Oxana Gluscenova

I graduated from The State University, Chisinau, Moldova with B.Sc.Honours. Following this,  I worked for several years in the Institute of Ecological Genetics in the Laboratory of Gene and Cell Engineering addressing a variety of questions concerning mutagenesis in tomato plants. In 1999 I started to work at the National Institute of Standardization and Metrology (Laboratory of Genotoxicity) where the Somatic Mutation and Recombination Test (SMART) was applied to test food and cosmetic products for the presence of mutagenic substances. This bioassay was developed to use Drosophila melanogaster so my experience working with fruit fly grew from then. My family moved to Toronto and since 2004 I have been working in Boulianne Lab as a Technician. I am interested in developing a Drosophila Model to study obesity and related diseases.
 email: oxanagl@hotmail.com

