1. Introduction
These policies outline the requirements for WSC sanction of a Canadian Record Capability (CRC) tournament and World Ranking List (WRL). The standards have been developed to ensure the integrity of Canadian records. They also meet IWSF World Rankings List requirements, thereby qualifying results for inclusion in the World Rankings List. If WRC sanction is requested, this status must be indicated on the sanction application and the additional requirements met (see end of this Appendix).
2. Sanction Application
The sanction application for a record capability tournament must be submitted directly to the WSC National Office no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled start of the tournament. Applications received 29-15 days prior to the start of the tournament may be considered upon payment of a late penalty fee of $110.00. Applications received 14 days or less prior to the start of the tournament will not be considered.
A minimum sanction fee of $110.00, payable to the WSC, must accompany the sanction application. The sanction fee is $8.00 per skier. The balance of the sanction fee (# of skiers x $8.00, less minimum already paid), as well as a copy of the official results, a List of Officials and an Injury Report Form, must be submitted to WSC within 7 days of the end of the tournament.
All participants in a record capability tournament must be WSC competitive licence holders. If organizers allow non-licence holders to compete without collecting licence fees, they shall be liable for such payment.
If organizers are unable to comply with record capability requirements within the 10 day course survey period, they shall still be liable for record capability sanction fees.
Pan Am Region (Group I of the IWSF) record capability sanction is also required. A separate form is required. The sanction fee is $15.00 (US).
Organizers should advertise the tournament in order to attract elite level or inter-provincial skiers.
3. Eligibility
In order to receive record capability sanction, organizers must have organized a WSC sanctioned tournament on the same site within the last two calendar years and be a WSC member, affiliated club or school.
4. Insurance
Tournament organizers must provide a minimum of $1,000,000 liability coverage for each tournament sanction day, including official familiarization. Organizers must include WSC and the Region in which the tournament is held as an "additional named insured" within such insurance policies.
5. Waivers
Organizers must require that that each skier sign a waiver prior to the start of the tournament as a condition of participation in the tournament.
6. Facilities and Personnel
Organizers must ensure that the tournament site, equipment and all facilities, as well as the personnel necessary for the operation of the tournament, shall be suitable and adequate to meet the applicable rules and record capability standards of WSC.
7. Tournament Format
Divisions to be scheduled shall be at the option of the tournament organizers and may include any or all of those included in the WSC rules.
Tournaments may schedule all three events (slalom, tricks, jump), two events, or one event. The record capability requirements must be met in each event for which record capability sanction is requested.
Tournaments may have multiple rounds. No more than three rounds are eligible for record capability sanction. The eligible rounds must be declared before the start of the tournament. Applications are also accepted for different number of event rounds (i.e. 2 slalom, 1 trick, 1 jump).
Tournaments must take place on any one weekend or on consecutive days.
8. Certification of Courses
The slalom and jump courses must be surveyed for course certification. A three meter survey is recommended although other surveying methods (ie. laser sighting) may be accepted.
If the initial survey data indicates that the location of key buoys require adjustment, it may be necessary to re-survey in order to grant certification.
Final certification of the courses via the survey data must be done by the Technical Controller. However, all raw and reduced data must be reviewed by the National Office, or designate, prior to certification.
The survey must be conducted and submitted no more that 30 days and no less than 10 days prior to the start of the tournament.
For the trick course, a visual check of the 175m distance is required while, a physical measurement of the 15m distance is necessary.
9. Technical Standards
All of the technical standards outlined in the WSC Rule Book, Technical Controller's Dossier and Survey Forms must be verified and fulfilled.
The trick event must be video taped. The video may be taken either from within the boat, or on shore at a centerpoint of the course, a minimum of 3m above water level.
The audio of the video camera recorder shall pick up the sound of the trick audible device.
All submitted videos must be on VHS. The format (SP, LP, EP) that the tape was recorded in must be clearly marked on the tape container.
A video camera (VHS) shall be used to record end course video for all slalom runs on lines of 12m or shorter from both ends of the slalom course. The video shall be a minimum of 8X (a standard video camera). 12X power is desirable if available. If video is 24X power or greater, video from one end is sufficient.
