Issue #228
February 15 , 2011
the OREDI Newsletter
& Comments
This newsletter is published by ONRIS at the Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, and sponsored by the Ministry of Research and Innovation. The views and ideas expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Ontario Government.
ANNOUNCEMENTS [Table of Contents]
Ontario Government Invests $2.9 Million to Support Innovative Projects
Ontario is strengthening its economy with a $2.9 million investment through the Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC) to support 19 innovative projects. The investment from the Entertainment and Creative Cluster Partnerships Fund (the Partnerships Fund) will leverage an additional $7.6 million from 108 partners. The Partnerships Fund is designed to stimulate growth in Ontario's dynamic and fast-growing entertainment and creative industries by promoting capacity building, marketing, innovation and skills development. The industries eligible for funding include: book and magazine publishing, film and television, music, interactive digital media and commercial theatre.
White House Seeks Input on Technology Strategy
Following last week's announcement of the Startup America initiative, the National Economic Council, the Council of Economic Advisors and the Office of Science and Technology Policy have released the details of its innovation strategy. The strategy emphasizes the private sector's essential role in building next-generation companies, with the government serving as an "innovation facilitator." It includes recommendations on how the federal government can invest in the necessary building blocks for research and entrepreneurship, promote market-based innovation and catalyze strategic industries. SSTI will examine these recommendations in greater detail in next week's federal budget issue. The Department of Commerce (DOC) has released a request for information (RFI) regarding the measures to achieve its innovation goals. The announcement includes ten questions to help guide the discussion. See the more extended discussion of the Administration's revised Strategy for Innovation, below.
White House Teams Up With Industry to Boost US Entrepreneurship
Following up on President Barack Obama's State of the Union pledge to focus on American innovation and competitiveness, the White House announced the Startup America initiative, a program to support and celebrate U.S. entrepreneurs. Recently, a panel of cabinet members, White House officials, executives and economic development leaders provided an outline of the public/private effort, which has already generated $400 million in private commitments. Startup America aims to expand a number of federal agency programs to provide capital and mentoring services to entrepreneurs, and to create a nationwide partnership that will leverage private sector partners to provide entrepreneurial support resources across the country. The initiative also will support the expansion of several existing TBED-related initiatives across the country.
EDITOR'S PICK [Table of Contents]
Competitiveness Poles and Public-Private Partnerships for Innovation
Technopolis Group
This report is a synthesis review of the objectives, nature, conditions of use and state-of-the-art of knowledge on impacts of traditional innovation policy instruments used in the context of regional innovation policies. This report is a contribution to the Joint OECD-European Union (EU) project “A New Innovation Strategy for Regions”.
Accelerating Advanced Manufacturing with New Research Centers
Howard Wial and Susan Helper, The Brookings Institution
Manufacturing remains a critical sector for the economic health of the nation as a whole and for the states. The sector accounts for the bulk of U.S. exports, is key to innovation, and provides many high-wage jobs for less educated workers. So reversing or at least stemming manufacturing job losses is essential to an economic recovery that leads to a sustained period of export-oriented, innovation-fuelled, opportunity-rich economic growth. This paper proposes the creation of advanced manufacturing centers that research technological problems that are important to a wide range of manufacturers and help businesses throughout the supply chain apply the results of their work.
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Canadian Intellectual Property Council
This new report concludes that Canada must improve and strengthen its Intellectual Property (IP) regime to close the gap with other leading industrialized countries to attract research and investment in the pharmaceutical sector. It recommends that Canada make improvements in three crucial areas to attract jobs and spark growth in life sciences. These include: levelling the playing field between innovative pharmaceutical companies and generics; providing internationally competitive protection for the data produced by innovators; and protecting their discoveries from regulatory and other delays in the approval process.
Workforce Skills and Innovation: An Overview of Major Themes in the Literature
Phillip Toner, OECD
This paper provides an account of the main approaches, debates and evidence in the literature on the role of workforce skills in the innovation process in developed economies. It draws on multiple sources including the innovation studies discipline, neoclassical Human Capital theory, institutionalist labour market studies and the work organization discipline. Extensive use is also made of official survey data to describe and quantify the diversity of skills and occupations involved in specific types of innovation activities.
CITIES, CLUSTERS & REGIONS [Table of Contents]
What is the City of the Future?
As the demand for urban space grows, the world is responding with new kinds of cities: smart cities, instant cities, and aerotropoli that are all but attached to airports. This edition of What Matters posts dispatches from around the world on these new urban forms. In it, Saskia Sassen reflects on intelligent cities, RIchard Dobbs and Jaana Remes discuss the limits on city growth, Greg Lindsay and John Kasarda investigate life in the aerotropolis, Jim Fortune explores vertical transportation in the 21st century, and Sean C. S. Chiao writes about planning China's mega cities.
Peter Aldhous,The New Scientist
With President Barack Obama urging America to respond to a new "Sputnik moment" by investing in innovation to create jobs, New Scientist decided to see which US cities are already pulling their weight in high-tech invention - and which ones need to play catch-up. This article includes a graphic where urban areas are rated on the number of patents awarded, compared to predictions from a scaling law that takes each city's size into account.
