Ontario's Regional Economic Development and Innovation NewsletterIssue #141
December 15, 2006
Studies & Publications: Announcements | Editor's Pick | Innovation Policy |Cities
and Regions Policy
Digest | Events
This newsletter is published by ONRIS at the Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, and sponsored by the Ministry of Research and Innovation. The views and ideas expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Ontario Government. ANNOUNCEMENTS [Table of Contents] $33.3 Million CFI Funding Boosts UW Researchers Researchers from the University of Waterloo have received $25.6 million for infrastructure and $7.7 million for equipment operations and maintenance from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). The news has been praised as a success by the university, with 25 per cent of its applications and 61 per cent of its funding dollars being approved — well above the national average for all universities. The CFI handed out a total of $422 million for 86 programs developing new state-of-the-art technologies. The three UW projects winning approval are "From Nano Structures to Quantum Information Processing: A Technology Incubator for the 21st Century," “Submillimetre Instruments for Astronomy: Building on the SCUBA-2 Experience,” and the Centre for Intelligent Antenna and Radio Systems. The Nano Structures project will outfit the upcoming quantum-nano building to be built at UW with research laboratories designed to develop practical quantum devices such as first-generation sensors and nano-electro-mechanical systems. NGA Announces Innovation America Task Force The National Governors Association (NGA) recently announced a 17-member task force to guide the Innovation America initiative. The announcement came as governors gathered in Phoenix, Ariz. to launch the effort. The task force, led by NGA Chair Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano and NGA Vice Chair Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, brings together a bipartisan group of governors and members of the academic and business communities to oversee efforts to strengthen the competitive position of the United States in the global economy by improving the nation's capacity to innovate. Canada's New Government Renews Partnerships with Quebec's CFDCs, BDCs and CFDC Network The Honourable Jean-Pierre Blackburn, Minister of Labour and Minister of Canada Economic Development, recently announced that the Government of Canada's partnership agreement with Quebec's 57 Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs), 10 Business Development Centres (BDCs), and CFDC network, has been renewed for the next four years. This agreement, accompanied by a budget allowance of just over $112 million, will enable these local development agencies to continue delivering economic leadership, co-ordination, consulting and financing services to communities and enterprises in the province's rural and peri-urban areas. This agreement covers the four-year period between July 1, 2006, and March 31, 2010.
Are Elite Universities Losing their Competitive Edge? E. Han Kim, Adair Morse, Luigi Zingales, NBER This paper studies the location-specific component in research productivity of economics and finance faculty who have ever been affiliated with the top 25 universities in the last three decades. It finds that there was a positive effect of being affiliated with an elite university in the 1970s; this effect weakened in the 1980s and disappeared in the 1990s. The authors decompose this university fixed effect and find that its decline is due to the reduced importance of physical access to productive research colleagues. They also find that salaries increased the most where the estimated externality dropped the most, consistent with the hypothesis that the de-localization of this externality makes it more difficult for universities to appropriate any rent. These results shed some light on the potential effects of the Internet revolution on knowledge-based industries.
