16.1: General - Tricks

For the boat, see Rule 11.1 and for the tow lines, 11.12 and 11.14.3. For the tolerances, see Rule 12.2.1 and 12.2.4.

16.2: Trick Course Entrance

The entrance to the trick course is the first trick buoy.

16.3: Trick Passes

Each contestant shall be allowed two 20 second passes through the trick course during which time the skier may perform as many tricks as he/she desires. At the conclusion of the first pass, prior to the turning of the boat, at the skier's option, if he/she did not fall, the boat may stop between passes for a maximum of 30 seconds. The skier must signal his/her desire for a drop using the "cut signal" (i.e. slashing motion with the hand across the throat).

16.4: Boat Speed


The contestant shall receive his/her choice of a constant speed through the course for each pass. The boat speed in trick skiing, assuming it is held constant from approximately 50 meters before entering the course, is the skier's responsibility.


The skier shall tell the boat driver what speed he/she desires on each pass, or he/she may use the preparation time to set the speed before entering the course.

16.5: Trick Course

Two buoys, 15 meters apart, shall establish the beginning of the trick course from each direction (see Diagram 3 following the Appendices of this Rule Book). The end of the course shall be signified by the 20-second time signal only.

16.6: Timing

Timing for the trick pass will start
a)   at the skiers first movement toward doing a surface trick after
reaching the approximate position of the first entrance buoy; or

b)      as the skier crosses the crest of the wake to attempt a wake
trick after reaching the approximate location of the first entrance
buoy; or

c)      if the skier fails to make any such movement, as the skier
passes the second entrance buoy.

A "first movement" shall be considered any movement toward beginning a surface turn. Wrapping the line for a turn shall not be considered such a movement in itself.

16.7: Fall Before a Pass

In setting his/her speed, a skier is permitted to do repetitive tricks, and a fall while attempting such tricks shall not disentitle the skier from the upcoming pass. If, however, a skier falls while practicing:
a) 	before the first pass, he/she loses the right to his/her first pass.  The boat must then pick the skier up and bring him/her back in the direction of the second pass.

b) 	before the second pass, he/she loses the right to continue in the event.

16.8: Boat Path

The boat shall follow as closely as possible the path specified by the judges for the event�such path to include the preparation time before each pass. The second pass shall be in the opposite direction from the first pass.

16.9: Declared Trick Runs


Each contestant in the trick skiing event shall be required to submit a list of declared tricks to be attempted by the skier in the event. The Chief of Competition and Chief Calculator shall determine the exact time when the declared list must be submitted. Such information must be made available to each contestant at the time of registration. In exceptional circumstances the Chief of Competition and Chief Calculator may allow all skiers to adjust the sheets after the submission deadline. A skier may submit a different trick list for the event finals if so desired.


The trick list shall be prepared using the official trick code shown in the table of trick values (Appendix V). Reverse turns must be indicated by an "R" preceding the official code. In each declared trick pass, the skier may list only one trick and the associated reverse, if any, on two skis and one trick, and the associated reverse, if any, on one ski under each number listed, except that any type of 180 degree turn may be listed more than once.


The following variations are approved for the official trick code: "SS" for "S" in trick numbers 1 and 2 "OB" for "BB" in trick numbers 5,11,17,26,32,40 and 48 "T5B" for "RT5B" when the T5B immediately follows T7F "R" alone for "R" preceding the official code


A contestant who fails to submit a list of declared tricks by the posted time shall be disqualified from that trick event or round.

16.10: Communication with Judges

Skiers in the trick skiing event, or other persons, shall not communicate with the judges between passes for the purpose of determining whether a trick or tricks attempted in the first pass was scored or completed before the horn.

16.11: Trick Event Officials


There shall be five judges scoring the attempted tricks. The judges' position shall be a minimum of 3m above water level. Each judge shall watch and call the tricks independently. He/she shall list each trick attempted by the skier and decide with respect to each trick: a) if it was performed according to the rules governing that trick; and b) if it was started after the beginning or completed before the end of the pass.