Inflection Point: Canadian Life Sciences Industry Forecast 2011
BIOTECanada and PricewaterhouseCoopers
This report reflects on past findings and respondent surveys to show current issues and trends. Focusing on the challenges and issues in the industry, the report explores what is hindering Canadian life sciences and what action must be taken. The report describes the Canadian life sciences industry as entering an “inflection point” where badly needed funds are hard to come by.
The EU is failing to close the innovation performance gap with its main international competitors: the US and Japan. Although the trends in most EU Member States are promising despite the economic crisis, progress is not fast enough. While the EU still maintains a clear lead over the emerging economies of India and Russia, Brazil is making steady progress, and China is catching up rapidly. Within the EU, Sweden is the most impressive performer followed by Denmark, Finland and Germany. The UK, Belgium, Austria, Ireland, Luxembourg, France, Cyprus, Slovenia and Estonia, in that order, form the next group. These are some of the main conclusions from the 2010 Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS) published today by the European Commission. This is the first edition under the Innovation Union initiative and replaces the former European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS). The Scoreboard feeds into the recently published Annual Growth Survey to help Member States identify strengths and weaknesses and to boost innovation performance through their Europe 2020 National Reform Programmes.
POLICY DIGEST [Table of Contents]
A Strategy for American Innovation: Securing Our Economic Growth and Prosperity
The White House
This document updates the Innovation Strategy issued in September 2009, detailing how the Administration, the American people, and American businesses can work together to strengthen long-run economic growth. It begins by explaining the essential role of innovation in America's past and future prosperity, the central importance of the private sector as the engine of innovation, and the role of government in supporting the innovation system. Building from this framework and the initiatives set forth in the first innovation strategy document, it charts the progress of the U.S. administration's initial efforts, discusses additional steps implemented in the past year, and introduces important new initiatives
New Initiatives
Ongoing Efforts and Goals
The strategy asserts that the US' future economic growth and international competitiveness depend on the capacity to innovate. The jobs and industries of the future can be created by doing what America does best – investing in the creativity and imagination of our people. To win the future, the US must out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world. It also must take responsibility for its deficit, by investing in what makes America stronger, cutting what doesn’t, and reforming how government operates so it focuses on promoting our economic growth and preparing for the challenges of a new century.
EVENTS [Table of Contents]
Workshop on the Organization, Economics and Policy of Scientific Research
Torino, Italy, 18-19 February, 2011
Following the success of the three previous workshops held in Torino under the auspices of LEI & BRICK (University of Torino – Collegio Carlo Alberto) with the support of the DIME network of excellence, we are organising a new workshop in collaboration with the COST Action on “Science and Technology Research in a Knowledge-based Economy - STRIKE”. The aim of the workshop is to bring together a small group of scholars interested in the analysis of the production and diffusion of scientific research from an economics, historical, organizational and policy perspective.
US Competitiveness: A New Conversation with New Opportunities
Washington, DC, 10 March, 2011
There is a growing sense of urgency for bipartisan action on restoring America's competitive edge with productivity. In that spirit, ITIF is hosting a half-day conference on how to boost productivity and competitiveness by advancing emerging growth sectors such as nanotechnology, biotechnology and mobile broadband. How can we find the right mix of private sector dynamism and government support to stay ahead of global competition and boost long-term prosperity? The event will include remarks by Qualcomm CEO Dr. Paul Jacobs and panel discussions with entrepreneurs, policy experts and public officials. Stay posted for more information on this event and the evolving conversation about innovation policy.
What Future for Cohesion Policy? An Academic and Policy Debate
Sava Hoteli Bled, Slovenia, 16-18 March, 2011
This conference, co-organized by DG Regio (European Commission, the Regional Studies Association adn the Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy, Slovenia will involve a number of invited plenary presentations, and workshop or other small group discussions.
TCI European Regional Cluster Conference: Inspiring Clusters in the Beginning of the New Decade
Tallinn, Estonia, 29-30 March, 2011
TCI European regional conference in 2011 will focus on how to improve the Cluster policies both on European, national and regional level and how to achieve excellence in cluster management. The conference will also provide a deeper insight into cluster development in Eastern and Central Europe being the first TCI conference in this region. In addition to the main programme of the conference, several parallel sessions will be organized based on Open Space Technology, where the participant can define the topics of their core interest and lead the discussion themselves. As an optional program visits to Estonian cluster initiatives will be organized for the interested particpants. The cluster intiatives, which can be visited are in the field of ICT, Forest and Wood, Wind Energy, Creative Industries and ECO Construction. In addition also cultural program focused on Tallinn as Culutral Capital of Europe 2011 will be available.
