This page is for departmental Oracle Calendar Co-ordinators who are interested in using the Synthesis SyncML client for the Palm Treo 650. SyncML is software that runs on the Palm Treo 650 which enables wireless access to the UTORschedule Oracle Calendar. Using SyncML, calendars, task lists, notes, and contacts can be managed through the Palm interface.
UTORschedule customers can view and accept or decline meeting invitations, but not invite others to meetings from their Palm.
The SyncML software may be of interest to departments already using the Palm Treo 650.
UTORmail access information via the Palm Treo 650 is available through the VersaMail email client, which is included with your Palm.
Configuration instructions for VersaMail are here
An alternate email client, with more features but at a nominal cost is ChatterEmail.
Configuration instructions for ChatterEmail are available here
We also ask that you only use versions of SyncML software, that CNS has already tried and verified against the UTORschedule Oracle Calendar server; we have had problems in the past when people used versions of software that were incompatible with our server, causing outages and problems for everyone else using the UTORschedule service. Please only use the version of
the SyncML, available below, which CNS has verified against the
UTORschedule Oracle software.
The installation process for SyncML, is relatively intuitive and straightforward.
To prevent SyncML from causing problems at the UTORmail post office or UTORschedule calendar server, the default configuration options should be followed.
SyncML Client Installation Documentation
SyncML installation instructions with the Palm Treo 650
SyncML Client Licence Download
Click Here to Download the SyncML v client for the Palm OS
Last update: Date: 2007/12/18 10:04 am
Copyright © 2006 University of Toronto