8.1: Protest Procedures

Protests shall be made to the Chief of Competition and shall be considered by the Jury. A protest must be in writing using the Official WSC Protest Application Form, give the reason for the protest, be signed by the contestant, and be filed within 30 minutes after the unofficial results have been posted.

8.2: Eligible Protests

Protests shall be allowed only for failure of the tournament committee, officials, judges, calculators to comply with these rules. No protests shall ever be permitted on a judgement decision by the judges. A correction of an error in the computation of scores shall not be considered a protest, and the correction shall be made upon approval of the Chief of Competition and Chief Calculator, if requested within two (2) hours after the official results have been posted. If a computation error is discovered, the chief calculator shall correct the official results. New results will be posted (as per rule 6.6).

8.3: Protest Requirements

Protests must be accompanied by a deposit of $50 cash. This amount will be refunded if the protest is considered reasonable by the Jury.