Massey Beveridge, BA, MPhil, MD, DTM&H, FRCSC
Director, Office of International Surgery
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto

Dr. Massey Beveridge trained initially as an anthropologist at McGill and Cambridge, he went to medical school at Queen’s (1990), interned in Toronto and completed his general surgery in Ottawa (1996). He also holds fellowships in Burns and Trauma (Toronto) and the Diploma of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine(DTM&H).

He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada and of the College of Surgeons of East Central and Southern Africa. He completed his anthropology field work in Papua New Guinea in 1985 and has worked in a medical capacity in a variety of countries including Cambodia, China, Fiji, Vanuatu, Thailand, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and St. Lucia. He served as a war surgeon with the International Committee of the Red Cross in Kenya and Afghanistan. In 2000 he founded the Office of International Surgery at the University of Toronto to advance surgical education and research for development. He serves as chair of the Canadian Association of General Surgeons - Committee for International Surgery.

The Office of International Surgery organizes the Annual Bethune Round Table on International Surgery, which brings surgeons from across Canada and around the world to discuss the issues of surgical advancement in developing countries. He is an investigator for the Ptolemy Project, which provides surgeons in east Africa with free full text access to the medical journals and texts held at the University of Toronto libraries. Dr. Beveridge spends a month each year teaching burn reconstruction at the Children’s Surgical Centre in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, of which he is a Director. Current projects include developing a children’s burn centre, burn prevention activity including a new series of public service announcements for Cambodian television, a series of children’s books focused on burn safety, a school-based burn prevention and first aid project in Kampot province and an acid burn survivor’s support group at CSC.

Dr. Beveridge’s passion is to find new ways to bring an acceptable standard of surgical care to all the people in developing countries that lack access to it now. His research interests include burns, trauma, injury and surgical education in developing countries with a particular focus in Cambodia and east Africa. His recent publications can be found here.

Dr. Massey Beveridge
Office of International Surgery



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