Regional Development and Policy - Challenges, Choices and Recipients
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 17-20 April, 2011
The challenges for regional development are intensifying. Long-term factors shaping the prospects for cities and regions include the effects of climate change and new demands on energy, water and food systems. Cities also face significant demographic shifts. Rapid technological changes – captured in the notion of an emerging Knowledge Economy – will also affect cities and regions. Moreover, we are witnessing significant changes in international political economy – encapsulated by the term globaliation – but increasingly understood as incorporating the rise of new economic powers, such as the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and, above all, China). The immediate context for thinking about these questions in many parts of the world is the aftermath of a severe economic crisis and a new politics of austerity. Local, regional, national and international actors continue to search for new policy solutions at a time when traditional forms of governance are being tested and new forms of regional politics are emerging. In many parts of the world regional disparities are growing as more economic activity becomes concentrated in global city regions, posing questions about the future of cities and regions beyond the metropolis. In these austere times, some voices question the need for regional policy itself and public policy debates increasingly focus on these dilemmas.
CALL FOR PAPERS - Public Administration, Technology and Innovation
Tallinn, Estonia, 6-7 May, 2011
Technological developments of the last decades have brought the co-evolutionary linkages between technology and public sector institutions into the center of both economics and public administration research. Technologies can, arguably, make public administration more effective, efficient, transparent and more accountable; but they can also cause problems with privacy, sustainability, legality, and equality, to name just a few examples. Recent public sector austerity measures (and attempts at lean government in general) may thwart socio-political efforts to foster technological innovation; but they can at the same time lead to greater willingness of governments to adopt new technologies and management principles based, directly or indirectly, on technological innovations. The challenge to public administration research is not only to trace and understand these linkages, but to find working solutions to these apparent trade-offs, and even to investigate the nature and permutations of the techno-administrative interface generally. We are inviting papers dealing with theoretical or empirical topics looking at either side of the co-evolution perspective of technological and institutional development; the role of public administration in technological progress and innovation; and the role of technology and innovation in the trajectories of public administration.
Woods Hole, MA, 15-18 May, 2011
Applications are sought from teachers and researchers who are interested in moving beyond their current disciplinary and academic boundaries to explore concepts and practices that help us work in the arena bordered on one side by critical interpretation of the directions taken by scientific and technological research and application and on the other side by organizing social movements so as to influence those directions. Participants are encouraged, but not required, to submit a manuscript or sketch related to the workshop topic that would be read by others before the workshop and be subject to focused discussion during the workshop. There is also room for participants to develop--either before or during the workshop--activities or interactive presentations to engage the other participants.
ICIM 2011: International Conference on Innovation and Management
Tokyo, Japan, 25-27 May, 2011
The International Conference on Innovation and Management aims to bring together academic scientists, leading engineers, industry researchers and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Innovation and Management, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.
Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-17 June, 2011
DRUID 2011 intends to map theoretical, empirical and methodological advances, contribute with novel insights and stimulate a lively debate about how technologies, economic systems and organizations evolve and co-evolve. The conference will include targeted plenary debates where internationally merited scholars take stands on contemporary issues within the overall conference theme.
CALL FOR PAPERS - Regional Studies Association - Third Global Conference on Economic Geography
Seoul, Korea, 28 June - July 2, 2011
In the wake of the economic downturn of 2007-, the debate about the causes of the crisis and recession has focused upon the unbalanced nature of its economic models and geographies. Explanations have been concerned with the imbalances in international trade and currency flows, sectoral structures between especially financial and other services and manufacturing, the relative sizes and roles of the public and private sectors, the composition of demand between consumption and production as well as its domestic or external orientation, and its socially and spatially uneven geographies. Following this diagnosis of the problems, debate about recovery has focused upon the idea of ‘rebalancing’ as a means of rebuilding new economic models that somehow correct the problematic and disruptive imbalances that generated the crisis. ‘Rebalancing’ has become an international concern for high-income economies such as Australia, UK and Japan, middle-income economies such as Portugal and South Korea as well as emerging economies such as Brazil and China. Yet it is not clear what ‘rebalancing’ might mean, whether and how it can be achieved and how it relates to currently dominant ‘new economic geographical’ models promoting greater spatial agglomeration and concentration of economic activities. These sessions will engage this debate on rebalancing regional and national economies.
CALL FOR PAPERS - Building Capacity for Scientific Innovation and Outcomes
Atlanta, GA, 15-17 September, 2011
The ability of science and innovation systems to deliver depends on continually improving capacity. Yet, capacity is multidimensional and has interrelated characteristics and related challenges. The Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy 2011 will explore the research base that addresses the broad range of capacity related issues central to the structure, function, performance and outcomes of the science and innovation enterprises. The conference will include a variety of sessions: plenaries to discuss critical questions, contributed paper sessions and a young researcher poster competition.
Lund, Sweden, 13-14 October, 2011
The conference offers two days of plenaries, presentations and intense discussions on preconditions and strategies for regional innovation policy and regional development in Europe. It is organized around five key themes: (1) Preconditions for sustainable development (economically, socially and environmentally) in European regions: (2) the role of universities in the promotion of regional development; (3) sectoral specificities (resource based and cultural/creative industries) and their impacts on regional competitiveness; (4) Southern European regions and their strategies to grow out of the global economic crisis; (5) the growth of emerging economies in Asia and Latin America and consequences for European regions.
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This newsletter is prepared by Jen
Project manager is David
A. Wolfe.