INNOVATION & RELATED POLICY [Table of Contents] Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation As part of its mandate, the Ministry of Research
and Innovation has developed a strategic plan to position Ontario
as an innovation leader. This document marks a commitment to make
sure researchers, entrepreneurs and visionaries have the tools they
need to transform creative ideas into the products and services that
create jobs for Ontarians and help build a stronger society.The purpose
of this plan is to trigger discussion among all of the Ministry's
partners — businesses, academic institutions and government
ministries.The strategic plan highlights, and proposes action on,
five key innovation goals for the province. These include fostering
an innovation culture and providing an attractive policy environment;
improving Ontario's R&D presence as well as the transition from
lab to marketplace; increasing private sector investment in innovation;
improve the quality and diversity of the workforce through training
and support; and improve the coordination of innovation policies to
ensure maximum impact. A Matter of Size: Triennial Review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative Committee to Review the National Nanotechnology Initiative, National Research Council Considerable evidence, presented in this report,
indicates that the NNI is successfully coordinating nanoscale R&D
efforts and interests across the federal government; catalyzing cooperative
research and technology development across a spectrum Community Framework for State Aid for Research and Development and Innovation European Commission The European Commission has adopted a new Framework
to clarify to Member States how best they can give state aid to not
only research and development but also innovation projects, without
infringing EC Treaty state aid rules. This new Research, Development
and Innovation (R&D&I) Framework will help Member States wishing
to use state aid as a complementary instrument to boost Research,
Development and Innovation. The Framework sets out a series of guidelines
for specific types of state aid measures – such as aid for R&D
projects, aid to young innovative enterprises and aid to innovation
clusters – that could encourage additional R&D&I investments
by private firms, thus stimulating growth and employment and improving
Europe’s competitiveness. The new Framework is due to apply
from 1st January 2007. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2006 OECD This report offers a comprehensive review of key trends in science, technology and innovation policy, and an examination of recent policy developments in OECD countries. In addition to examining main trends across the OECD, the report delves into specific topics that are high on the agenda of innovation policy makers, including the role of intellectual property rights and technology licensing markets in innovation performance, policies to enhance benefits of the globalisation of business R&D, human resources for science and technology, and the evaluation of innovation policy. Raffaello Bronzini and Paolo Piselli
CITIES, CLUSTERS & REGIONS [Table ofContents] Regional Development and Knowledge Charlie Karlsson and Börje Johansson, CESIS This paper focuses on the concept of knowledge and examines models depicting and explaining the role of knowledge in regional development and provides an assessment of empirical studies of how knowledge affects growth and development in functional regions. This paper analyzes those factors that make knowledge spatially sticky and knowledge-production capacity trapped. The paper extends the analysis of knowledge creation to include aspects of creativity. Since location advantages and especially the knowledge-based advantages have the feature of moving in slowly path-dependent processes, regional policy needs to focus on structural adjustments of tangible and non-tangible infrastructure to succeed. The Importance of Clusters for Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Sourcing Lisa de Propris and Nigel Driffield, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) This paper examines the link between cluster development
and inward foreign direct investment. The conventional policy approach
has been to assume that inward foreign direct investment (FDI) can
stimulate significant clustering activity, thus generating significant
spillovers. This paper, however, questions this and shows that, while
clusters can generate significant productivity spillovers from FDI,
this only occurs in pre-existing clusters. Further, the paper demonstrates
that foreign-owned firms that enter clusters also appropriate spillovers
when domestic firms undertake investment, raising the possibility
that clusters are important locations for so called technology, or
knowledge sourcing activities by MNEs. STATISTICS & INDICATORS [Table ofContents] 2006 R&D Scoreboard: Top UK and Global Companies by R&D Investment DTI The 2006 R&D Scoreboard contains extensive
data on the top 1250 global R&D investing companies and the top
800 from the UK. The Global 1250 is dominated by companies based in
a few major economies (82% of R&D is from companies based in the
USA, Japan, Germany, France and the UK), by large companies (61% of
the R&D is done by the top 100 companies) and by companies in
major R&D sectors (70% of R&D is in the top 5 sectors: technology
hardware, pharmaceuticals, automotive, electronics and software).
POLICY DIGEST [Table of Contents] OECD Territorial Review: Competitive Cities in the Global Economy OECD
The report studies the 78 largest metro-regions in the OECD, ranging from Tokyo with close to 35 million inhabitants to Auckland with about 1.5 million. The OECD average is just over 5 million. Of the 25 wealthiest cities, as measured by GDP per capita, 22 are in the United States and the others are London (in 13th place), Paris (18th) and Dublin (23rd).