An official shall ride in the boat to check speeds and observe the boat path. A second official shall also be on board to observe the skier and to stop the boat immediately in case of dangerous falls.


The Chief of Competition, with the approval of a majority of the Jury, may designate the boat driver as the boat official in the event a TV camera or official video is operated from the tow boat.


The second official may be replaced by a person of the skier's choice to operate a release mechanism supplied by the skier or the tournament organizers. In either case, the skier shall assume complete responsibility for the release person's actions and the safety of the release mechanism. In the case of a tournament supplied release, the skier shall have the option of providing his/her own release, provided he/she notifies the dock starter of his/her intention at least 3 skiers listed on the starting list before his/her turn.


The skier is fully responsible for any release of the device, and no request for reride will be granted upon premature or accidental release. If, in the opinion of the majority of event judges, the skier is released due to malfunction of the release mechanism, the skier may have the option of a reride.


There shall be official and backup timers on shore. These timers shall start their timing devices at the beginning of the trick run (16.6). At the end of 20 seconds, both audible devices shall sound, unless the skier falls in approximately the first ten seconds of the pass. An audible signal, different from the end of the pass signal, indicating the start of each pass, shall be given by the timer to the judges.


The official and backup audible devices shall be different from each other.


The backup device shall mark the end of the pass only in the event of failure of the official device.


In the event both timing devices should malfunction and the time is missed, the event judges, under the supervision of the Chief of Competition, shall determine the time from the official video tape, providing the course entry buoys appear on the tape or a majority of the event judges rule that the skier was in the course at the start of the run. If the time or course entry cannot be so determined, or if the video is not available, a reride is mandatory. If the video verifies that the skier received less than 20 seconds, a reride shall be optional for that pass.

16.12: Credit for Tricks


To receive credit for any trick, the skier must complete each trick without falling (2.2).


Only tricks listed in Appendix V will be scored in a tournament.


A skier shall receive credit for a trick performance only if it is performed in the order as declared on his/her trick list. Tricks performed not listed or listed in a different order than on the trick list score zero. The order shall not be regarded as broken for the failure to perform a listed trick, the failure of the judges to give credit for a trick performed, or the performance of one or more tricks not listed before resuming the listed sequence. The skier may choose which pass he or she wishes to perform first. If a skier falls on his/her first pass, he/she may choose to repeat it as his/her second pass.

16.13: Tricks at the End of the Pass


A trick not completed before the end of a pass shall not be scored.


A trick completed before the end of a pass shall not be scored if the skier ultimately falls as a result of that trick, even if the fall is after the conclusion of the pass.

16.14: Video Tape

The tricks shall be filmed by a video tape camera from the tow boat and/or from a suitable shore position. If more than one video camera is used, the Chief of Competition shall declare one as official prior to the start of the event. The video film may only be shown as an aid to the event judges under the following circumstances: a) At the request of the Chief of Competition or the Chief Calculator if it is not possible for the Calculators to obtain a majority decision as to the trick or tricks performed. b) At the request of the Chief of Competition or Chief Calculator if it is not possible for the Calculators to obtain a majority decision as to whether or not credit is to be given for a trick. c) At the request of an event judge, in circumstances which the Chief of Competition regards as exceptional, the event judges may review the tapes. This request should not be granted if the intention is to change a judge's decision under 16.11.1. d) If required under 16.11.9.

16.15: Scoring Tricks


The calculators shall receive the tabulations and, in the event of a discrepancy, shall decide the tricks to be scored on the basis of a simple majority from among the judges' individual tabulations as to: a) what trick was performed; b) if it was performed according to the rules governing that trick; c) if it was started after the beginning or completed before the end of a pass; d) if it was declared by the skier in his submitted trick list according to Rule 16.9. A skier shall not receive credit for a trick with less than two judges giving credit. Interpretation Note: If an official fails to call a trick for whatever reason, the official shall be excluded for the purposes of determining simple majority.


