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Publications Resulting from the MCRI Project:  Innovation Systems and Economic Development: The Role of Local and Regional Clusters in Canada Research

Refereed Publications                  

Britton, J.

with Tremblay, D.-G. and Smith, R. 2009. “Contrasts in Clustering: The Example of Canadian New Media,” European Planning Studies 17(2) February.                       

2007. “Path dependence and Cluster Adaptation: A Case Study of Toronto’s New Media Industry,” International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 7(2): 272-297.

with Legare, G. 2005. “Cluster Evolution: The Relevance of Path Dependence for Toronto’s Multimedia Cluster,” in Wolfe, D and Lucas, M. (Eds) Global Networks and Local Linkages: the Paradox of Cluster Development in an Open Economy. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 177-207.

with Legare, G. 2005. “Clustering and the Digital Economy: New Media in Toronto” Canadian Journal of Regional Science June.

2004. “High Technology Localization and Extra-Regional Networks,” Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 16(5): 369-390.

with Legare, G. 2004. "Clustered Beginnings: Anatomy of Multimedia in Toronto," in Wolfe, D and Lucas, M (Eds) Clusters in a Cold Climate, Kingston: McGill -Queen's University Press; pp. 139-163.

2003. "Network Structure of an Industrial Cluster: Electronics in Toronto," Environment and Planning A 35: 983-1006.

Chamberlin, T and de la Mothe, J.

with Doutriaux, J. and Brouard, F. 2005. "Firm Demographics in Silicon Valley North", in Shavinina, L. (Ed) Silicon Valley North, A High- Tech Cluster of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. London: Elsevier, pp. 57-84.

2003. “Northern Light: Ottawa’s Technology Cluster,” in Wolfe, D.A. (Ed.), Clusters Old and New: The Transition to a Knowledge Economy in Canada’s Regions. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 213-234.

Dalpe, R.

2003. "Interaction Between Public Research Organizations and Industry in Biotechnology", Managerial and Decision Economics 24(2-3): 171-185.

with Bouchard, L. 2003. "Les Collaborations de Recherche Entre les Universités et L’industrie en Biotechnologies", in Tremblay, D.G. et  Rolland, D. (Eds.), La Nouvelle Economie – Où ? Quoi ? Comment ?. Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.

2002. "Bibliometric Analysis of Biotechnology", Scientometrics  55(2): 189-213.

Davis, C.

with Sun, E.    2006. “Business Development Capabilities in Information Technology SMEs in a Regional Economy,” Journal of Technology Transfer 31(1): 145-161.

with Rosson, P. 2004. “Electronic Marketplaces and Innovation: the Canadian Experience,” International Journal of Information Technology Management 3(1): 41-58.

with Schaefer, N.V. 2003. “Development Dynamics of a Startup Innovation Cluster: the ICT Sector in New Brunswick,” in Wolfe, D. (Ed.), Clusters Old and New: the Transition to a Knowledge Economy in Canada’s Regions. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp.121-160.


Donald, B

2009. “Contested notions of quality in a buyer-driven commodity cluster: the case of food and wine in Canada,” European Planning Studies 17(2) February.                     

2008. “Food Systems Planning and Sustainable Cities and Regions: the role of the firm in sustainable food capitalism” Regional Studies, 42(9), pp. 1251-1262.

with A. Blay-Palmer. 2008. The Urban Creative Food Economy in The Contemporary Canadian Metropolis, edited by C. Morgan, R. Dennis and S. Shaw, Institute for the Study of the Americas, Washington: Brookings Institution Press, in press.

with A. Blay-Palmer. 2008. “Food Fears: making connections”, in Food Fears: from industrial to sustainable food systems, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 1-16.with Blay-Palmer, A. 2007. “Manufacturing fear: The role of food processors and retailers in constructing alternative food geographies". In M. Kneafsey, L. Holloway and D. Maye (eds.) Constructing ‘Alternative’ Food Geographies: Representation and Practice, Elsevier Press, forthcoming.

