The IWSF is hoping to present 40,000 letters supporting the inclusion 
of water skiing in the 2004 Olympics to the Olympic Committee on 
January 20, 1998.  To date, Water Ski Canada has received only  47 
letters of support. In the United States, one gentleman has already 
collected over 500 letters! With over 5000 active water skiers in 
Canada, we should be able to collect at least 500 letters.  The 
importance of these letters must not be underestimated.   As a water 
ski enthusiast, it's up to you to help lobby for your sport!!  

If you have already sent in your letter, thank you for your support 
and please encourage others to do the same.   If you have not yet 
sent your letter to Water Ski Canada, DO IT TODAY!!!  

Enclosed is a sample letter regarding the inclusion of water skiing 
in the 2004 Olympics.  Please send your letter of support to WSC, and 
forward this letter to others in the water ski community so that they 
too can support this cause!  The contents of this email also appears 
on the WSC web page (

November 27, 1997

Dear Water Ski Enthusiasts,

The Athens Organizing Committee for the 2004 Olympic Games has 
expressed a sincere interest in including Water Skiing in its program 
of events.  Many individuals in the water ski community have already 
taken steps (for example, technological innovations such as speed 
control and video jump measurement) to help in water skiings quest 
to be included in the Olympic Games.  Now its your turn!  Water Ski 
Canada is collecting letters of support from the Canadian Water Ski 
Community.  A sample letter is enclosed for your convenience.  Should 
you wish to write your own letter, please be sure to include the 

- utmost interest to participate in the Olympic Games
- the reason why water skiing has to be an Olympic sport, and
- your support for the sport

These letters will be presented to the Athens Organizing Committee in 
order to indicate support for the inclusion of water skiing in the 
2004 Olympics.  

Your support is needed to make this a reality!!

Please show your support by completing and signing your letter and 
returning it IMMEDIATELY to:

Water Ski Canada
1600 James Naismith Drive Gloucester, Ontario
K1B 5N4 Fax  (613)748-5867

Actual signatures are needed - please fax or mail your letter!
Deadline :  January 10, 1998

To Whom it may Concern:

I am writing to express my support for the inclusion of water skiing 
in the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.  I have participated in 
and supported water skiing as a ___________________ 
(National/Regional Competitor, Coach, Official, etc.) for  _____  
years.  Participation in the Olympic Games has been a goal for the 
sport of water skiing for many years.

Water skiing is a high energy sport which is exciting for spectators 
and television audiences.  It is a spectacular sport in which 
well-conditioned athletes perform feats that require strength, power, 
agility and grace.  The conduct of the athletes, officials and 
volunteers exemplify the Olympic ideals of sportmanship and 

Currently there are approximately 30 million recreational water skiers
around the world.  Over 75 countries have formal Water Ski 
Federations, demonstrating the world wide participation level of the 
sport.  Water skiing has been a successful part of many multi-sport 
games, including the World Games, and the Pan American Games.   



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