1. Bathe using mild soap such as Cetaphil cleanser, white Dove, Lever 2000, Basis, Oil of Olay), pat dry lightly, and then immeadiately apply creams.

2. Use moisturizing cream after bath or shower and at least two other times daily. In warm months consider Moisturel, Lubriderm, Cetaphil, or Eucerin lotion. In cool months or in an air conditioned or ventilated home consider petroleum jelly, Crisco shortening, Vanicream, Cetaphil, or Eucerin cream or Aquaphor). If rash is present, increase the use of the moisturizers and always apply these on top of other prescription creams or ointments.

3. Use Dreft or Cheer-free detergent and double rinse clothing. If itching:
a. Take oral antihistamines, like Benadryl (diphenhydramine) or Atarax (hydroxyzine) as directed by the doctor. Remember these can cause fatigue and should be used cautiously during daytime hours. Often 1/2 the dose in the morning and late afternoon and full dose before bedtime will be sufficient to decrease itching without causing fatigue. Decrease the frequency of medication when the itching improve

(Medication)...........(Strength).................(Dose) ................... (Frequency)

b. Consider increasing moisturization and starting use of topical medications listed below.
If rash:
Consider increasing moisturization and starting use of topical medications listed belowonly as directed by your physician. Remember that the use of topical medications can cause thinning of the skin if used unnecessarily for a length of time.
Only apply a small thin layer to the designated areas and avoid applying them to normal skin. Decrease the frequency of the medications and stop them as the rash and/or itching improves.

(Medication).................(Vehicle).................(Location.................(Frequency) ___________________________________________________________________________



If the rash is more severe add the following:
(Medication).................(Vehicle).................(Location).................(Frequency) ___________________________________________________________________________



If infection/oozing lesions:
a. Until lesions have crusted over, soak twice daily either with a tap-water soaked towel/gauze or in a bath tub for ten minutes. Then allow the moist areas to fully air dry. You may want to help this process by using a blow dryer at a low cool setting to these areas. Then apply the topical creams and moisturizers.
b. Your doctor may have prescribed either topical antibiotics or oral antibiotics as listed below:

(Medication).................(Strength).................(Dose).................(Frequency) ___________________________________________________________________________


Call the doctor:
- before you run out of your medications and creams
- if you have any problems or questions
- you are not improving with the above treatment
- crusting or other signs of infection (red streaks, swelling, fever, chills)
*The office may be reached at __________________ from 8 am - 4:30 pm weekdays.
*After hours for emergencies call ___________________________.
*Call your local physician or go to the Emergency Room if there is an urgent problem and our physician does not respond to a page within several minutes.
PATIENT NAME:_________________________DATE OF BIRTH:____________________

TODAY'S DATE:___________________