If there is more than one sequence that can be scored, the sequence that gives the maximum points shall be used.

16.16: Ties Tricks


Ties shall be run off for the first three placings. A new drawing for order shall be conducted and the tied contestants shall be allowed one pass through the trick course, which routine shall be continued until the tie is broken. The tied contestants shall be permitted to submit a new list of tricks in accordance with Rule 16.9 for each required tie-breaking pass.


In an elimination and final round tournament, ties will be decided on the basis of the highest final round score. If a tie still exists for first place, it will be decided as in 16.16.1 above. 16.17: Trick Descriptions


A trick is any activity which occurs between two hesitations. Credit may be received for performance of only one trick and the associated reverse, if any, on two skis and one trick and the associated reverse, if any, on one ski under each number listed in Appendix V. Tricks may be repeated, but a repeated trick scores zero unless the judges ruled the first attempt or attempts were unsuccessful.


To receive credit for a wake turn, the trick must be completed in the air while passing from one side of the crest of the wake to the other. It cannot be scored as a water turn if insufficient air is achieved to receive credit for a wake turn.


A reverse must immediately follow the basic turn in the same pass; however, any type of 180 degree turn is allowed between two such turns. The reverse shall not be disallowed simply because it follows an attempted 540 or 720 degree that is ruled not continuous or because the basic trick is a repeated trick.


Reverse turns under Trick 5 are limited to 360 degrees but may follow a 360, 540 or 720. Reverse turns under Trick 12 are limited to 540 degrees but may follow a 540 or 720 degree. On one ski and two skis, only the basic trick and one reverse are allowed under Trick 27 and 28, but may be any reverse trick listed.


Continuous surface turns are limited to 720 degrees.


There must be no stopping in the turning of the skis in a continuous turn.


Stepover line tricks are complete only when the free foot touches a ski or water or lifted ski touches water. The skier may not put his/her leg or lifted ski across or on top of the line, the handle, or either arm until he/she begins to execute the turn. The stepover and turn actions must be simultaneous. Immediately on completion of a FB stepover turn, the skier must have at least one arm between his/her legs holding the handle. A wake stepover 360 consists of a 180 degree wake stepover and 180 degree wake combined, in either order, all done in the air off the wake in a continuous turn.


A wake stepover 540 consists of a 180 degree wake stepover and a 360 degree wake or any combinations of 180 degree turns, all done in the air, off the wake, in a continuous turn.


A double wake step 540 consists of two 180 degree wake stepovers and a 180 degree wake turn combined in any order, all done in the air, off the wake, in a continuous turn.


To successfully complete stepover tricks, either FF, BB, FB, or BF, the skier, when he/she is in the back position, must have at least one arm between his/her legs holding on to the tow handle.


All side slides include a 90 degree turn from skiing position and a return to the skiing position in the original direction. A hesitation must occur in the original direction between the basic and reverse trick. Any side slide not held in the 90 degree position for a short interval scores zero.


In ski line tricks, both feet must be on the ski and pass over the ski line while in mid air. The feet may pass over the ski line at any point during the execution of the turn. The ski line must be out of the water during the execution of the turn. This does not include the inadvertent hitting of the rooster tail caused by the boat.


To receive credit for the execution of a toehold trick, the foot in the toe strap may not at any time, immediately prior to or during the trick, touch the ski.


Toehold stepover tricks must be a simultaneous action. The foot may touch the water upon completion of the revolution of the trick. The foot may not touch the water during the execution of the trick.


To receive credit for a wake flip, it is required that both feet be higher than the head and in approximately the same vertical plane at some point during the execution of the trick. A front wake flip shall be defined as a forward somersault done in the air off the wake in which the tail of the ski passes up and over the head as the head goes down and forward. Both feet must be above the head and in approximately the same vertical plane at some point during the execution of the trick.


To receive credit for the wake flip with a full twist, the full twist must be performed simultaneously with the flip.


To receive credit for WflipBFB, the half twist must be performed simultaneously with the flip.