3rd rev. ed., 1994) Ukraine: A Historical Atlas (3rd ed., 1987); The Russian Americans (1989); The Rusyns of Slovakia (1993); An Historical Atlas of Central Europe (2nd rev. ed., 2002); A History of the Ukraine (1996); Of the Making of Nationalities There is No End, 2 vols. (1999); The Roots of Ukrainian Nationalism (2002); Editor-in-Chief Encyclopaedia of Canada's Peoples (1999), and Encyclopedia of Rusyn History and Culture (2002).

Edward Schatz (PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison) is a specialist on former Soviet Central Asia. Research interests include social mobilization, identity politics, qualitative methods, former USSR, Central Asia. Publications include an edited volume, Political Ethnography (U. Chicago Press, 2009),and Modern Clan Politics (U. Washington Press, 2004), as well as articles in Comparative Politics, Slavic Review, International Political Science Review, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, PS: Political Science and Politics, Nationalities Papers, Current History and Europe-Asia Studies. Current projects include a book on the United States as a symbol and actor in Central Asia and a study of authoritarianism in Central Asia.

Donald Schwartz (PhD University of Wisconsin, Madison). Professor Schwartz's research interests cover domestic politics in the Soviet Union and its successor states, especially nationality issues; comparative ethnic politics in industrialized states; ethnic politics in Canada, especially multiculturalism. He recently published Nationalism and History: The Politics of Nation Building in Post-Soviet Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (1994), co-editor and contributor, and is a frequent reviewer of books on the former Soviet Union in Choice .

Peter H. Solomon, Jr. (PhD Columbia University) is Professor of Political Science, Law and Criminology, University of Toronto. He specializes in post-Soviet politics and in the politics of law and courts in various countries, including Canada and the USA. Author of Soviet Criminologists and Criminal Policy (1978); Criminal Justice Policy: From Research to Reform (1983), Soviet Criminal Justice under Stalin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996 [a Russian-language edition Sovetskaia iustitsiia pri Staline was published by “ROSSPEN” in 1998 and reprinted in 2008]); Reforming Justice in Russia, 1864-1996: Power, Culture, and the Limits of Legal Order (Armonk, NY: Sharpe, 1997), editor and contributor; Courts and Transition in Russia: The Challenge of Judicial Reform (Boulder CO: Westview Press, 2000) with Todd Foglesong; Crime, Criminal Justice, and Criminology in Post-Soviet Ukraine (2001) with Todd Foglesong. Professor Solomon's current research includes: judicial and legal reform in contemporary Russia and Ukraine; and law and courts in authoritarian and transitional states. He has been an active participant in judicial reform projects, including the Canada-Russia Judicial Partnership (2000-2008) and the Canada-Ukraine Judicial Cooperation Project (2006- ), both funded by CIDA. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Institut prava i publichnoi politiki (Moscow) and the editorial boards of three journals, and a former Director of the Centre for Russian and East European Studies at the Munk Centre for International Studies.

Susan Gross Solomon (BA, McGill; MA, PhD, Columbia) is Professor of Political Science. An Associate of the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, her research focuses on trans-national scientific relations (Russia-Germany, Russia-America, Germany-America) and the transport of ideas across borders. In spring 2007, she was a Canadian Institute for Health Research/ Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique exchange professor in Paris. Among her recent publications are an edited volume, Doing Medicine Together :  Germany and Russia between the Wars (University of Toronto Press: 2006) and Shifting Boundaries of Public Health : Europe in the  Twentieth Century (University of Rochester Press: 2008, forthcoming ), a volume of essays co-edited with Lion Murard and Patrick Zylberman. She is currently working on a monograph entitled Bringing Russia Home: American and German Health Experts and “Red” Medicine, 1921-1936. Other publications include “Being There:” The Rockefeller Foundation's Division of Medical Education and the Russian Matter, 1925-1927”, Journal of Policy History (October 2002); “Giving and Taking across Borders: The Rockefeller Foundation and Russia, 1919-1928”, Minerva 3 (2001), with Nikolai Krementsov. She edited the diary of Ludwig Aschoff, the Freiburg pathologist, who traveled to Moscow in 1930 to review the work of the Laboratory for Racial Pathology whose founding he spearheaded in 1927, Vergleichende Völkerpathologie oder Rassenpathologie (Pfaffenweiler: 1998).

Triadafilos (Phil) Triadafilopoulos is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto.  He received his PhD in Political Science for the New School for Social Research and is a former Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Postdoctoral Fellow. He also held a two-year visiting research fellowship at the Institute for Social Sciences at Humboldt University through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).  He is presently completing a book entitled Becoming Multicultural: Immigration and the Politics of Citizenship in Canada and Germany, which will be published by the University of British Columbia Press in 2010.  His current research focuses on immigrant integration policies in Germany and the Netherlands (through a JIGES funded project in collaboration with Anna Korteweg), “engineered ethnic unmixing” in twentieth century Europe (with Tobias Vogel), and the role of political parties in immigration policy-making.  Triadafilopoulos has published articles in German Politics and Society, Citizenship Studies, the Journal of Politics, the Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, East European Quarterly, and the Journal of Historical Sociology.  Forthcoming articles will appear in the Review of International Studies and the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Lucan Way (PhD University of California at Berkeley) is a specialist on regime development in the post-Cold War era in postcommunist Eurasia and the developing world as a whole. He has published in Comparative Politics, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, East European Politics and Societies, Journal of Democracy, Politics & Society, Post-Soviet Affairs, Studies in Comparative International Development, and World Politics. He is currently completing two book projects: "Authoritarian State Building and the Sources of Political Competition in the Former Soviet Union" and "Competitive Authoritarianism after the Cold War" (with Steven Levitsky). He completed his doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley in 2001, and has held research fellowships at Harvard University and the University of Notre Dame.

Visiting Fellow:
Jean Yves Haine is CERES Visiting Fellow in 2009-2010. His research interests include the European Union external security dimension, Transatlantic relations, US foreign policies and the use of force. He has published articles and chapters on European and Atlantic Security, US foreign policy and global strategy in Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Cultures & Conflits, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, The International Spectator, NATO Review, Current History, International Journal. His last book Les Etats-Unis ont-ils besoin d'alliés?, (Paris: Payot, 2004), received the France-Amérique Prize 2004.