Hi! Welcome to my collection of web tricks. I hope to keep adding
more so check back every once in a while.

Below are just a few examples of some common tricks used by web
developers to breath life into their web pages. View the source to this
page to see how things are done. And most of all - have fun! ....

Oops! what is this!?! (hint: it is a TOP SECRET JavaScript popup window)

This is a very basic example of JavaScript image swapping. Watch what happens on the right as you move your mouse cursor over the list of dots.

Blue Dot

Green Dot

Red Dot

This is a very basic example of a JavaScript mouseover with animation. Two images, one static and one animated are used. Watch what happens on the right as you move your mouse cursor over the smiley face. The smiley is a freeware icon found on the Internet.

This is a very basic example of an animated image. Three images rotate in a 10 cycle loop before stopping. I really dislike things that move constantly on a page - kinda like fingernails on a chalkboard for me - so I've also turned this into a mouseover. Watch the rotation as you move your mouse cursor over the flower. The animated gif was created using Macintosh freeware: GifBuilder 0.3.1 by Yves Piquet. The art is borrowed from the J. Donat painting "Celebration".

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