Attey Rostami
MD/PhD Student

I started my undergrad at the University of Shahid Beheshti, Iran. After studying two years in Pure Chemistry I realized that Chemistry alone does not satisfy me so I decided to transfer to the Biotechnology Specialist program at the University of Toronto. During my undergrad at 2013, I
received an internship from the Centre for Global Change Science (CGCS) and investigated the effects of elevated temperature on pine phenology.
Then I switched to neuroscience and for my undergrad thesis course I studied the role of microRNA-132 in intercellular coupling in the
suprachiasmatic nucleus at Dr. Mary Cheng lab. I really enjoyed that and decided to continue my graduate studies in Neuroscience. That is why I joined Dr. Boulianne lab in 2014. I am currently an MD/PhD student with the Molecular Genetics Department. I am interested in the links between metabolism, brain ageing and neurodegeneration.


