The Skier Performance Standards Program provides a method by which competitors may qualify for the National, Atlantic, Eastern and Western Canadian Championships. Specific performance levels (Minimum Atlantics/Easterns/Westerns, and Nationals Standards) have been established for entry to these tournaments (see 1.3 and 2.5 in Appendix III). The Regulations and Procedures for the Program are as follows:

1: Skier Eligibility

Only skiers who purchase a current WSC competitive licence are eligible to obtain a recognized WSC Performance Standard. Consequently, all contestants wishing to participate in the National, Atlantic, Eastern and/or Western Canadian Championships must be competitive licence holders.

2: Eligible Performances


WSC has a tournament sanction program whereby organizers apply to have their competition officially sanctioned (see Appendices II and VIII). They must meet minimum requirements in order to obtain the sanction, including such prerequisites as adequate officiating and equipment, acceptable tournament format, as well as proof of insurance. Aside from safety, these technical requirements serve to ensure that performances obtained from one competition are comparable to those obtained in other competitions across the country. Only performances from a WSC sanctioned tournament may be used to obtain a WSC Performance Standard. Results from tournaments sanctioned by member federations of the International Water Ski Federation may also be used, providing the technical standards under which the results were achieved (i.e. boat speeds, ramp heights, scoring, etc.) coincide with those outlined in this Rule Book.


Only performances achieved at or since the preceding Nationals may be used to achieve a Performance Standard for the current National Championships.


Only performances achieved at or since the preceding Atlantics, Easterns and Westerns respectively, may be used to achieve a Performance Standard for the current Atlantics, Easterns and Westerns.


In any one sanctioned tournament, no more than three rounds are eligible for obtaining a Performance Standard. The eligible rounds must be declared before the start of the tournament. Performances achieved during a tie run-off are not eligible.


A competitor may be granted an extension of his previous Performance Standard for up to 12 months when unable to obtain standards due to illness, injury or other exceptional circumstances. Applications for extensions must be submitted to the WSC Technical Committee for approval.

3: Filing Performances

Official Tournament Results sheets from WSC sanctioned tournaments submitted to the National Office will be used to determine a skier's Performance Standard. Skiers are not required to send in a signed performance sheet for each tournament, with the exception noted below. Skiers must still have their performance sheet completed and signed by the Chief Calculator for each tournament. This will be the back-up documentation required in the event of a discrepancy between the skier's actual performance and the tournament qualifiers list and seeding order. IT IS ALWAYS THE SKIERS' RESPONSIBILITY TO HAVE THESE SIGNED PERFORMANCE SHEETS AVAILABLE SHOULD THE NEED ARISE. The exception to the above is for results obtained from eligible tournaments held in a country other than Canada. In these cases, tournament organizers do not forward a copy of the Official Tournament Results. Therefore, for all performances obtained from a competition outside of Canada, a skier must send to the National Office a copy of the completed performance sheet signed by the Chief Calculator or Chief Judge. Skiers are still expected to keep a back-up or copy of this tournament result should the need arise to show proof of qualification. Results from such tournaments are subject to the same submission deadlines as outlined in 1.2 and 2.4 of Appendix III.

4: WSC Skier Performance Standards

Following are the entry standards required to qualify for the National, Eastern, Western and Atlantic Canadian Championships for the respective divisions:
               SLALOM                  TRICKS                  JUMPING
DIVISION       (buoys)                 (points)                (meters)
               East/West               East/West               East/West
          Min     Atlan.  Ntls    Min     Atlan.  Ntls    Min     Atlan.  Ntls
Girls I    5       10      16      100     200     300     -        -       -
Girls II   6        9      14      300     400     800     8       10      12
Girls III  6       10      14      600     900    1200    10       13      17
Women I    6       12      15      800    1100    1400    12       15      19
Women II  18       22      26      500     800    1200    10       13      15
Women III 18       21      25      400     600    1000     9       12      14
Women IV  18       20      24      300     400     800     8        9      13
Women V   18       20      24      200     300     700     8        9      12
Women VI  15       19      21      200     300     600     8        9      11
Women VII 15       19      21      200     300     500     8        9      10
Open Wom.       AS PER RULE 4.1.2 & APPENDIX III, RULE 8
Boys I     8       16      22      100     200     400     -        -       -
Boys II    6       12      18      400     600     900    10       13      16
Boys III  12       18      27      900    1400    2100    18       24      31
Men I     16       24      34     1200    1800    2600    25       31      39
Men II    16       24      34     1000    1500    2300    20       25      36
Men III   12       18      28      800    1200    1600    14       20      28
Men IV     6       12      18      800    1200    1500    12       16      20
Men V      6       12      18      500    1000    1300    10       14      18
Men VI     6       12      18      400     800    1100     9       12      16
Men VII    6       10      16      300     600     900     9       10      14
Open Men        AS PER RULE 4.1.2 & APPENDIX III, RULE 8