with Blay-Palmer, A. 2007. “Eating Organic in an Age of Insecurity”, Lien Social et Politique, 
vol. 57, Spring, pp. 63-73.

with Blay-Palmer, A. 2006. “The Urban Food Economy: Producing Food for the Urban Elite or Social Inclusion Opportunity?” Environment and Planning A. 38(10): 1901-1920.

with Blay-Palmer, A. 2006. “The Social Construction of Alternative Food Systems: Fear, Hope and Food in North America,” in Maye, D. et al. (Eds) Alternative FoodGeographies: Representation and Practice. Elsevier. London UK.

with Blay-Palmer, A. 2006.  “A Tale of Three Tomatoes: The Rise of New Food Economies in Greater Toronto,” in Economic Geography 82(4): 383-401.


Doutriaux, J.

2003. "University-Industry Linkages and the Development of Knowledge Clusters in Canada", Local Economy 18(1): 63-79.


Gertler, M.

with Vinodrai, T. 2009. “Life sciences and regional innovation: One path or many?” European Planning Studies 17(2: February).with Lowe, N.J. 2008. “Building on Diversity: Institutional Foundations of Hybrid Strategies in

with Lowe, N. 2007. "Building on Diversity: Institutional Foundations of Hybrid Strategies in Toronto's Life Sciences Complex" Regional Studies 42(9): 1-15.

with Wolfe, D. 2006. “Spaces of Knowledge Flows: Clusters in a Global Context,” in Asheim, B., Cooke, P. and Martin, R. (Eds.) Clusters and Regional Development: Critical Reflections and Explorations. London and New York: Routledge.

with Lowe, N.J. 2005. “Diversity and the Evolution of a Life Science Innovation System: The Toronto Region in Comparative Perspective,” in Wolfe, D and Lucas, M. (Eds) Global Networks and Local Linkages: the Paradox of Cluster Development in an Open Economy. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 25-57.

with Levitte, Y.M. 2005. “Local Nodes in Global Networks: The Geography of Knowledge Flows in Biotechnology Innovation” Innovation and Industry 12(4): 487-507.

with Wolfe, D.A. 2004. “Ontario’s Regional Innovation System: The Evolution of Knowledge-Based Institutional Assets”, in Braczyk, H-J., Cooke, P. and Heidenreich, M. (Eds) Regional Innovation Systems: The Role of Governance in a Globalized World. London: Routledge, pp. 91-124.


Holbrook, J.A.

2006. “Regional Differences in Innovation in Knowledge-Based Industries,” International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society 2(4): 153-162.

with Salazar, M. 2004. "Regional Innovation Systems within a Federation: Do National Policies Affect all Regions Equally?” Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice 6(1): 50-65.

with Salazar, M, Crowden, N., Reibling, S., Warfield, K., and Weiner, N. 2004. “The Biotechnology Cluster in Vancouver” in Wolfe, DA and Lucas, M (Eds.) Clusters in a Cold Climate: Innovation Dynamics in a Diverse Economy. Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 95-112.

with Hughes, L.P., and Finch, J. 2003.  “Characteristics of Innovation in a Non-Metropolitan Area: the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia”, in Conçeicao, P., Gibson, D.V., Heitor, M. and Stolp, C. (Eds)  Systems and Policies for the Globalized Learning Economy, ed., Westport: Greenwood.

with Wolfe, D.A. 2002. (Eds), Knowledge, Clusters and Regional Innovation: Economic Development in Canada, Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

with Wolfe, D.A., 2002. “Introduction: Knowledge, Clusters and Regional Innovation: Economic Development in Canada,” in Holbrook, J. Adam, and Wolfe, D.A. (Eds), Knowledge, Clusters and Regional Innovation: Economic Development in Canada, Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp.1-10.

with Wolfe, David A. 2001. (Eds), Innovation, Institutions and Territory, Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Holmes, J.

with Rutherford, T. 2008. “Engineering Networks: University-Industry Networks in Southern Ontario Automotive Industry Clusters,” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society.

with Rutherford, T. 2007. “’We Simply Have to Do that Stuff for Our Survival’: Labour, Firm Innovation and Cluster Governance in the Canadian Automotive Industry” Antipode.

