The 1997 Canadian Rankings show how skiers best performances stacked up against other competitors in their age division. A few notes of explanation:

Only results of skiers who purchased 1997 WSC national competitive licences are listed.

The single best result performed in a WSC sanctioned tournament or a tournament sanctioned by another national water ski federation between October 1, 1996 and September 30, 1997 (if performance sheets were submitted by the skier to the National Office by October 1, 1997) were used.

In some instances, performance of skiers who achieved a result using different technical standards than specified for their age division (i.e. 5 1/2 ft ramp instead of 5 ft) have been excluded.

There is no list for Open divisions since most skiers did not achieve all of their season�s results in Open.

In the overall standings, readers should note that several skiers scored 0.00, yet stand for overall placement. This is explained by the jump scoring formula which, in the event of a jump less than half the distance of the best score, the overall score is 0.00.

In some overall listings, a 1000 point event performance does not appear. This is explained by the fact that the skier with the best score in that event did not qualify for overall. Skiers need one result in each of the three events to qualify.

In cases where skiers competed in more than one age division (see WSC Rule 4.1.1), they may appear in the ranking lists for both divisions.

The editors of Ski Nautique News apologize in advance for any errors, misspellings or omissions which occur when attempting to compile such lists.