Successful cities attract talented young highly-skilled workers, are centres of innovation and entrepreneurship and are competitive locations for global and regional headquarters. The proximity of universities to research and production facilities means cities are where new products are developed and commercialized. More than 80% of patents are filed in cities.
However, cities are not always synonymous with success. Cities can falter. Berlin, Fukuoka, Lille, Naples, and Pittsburgh perform below the national average for income, productivity, skills, and employment. And there is some evidence that mega-size cities – those more than 7 million people such as Seoul, Mexico City, Istanbul and Tokyo – have outgrown the economies of scale normally associated with cities.
This report argues that there is no ‘one size fits all’ policy for cities. But the report makes recommendations that can be tailored to meet specific needs. These cover a wide range of policy "dilemmas" identified in the report. The combination of economic advantages and difficulties posed by the rise of metro-regions present a number of strategic choices that confront policy-makers. Large cities have acquired growing economic and demographic importance, and function as the key loci of transnational flows on the international market. Yet, large cities are also associated with negative externalities, such as congestion, pollution, social segregation or high crime rates. These trends raise issues about the long-term sustainability of urban regions. The following "dilemmas" and proposals, address some of these key issues.
1. The Impact of Metro Areas This report examines some of the supposed effects of large urban agglomerations on society and the economy. For example, it finds that:
2. Policy Approaches This section examines the extent to which policy makers can contribute to a comprehensive strategic vision for their metro regions without playing a direct role in economic planning at the local level. The report finds that:
3. Environment and Sustainability What choices should policy makers be aware of? The report argues that:
4. Governance Should policies aim to create authority at the level of the functional urban region, or as close to citizens as possible? The report discovers that there are:
5. Intergovernmental Relations Strengthening the local level may lead to the potential for intergovernmental conflict. While this may be the case, it is clear that:
6. Funding Metro areas require significant infusions of money to encourage and maintain development. However, these can lead to inequalities. It is important that policy makers realize that:
Rethinking national urban strategies: The above analysis outlines some of the key issues that policy makers must consider in developing national urban strategies. What is clear, in this report, is the importance of metro regions to national prosperity, as well as the necessity for greater visibility for urban issues on the national and regional levels.
EVENTS [Table of Contents] DRUID-DIME Academy 2007 PhD Winter Conference on Geography, Innovation and Industrial Dynamics Aalborg, Denmark, 25-27 January, 2007 The conference is open for all PhD students working within the broad field of “industrial dynamics”. The conference is organized by the DRUID Academy for doctoral education and training in collaboration with the EU 6th Framework Network of Excellence DIME Consortium. The event will take place in Denmark on January 25-27, 2007. All doctoral students who wish to present a paper at the DRUID-DIME Academy Winter 2007 Conference must submit an extended abstract (minimum 1000 words; maximum 2000 words) before the deadline of November 6, 2006 through the conference website. Research Incentives: Maximizing Performance in the Knowledge Economy Ottawa, 7 March, 2007 As Canada continues to cope with the globalization of the knowledge
economy, Canadian firms are facing stiff competition from an increasing
number of players. They also have more opportunities for global sales,
marketing and distribution; and global collaboration, partnerships and
outsourcing. For Canada to remain competitive, we need a policy environment
that is attractive to entrepreneurs and firms in knowledge-based sectors.
What kinds of research and innovation incentives will effectively support
the growth of knowledge-based firms in Canada? There are clear choices,
including tax measures, the programmatic approach, grants (like the
US model), technology transfer from publicly-funded institutions, improving
the general business environment. What mix of incentives will the new
government in Ottawa choose? How will these choices affect existing
programs and policies? What role do different levels of governments
have to play and how can they coordinate and focus their efforts? How
are other countries using research and other incentives to grow their
knowledge-based sectors? This one-day event will explore these and other
issues related to research and innovation incentives. Business leaders
and other experts will elaborate how Canadian policy makers can utilize
incentives to support a vital and growing private sector capable of
winning globally. Lisbon, Portugal, 2-5 April, 2007 This event by the Regional Studies Association will take place in Lisbon. Many topics will be discussed such as: developments in regional economics and spatial analysis; tourism, regional development and sustainability; knowledge, competition and cohesion; creativity, innovation and cultural economy, and global challenges for manufacturing and services.
