UTORexchange Stats

UTORexchange Accounts This is a plot of the number of UTORexchange accounts as identified in the UTORauth database. (There are some accounts in UTORexchange which are not identified with UTORids and so are not counted here.)

UTORexchange Migrations from UTORmail This plot shows the number of migrations from UTORmail to UTORexchange per day.

UTORexchange Disk Usage This plot shows the total disk usage of UTORexchange in GB.

UTORexchange Deliveries This plot shows the number of messages handled by the UTORexchange postoffice per day.

"Incoming" is the number of messages coming into UTORexchange from outside, including the rest of UTORmail.

"Internal" is the number of messages within UTORexchange

"Outgoing" is the number of messages going out of UTORexchange

Devices accessing UTORexchange in the last 30 days This plot shows the number of devices accessing UTORexchange in the last 30 days. The counts of Android devices may be low. The raw data from UTORexchange lists the OS name, and the list of Android OSes may be incomplete.

Devices accessing UTORexchange in the last 90 days This plot shows the number of devices accessing UTORexchange in the last 90 days. The counts of Android devices may be low. The raw data from UTORexchange lists the OS name, and the list of Android OSes may be incomplete.

Created and maintained by Peter Ip, Network Services Group. E-mail: peter.ip@utoronto.ca

Copyright © 2009 University of Toronto