with Rutherford, T. 2007. “Entrepreneurship, Knowledge and Learning in the Formation and Evolution of Industrial Clusters: The Case of Windsor, Ontario Machine Tool and Mould Cluster,” International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 7(2-5).

with Rutherford, T., and Fitzgibbon, S. 2005. “Innovation in the Automotive Tool, Die, and Mould Industry: A Case Study of the Windsor-Essex Region,” in Wolfe, D and Lucas, M. (Eds), Global Networks and Local Linkages: The Paradox of Cluster Development in an Open Economy, Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 119-154.

2004. “Re-scaling Collective Bargaining: Union Responses to Restructuring in the North American Auto Industry,” Geoforum 35(1): 9-21

with Fitzgibbon S., Rutherford T., and Kumer, P., 2003. "Shifting Gears: Restructuring and Innovation in the Ontario Automotive Parts Industry", in Wolfe, D. and Lucas, M. (Eds.) Clusters in A Cold Climate: Innovation Dynamics in a Diverse Economy, Kingston: Mc-Gill-Queen's University Press, pp. 11-42.


Johnstone, H.

with Haddow, R. 2003. “Industrial Decline and High Technology Renewal in Cape Breton: Exploring the Limits of the Possible,” in Wolfe, D.A. (ed.), Clusters Old and New: The Transition to a Knowledge Economy in Canada’s Regions, Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 187-212.

2001. "Equity Gaps in Depleted Communities: An Entrepreneurial Response," in During, W., Oakey, R. and Kauser, S. (Eds.) New Technology Based Firms in the New Millennium. Elsevier.



with Amara, N., Lamari, M. and Ouimet, M. 2007. “Coordination of interactions in innovative Environments,” International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 7(2-5): 62-91

with Ouiment, M. and Amara, N. 2007. “Network positions and efforts to innovate in a small Canadian optics and photonics clusters,” International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 7(2-5): 139-159.

with Amara, N., 2005 “Sources of Information as Determinants of Novelty of Innovation in Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from the 1999 Statistics Canada Innovation Survey,” Technovation 25(3): 171-306.

with Amara, N. and Ouimet, M., 2005. “Milieux innovateurs: Determinants and Policy Implications,” European Planning Studies 13(6): 939-967.

with Amara, N. and Lamari, M., 2004.  “Capital Social, Innovation, Territoires et Politiques Publiques,” Revue Canadienne des Sciences Régionales 26(1) : 87-120.

with Keroack, M., Ouimet, M. 2004, “Networking and Innovation in the Quebec Optics/Photonics Cluster” in Wolfe, D. and Lucas, M. (Eds.).  Clusters in a Cold Climate: Innovation Dynamics in a Diverse Economy. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 113-137.

with Amara, N. 2003.  “Effects of Sources of Information on Novelty of Innovation in Canadian Manufacturing Firms”, in F. Gault (Ed.) Understanding Innovation in Canadian Industry. Montréal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 67-110.

with Amara, N., and Lamari, M. 2002, “Does Social Capital Determine Innovation? To What Extent?” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 69: 681-701.

with Amara, N., and Lamari, M. 2001.  “Capital Social, Innovation et Politiques Publiques,” Isuma, Canadian Journal of Public Policy/Revue Canadienne de Politiques Publiques 2 (1): 63-71.


Langford, C.

with Langford, M.W. 2005. “Strategic University Research: from Enabling Technologies to Problem Areas,” Optimum Online, Journal of Public Sector Management 35(3).

with Wood, J. 2005. “The Evolution and Structure of the Vancouver Wireless Cluster: Growth and Loss of Core Firms,” in Wolfe, D. and Lucas, M. (Eds), Global Networks and Local Linkages: the Paradox of Cluster Development in an Open Economy. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 207-227.

with Wood, J. and Ross, T. 2003. “The Origins and Structure of the Calgary Wireless Cluster”, ed. D.A. Wolfe, Clusters Old and New: The Transition to a Knowledge Economy in Canada’s Regions. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 161-185.