The end course camera shall be placed as close as feasibly possible to the end gates. Preferably, the camera should be on shore no more than 180m from the end gates.
The video tape shall be forwarded to WSC within 7 days of the end of the tournament. WSC will, in turn, forward the video to the Pan Am Region for monitoring. The Technical Committee of the Pan Am Region may annul results that do not conform to the required rules and standards.
All judges' forms in slalom and jump where official boat times are recorded must be forwarded to WSC within 7 days of the end of the tournament. WSC will, in turn, forward the time sheets to the Pan Am Region for monitoring. The forms should clearly denote the name of the judge and driver.
Distance calculation in the jump event shall be done by computer.
10. Officials
Organizers must ensure that all officiating is conducted exclusively by qualified WSC officials.
A list of officials must be included in the sanction application. This list must be reviewed and approved by the WSC Officials Committee. If, upon review of the Technical Controller's Dossier or Officials List, it appears the group of officials who actually officiated is different from those proposed, the Officials Committee will again review the complement of officials to ensure that all minimum qualifications have been fulfilled.
Equivalent qualifications for officials from other National Federations of the IWSF may be accepted.
11. Records
If a pending Canadian or World record is established, the organizers, in conjunction with the Chief of Competition, must submit all related documentation and video, if applicable, within 7 days of the completion of the tournament.
12. Results
A copy of the official results must be forwarded to the WSC National Office within 7 days of the completion of the event.
13. Safety
Tournament organizers must appoint a tournament Safety Director. A WSC Injury Report Form must be completed and forwarded to the WSC National Office within 7 days of the completion of the tournament, regardless of whether or not an injury actually occurred.
Summary Checklist
at least 30 days prior: ¥ ensure that WSC and IWSF (Pan Am Region) sanction application is received by WSC
at least 10 days prior: ¥ ensure that course surveys are received by WSC
within 7 days of the end ¥ Official results
of the tournament, submit ¥ Officials List
to WSC: ¥ Injury Report Form
¥ Canadian Record Applications, with video, if applicable
¥ end course slalom videos
¥ slalom and jump official time sheets
¥ balance of sanction fee
¥ Technical Controller's Dossier
Technical Standards for Record Capability Tournaments
Position CRC Ranking List WRC
Chief Judge RC RC RC
Technical Controller RC RC RC
Calculator RC RC RC
Drivers III III IV
Video (both ends 8x) Choice Choice Choice
(one end 24x)
Timing Manual Auto Auto
Judges 2-II, 3-III 2-III, 3-IV 2-III, 3-IV
Backup Timing II II II
Recap Judge III III III
Timing Manual Semi-Auto Semi-Auto
Video Yes Yes Yes
Judges 2-II, 3-III 2-III, 3-IV IV
Timing Manual Auto Auto
Judges 1-II, 2-III 1-III, 2-IV IV
Backup Timer II III III
Timer II II N/A
Meter Readers I I* III*
Distance Computer Computer Computer
* Region Standard
Jury: Each jury member must be a minimum of Level 3 with a minimum of two judges rated Level 4 or higher. At least one jury member must be from outside the region in which the tournament is held, unless the jury consists of three Level 4 or higher judges and these judges work each event scheduled. At least one must be a Pan Am / International rated judge for WRC or Ranking List tournaments.
For WRC tournaments, all of Appendix II applies, plus the following:
1: General
The Rules listed here are required for World Record Capability (WRC) tournaments. Each addition is prefixed with the Rule number to which it applies.
3.4 Rounds
If a tournament uses the head-to-head competition rules as outlined in the IWSF Rule Book, the preliminary round (a fourth round) for qualification is eligible for setting records as well as the bracket competition.
14.4: Jumping Boat Speeds
An automatic timing device must be used to verify the speeds of the boat while in the C-D to E-F and E-F to G-H timing segments.
15.6: Slalom Boat Speeds
An automatic timing device must be used to verify the speeds of the boat while in the slalom course.
15.13: Entrance/Exit Gate Judging
The skier's passage through the entrance/exit gate shall be judged by the two judges closest to each gate and by the boat judge. To take away credit for the gate requires a simple majority.
16.6: Trick Timing
A semi-automatic timing device must be used for timing trick passes.