Toronto, 24-27 April, 2007 BioFinance 2007 is a gathering of some of the most
innovative minds in the lifescience industries featuring presentations
by senior management from more than 100 Canadian, US and European lifescience
companies. The range of participating firms includes large publicly
traded and major private companies as well as early-stage opportunities.
The companies will highlight their development plans for new medicines
and technologies in the fields of cancer, cardiology, medical devices,
neuroscience, immunology, genomics, diagnostics and new research tools.
BioFinance 2007 will feature a CEO Forum to address specific financing
and management issues relevant to Chief Executive Officers in life science
companies. It will also have specialty panels on topics including access
to public markets in the US and Europe, investing in medical technologies,
pharma-biopharma deals and early stage venture financing from private
and public sources Hydrogen Fuel & Fuel Cells 2007: International Conference and Trade Show Vancouver, 29 April - 2 May, 2007 Today's energy challenges have no boundaries. Energy security, climate change, and clean air concerns challenge communities around the world. International research, business and policy collaborations are ensuring that technologies, such as hydrogen and fuel cells, will provide a sustainable future for generations. This conference and trade show will highlight these global activities and developments. Canada, and particularly Vancouver, boasts unrivalled hydrogen and fuel cell expertise. Don't miss out on the chance to explore BC's Hydrogen Highway, experience the latest in hydrogen and fuel cell innovations and visit the most advanced hydrogen and fuel cell research facility... the National Research Council's cutting-edge Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation.
Miami Beach, Florida, 13-17 May, 2007 IAMOT 2007 will provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas and present results of ongoing research in the following tracks: Knowledge Management, Green Technologies, Social impact of technology development . MOT Education and Research / Corporate Universities . New Product/Service Development . National and Regional Systems of Innovation . Small and Medium Enterprises . Emerging Technologies . Technology Transfer, Marketing and Commercialization . Technology Foresight and Forecasting . Information and Communication Technology Management . The Integration of Technology and Business Strategies . R&D Management . Project and Program Management . Industrial and Manufacturing System Technologies / Supply Chain Management . New Forms of Organizations . Management of Technology in Developing Countries . Technological Alliances, Mergers and Acquisitions . Theory of Technology . Technology Incubation . Management of Technology for the Service Economy . Innovation/technological development and productivity Singapore, 16-18 May, 2007 Organized for the first time in Asia, Triple Helix VI 2007 will provide a global forum for academic scholars from different disciplinary perspectives as well as policy makers, university administrators and private sector leaders from different countries to exchange and share new learning about the diverse emerging models of the entrepreneurial university, the changing dynamics of University- Industry-Government interactions around the world and the complex roles of the university in local, regional and national economic development.
Toronto, 28 May - 1 June, 2007 Toronto’s Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) industry cluster will come together to celebrate being the largest
high-tech hub in Canada and the third largest in North America. During
this event a series of activities will be undertaken to showcase the
depth and breath of Toronto’s high technology sector. These will
include trade associations’ events such as seminars and business
networking functions, job fairs, collaboration demonstrations, an ICT
business open door program, school projects, educational seminars, special
exhibits showcasing innovation & excellence and other ICT sector-
related activities. An organizing committee formed by ICT industry stakeholders
Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy 2007 The landscape of global innovation is shifting, with new problems and actors emerging on the scene. National governments are looking for new strategies, and they are turning to the science, technology, and innovation (STI) policy research community for models and research results to tell them what works and what doesn’t, under what circumstances. The Atlanta Conference provides an opportunity for the global STI policy research and user communities to test models of innovation, explore emerging STI policy issues, and share research results.
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