2002. "Measuring the Impact of University Research on Innovation," in Holbrook, J.A. and Wolfe  D. (Eds), Knowledge, Clusters and Regional Innovation: Economic Development in Canada, Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 113-132.

with Tyree, A., and Peace, J. 2002. "Measuring the Networking Support to Innovative Young Firms," in Chrisman, J.M. and Holbrook, J.A. (Eds), Entrepreneurship and Family Business in Western Canada. Calgary: University of Calgary Press.


Mytelka, L

with Goertzen, H. 2007. “Vision, Innovation and Identity: The Transformation of a Wine Cluster in the Niagara Peninsula” in Rama, R. (Ed.) Handbook of Innovation in the Food and Drink Industry. New York: Haworth Press.

with Goertzen, H. 2004.  ”Learning, Innovation and Cluster Growth: A Study of Two Inherited Organizations in the Niagara Peninsula Wine Cluster,” in Wolfe. D. and Lucas, M. (Eds.) Clusters in a Cold Climate. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 43-72.

with Farinelli, F. 2003.  “From Local Clusters to Innovation Systems,” in Casssiolato, Lastres and Maciel (Eds), Systems of Innovation and Development: Evidence from Brazil. London: Edward Elgar Publishers, pp. 249-272.


Niosi, J.

with Banik, M. 2005 “The Evolution and Performance of Biotechnology Regional Systems of Innovation,” Cambridge Journal of Economics 29(3): 343-357.

with Zhegu, M. 2005. “Aerospace Cluster: Local or Global Knowledge Spillovers?” Industry and Innovation 12(1): 5-29.

with Bas, T.G.  2004. "Canadian Biotechnology Policy: Designing Incentives for a New Technology", Environment and Planning C 22 (2): 233-248.

2003. “Alliances are Not Enough. Explaining Rapid Growth in Biotechnology Firms,” Research Policy. 32 (5): 737-750.

with Bas, T.G. 2003. "Biotechnology Megacentres: Montreal and Toronto Regional Systems of Innovation", European Planning Studies 11 (7) : 789-804.

2002. “Regional Systems of Innovation: Market Pull and Government Push,” in Holbrook, J. A. and Wolfe, D.A. (Eds), Knowledge, Clusters and Regional Innovation: Economic Development in Canada. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 39-58.

with Cloutier, L. M., and Lejeune, A. 2002. Biotechnologie et Industrie au Québec. Montreal, Les Editions Transcontinental.

with Bas, T. G. 2001. “The Competencies of Regions. Canada’s Clusters in Biotechnology,” Small Business Economics 17: 31-42.


Padmore, T.

with Hickton, C. 2005. “The Okanagan Winemaking Cluster,” in Wolfe, D and Lucas, M. (Eds) Global Networks and Local Linkages: the Paradox of Cluster Development in an Open Economy. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Phillips, P.

with Gaisford, J., W. Kerr, and C.D. Ryan. 2008.  “High-tech clustering in Canada.” In Industrial Economics and Industrial Performance in Canada; Theme IV: Canadian Firms Investing in Innovation, Ottawa: Industry Canada. 

with Ryan, C.D., Karwandy, J., Graham, J.L., and Williams, T. 2008. “The Saskatoon agricultural biotechnology cluster,” in C. Karlsson ed., Handbook of Research on Clusters: Theories, Policies and Case Studies, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

with Ryan, C. 2007. “The role of clusters in driving innovation.” in Krattinger, A., Mahoney, R. Nelsen, L, Thomson, J., Satyanarayana, K., Bennett, A, and Fernandez, C. (eds) The Handbook of best practices for management of intellectual property in health and agriculture, MIHR, pp. 281-294.

with Ryan,C. 2007. “Building Clusters: Exploring Public Policy Options for Supporting Regional Innovation.” in Mahoney, R. Krattinger, A., Nelsen, L, Thomson, J., Satyanarayana, K., Bennett, A, and Fernandez, C. (eds) The Handbook of best practices for management of intellectual property in health and agriculture, MIHR, pp 317-333.

