MMR and Autism

by Dr. Moshe Ipp

Is there an association between MMR vaccination and autism?

There is no justification for the MMR concerns alluded to in the question. In the June 12, 1999 issue of the Lancet, Taylor et al. reported a study which identified children with autism born since 1979 in North Thames, UK and linked them to immunization data. They looked for evidence of a change in incidence or age at diagnosis of autism associated with the introduction of MMR vaccination in the UK in 1988. No differences in age at diagnosis between cases vaccinated before or after 18 months of age and those never vaccinated. This analysis does not support an association between MMR and autism. There have always been and will always be vaccination bashers in our society and there is no vaccine in use today that has not had disclaimers. The proof and truth of the matter is that there has been no single public health measure in the history of medicine that has been more effective in preventing disease than vaccination.

Reference: Taylor B. et al. Lancet 353:2026-2029, June 12, 1999.

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