with Coenen, L., J. Moodysson, C. Ryan, and B. Asheim. 2006. “Knowledge bases and spatial patterns of collaboration: comparing the pharma and agro-food bioregions Scania and Saskatoon,” Industry and Innovation 13(4): 393-414.

with Ryan, C., Karwandy, J., Procyshyn, T.L., Parchewski, J.L.. 2005. “Quantitative Analysis of Saskatoon’s Agricultural Biotechnology Cluster: From Theory to Practice,” in Wolfe, D. and Lucas, M. (Eds), Global Networks and Local Linkages: the Paradox of Cluster Development in an Open Economy. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 57-83.

with Smyth, S. 2004. “Managing the Value of New-Trait Varieties in the Canola Supply Chain in Canada,” Supply Chain Management 9(4): 313-322.

with Ryan, C. 2004. "Knowledge Management in Advanced Technology Industries: An Examination of International Agricultural Biotechnology Clusters."  Environment and Planning C 22(2):  217 – 232.

with Ryan, C. 2003. "Intellectual Property Management in Clusters: A Framework for Analysis," in D. Wolfe (ed.), Clusters Old and New: The Transition to a Knowledge Economy in Canada's Regions. Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 95-120.

2002. "Regional Systems of Innovation as a Modern R&D Entrepot: The Case of the Saskatoon Biotechnology Cluster," in Chrisman, J.M. and Holbrook, J.A. (Eds.) Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Family Business in Western Canada. Calgary: University of Calgary Press.

2002. “Biotechnology in the Global Agri-Food System.” Trends in Biotechnology 20(9): 376-381


Robinson, D.

2005. “Sudbury’s Mining Supply and Service Industry: From a Cluster “in Itself” to a Cluster “for itself””, in Wolfe, D and Lucas, M. (Eds) Global Networks and Local Linkages: the Paradox of Cluster Development in an Open Economy. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 155-177.

2005. "Final Report of the Sudbury Mining Supply and Service Cluster Project" FedNor, Sudbury.


Rosson, P.

with McLarney, C. 2007. “Industry Clusters in Peripheral Regions: A Biotechnology Case Study,” in MacGregor, R and Hodgkinson, A. (Eds.) Small Business Clustering Technologies: Applications in Marketing, Management, IT and Economics. Wollongong, Australia: Information Science Publishing.

with McLarney, C. 2004. “Biotechnology Companies and Clustering in Nova Scotia,” in Wolfe, D. and Lucas, M. (Eds.), Clusters in a Cold Climate: Innovation Dynamics in a Diverse Economy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 73–94.


Schuetze, H.G.

2003. "Knowledge Management in Small Firms: Theoretical Perspectives and Evidence," in de la Mothe, J. Foray, D. (Eds.) Knowledge Management in the Innovation Process. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 97-122.

2002. “Regional (Dis-)Advantage: Wood Manufacturing in Four Regions,” in Holbrook, J. Adam, and Wolfe, D.A. (Eds), Knowledge, Clusters and Regional Innovation: Economic Development in Canada. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 187-218.


Smith, R.

2005. “A Model for the Study of Clustering: A Case Study from New Media Firms in Vancouver,” in Morel-Guimaraes, L. (Ed.), Key Success Factors for Innovation and Sustainable Development. Oxford: Elsevier.

with Lorimer, R. 2004.  “Mass Media and Technology,” in Tepperman, L. and Curtis, J. (Eds.), Sociology: A Canadian Perspective. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

with McCarthy, J., and Petrusevich, M. 2004. “Cluster or Whirlwind? The New Media Industry in Vancouver,” in Wolfe, D. and Lucas, M. (Eds.), Clusters in a Cold Climate: Innovation Dynamics in a Diverse Economy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 195-221.

2002. “Techmaps: A Tool for Understanding Social Capital for Technological Innovation at a Regional Level,” in Chrisman, J.M. and Holbrook, J.A. (Eds.) Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Family Business in Western Canada. Calgary: University of Calgary Press.


Tremblay, D.-G.

with Fontan, J.–M,  and Klein, J.L. 2005. Innovation Sociale et Reconversion Economique : Le Cas de Montreal, Montreal : Editions L’Harmattan.

with Klein, J.L., Manzagol, C., et Rousseau, S., 2005.  « Les Interrelations Universite-Industrie a Montreal dans la Reconversion a L’economie du Savoir, » dans Guillaume, R. Globalisation, Systèmes productifs et dynamiques territoriales. Paris : éditions l'Harmattan, collection Géographies en Liberté.

with Rousseau, S. 2005. « The Montreal Multimedia Sector : A Cluster, a New Mode of Governance or a Simple Co-Location ? » Canadian Journal of Regional Science/ Revue Canadienne des Sciences Regionales  XXVII(2) : 299-328.

with Rousseau, S. 2005. “Le Secteur du Multimédia à Montréal peut-il être Considéré Comme un Milieu Innovateur?”, Geographie, Economie et Societe 7(1) : 37-56.

with Fontan, J.–M,  and Klein, J.L. 2004. “Collective Action in Local Development : The Case of Angus Technopole in Montreal,” Canadian Journal of Urban Research 13(2): 317-336.

with Klein, J.L. et Fontan, J.M., 2004. “Mundializacion, Accion Colectiva e Iniciativa Local en la Reconversionb de Montreal,” Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbanos y regionales XXIX(86): 59-75.

with Fontan, J.–M,  and Klein, J.L, 2004.  “Innovation et Société : Pour Elargir L’analyse des Effets Territoriaux de L’innovation,” Géographie, Economie et Société 6(2): 115-128.

with Chevrier, C., and Rousseau, S. 2004.  “The Montreal Multimedia Sector: District, Cluster or localized System of Production,” in Wolfe, D. and Lucas, M. (Eds.), Clusters in a Cold Climate: Innovation Dynamics in a Diverse Economy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 165-194.

2003. lles Carrières Nomades et Défis du Marché du Travail : Une Etude dans le Secteur du Multimedia,” Revue de Carriérologie 9(1-2): 255-280.

with Klein, J. L. et Fontan, J.M. 2003. “Systèmes Locaux et Réseaux Productifs dans la Reconversion Economique: Le Cas de Montréal.” Géographie, Economie et Sociéte 5(1).

with  Klein, J.-L., Fontan, J.-M., et Rousseau, S. 2003. “Proximité Territoriale et Innovation : Une Enquête sur la Région de Montréal,” Revue d’économie régionale et urbaine 5: 835-852.

with Fontan, J. M., Klein, J.L. et Bordeleau, D. 2002. “The Development of the Relational Firm: the Case of the Multimedia City in Montréal,” in Holbrook, J.A. and Wolfe, D. (Eds.) Knowledge, Clusters and Regional Innovation: Economic Development in Canada.  Montréal: McGill Queens University Press, pp. 161-185.

1998. “Districts Industriels, Systèmes Industriels Localisés et Réseaux Territorialisés; Le Rôle des Imbrications Locales dans le Développement Economique,” in Proulx, M.U. (Ed.) Territoires et Développement Local. Paris: L’Harmattan, pp. 179-212.


Warrian, P.

with Mulhern, C. 2009. “From Metal Bashing to Materials Science and Services: Advanced Manufacturing and Mining Clusters in Transition,” European Planning Studies 17(2) February.

with Mulhern, C. 2005. “Knowledge and Innovation in the Interface between the Steel and Auto Industries: The Dofasco Case,” Regional Studies 39(2): 161-170.

2004. "Measuring Up in Steel: Performance Measurement and Innovation Policy in the Canadian Steel Industry", International Review of Administrative Science 70(March).

2002. "Steel Industry Bargaining: Past Experiences and Future Perspectives," Industrial Relations Research Association, Research Volume. Ithaca: ILR Press.

with Mulhern, C. 2003. "Learning in Steel: Agents and Deficits" in D. Wolfe (ed.), Clusters Old and New: The Transition to a Knowledge Economy in Canada's Regions. Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 37-62.


Wolfe, D.A.

2009. “Universities and the Powering of Clusters,” in G. Bruce Doern and Christopher Stoney, eds, Universities and the Powering of Knowledge: Policy, Regulation and Innovation, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press)

2009. “Introduction: Embedded Clusters in a Global Economy,” European Planning Studies, 17(2: February). [Special Issue on Clusters in Canada]

with Lucas, M. and Sands, 2009. “Regional Clusters in a Global Industry: ICT Clusters in Canada,” European Planning Studies 17(2: February).

with Nelles, J. 2008. “The Role of Local Institutions and Local Actors in Cluster Policies,” in Handbook of Research on Clusters: Theories, Policies and Case Studies (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2008), pp. 374-392.

with Bramwell, A. 2008. “Universities and Regional Economic Development: The Entrepreneurial University of Waterloo,” Research Policy 37(8: September): 1175-1187.

with Bramwell, A., and Nelles, J. 2008. “Knowledge, Innovation and Institutions: Global and Local Dimensions of the ICT Cluster in Waterloo,” Regional Studies 42(1: February): 101-116.

with Gertler M. 2006. “Local Antecedents and Trigger Events: Policy Implications of Path Dependency for Cluster Formation,” in Feldman, M. and Braunerheim, P. (Eds.) Cluster Genesis: The Emergence of Technology Clusters. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

with Bramwell, A. 2006. “Universities and Regional Economic Development: The Entrepreneurial University of Waterloo,” Research Policy (submitted).

with Bramwell, A., and Nelles, J. 2006. “Knowledge, Innovation and Institutions: Global and Local Dimensions of the ICT Cluster in Waterloo,” Regional Studies (forthcoming).

with Davis, C.H., and Lucas, M. 2005. “Global Networks and Local Linkages: An Introduction,” in Wolfe, D and Lucas, M. (Eds) Global Networks and Local Linkages: the Paradox of Cluster Development in an Open Economy. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 1-25.

with Nelles, J., and Bramwell, A. 2005. “History, Culture and Path Dependency: Origins of the Waterloo ICT Cluster,” in Wolfe, D and Lucas, M. (Eds) Global Networks and Local Linkages: the Paradox of Cluster Development in an Open Economy. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 227-253.

with Holbrook, J.A. 2005. “The Innovation System Research Network: A Canadian Experiment in Knowledge Management,” Science and Public Policy 2(1): 109-118.

2005. “The Role of Higher Education in Regional Innovation and Cluster Development,” in Jones, G., McCarney, P and Skolnick, M. (Eds.) Creating Knowledge, Strengthening Nations: The Changing Role of Higher Education. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

with Lucas, M. 2004. Clusters in a Cold Climate, Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

with Lucas, M. 2004. “Introduction: Clusters in a Cold Climate,” in Wolfe, D. A., and Lucas M. (Eds.) Clusters in a Cold Climate. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 1-10.

with Gertler, M. 2004. “Clusters from the Inside and Out: Insights from the Canadian Study of Cluster Development”, Urban Studies 41(5/6)” 1071-93.

2003. (Ed.) Clusters Old and New: The Transition to a Knowledge Economy in Canada’s Regions. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

with Gertler, M. 2003. “Clusters Old and New: Lessons from the ISRN Study of Cluster Development,” in Wolfe, D.A. (Ed.), Clusters Old and New: The Transition to a Knowledge Economy in Canada’s Regions. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 1-36.

with Holbrook, J. A. 2002. “Introduction,” in Holbrook, J.A. and Wolfe, D. (Eds.) Knowledge, Clusters and Regional Innovation: Economic Development in Canada.  Montréal: McGill Queens University Press, pp.1-8.

2002.  “Social Capital and Cluster Development in Learning Regions,” in Holbrook, J.A. and Wolfe, D. (Eds.) Knowledge, Clusters and Regional Innovation: Economic Development in Canada.  Montréal: McGill Queens University Press, pp. 11- 38.

with Holbrook, J.A. 2000. Innovations, Institutions and Territory. Montréal: McGill Queens University Press.