Best Western Hidden Valley Resort, Huntsville, Muskoka, ONT August 31 - September 1, 1996

ORGANIZERS: Ontario Water Ski Association, Pipeline Surf and Snow

FORMAT AND RULES: Per World Wakeboard Association rules with modified divisions. Trick competition for all divisions, and Expression Session (Big Air) for Open Division only. Novice Division to run at the discretion of the organizers, based on registrations.

SCHEDULE: Saturday August 31 - 8 am to noon Registration and practice Saturday August 31 - 1 pm to 5 pm Novice, Intermediate Sunday, September 1- 8 am to noon Expert, Open Sunday, September 1- 1 pm on Open Expression Session Sunday, September 1- evening Social, BBQ, awards

PRIZES: Championship medals to top 3 Canadian males and females in each division. Estimated $ 5000 cash and merchandise (open to all entrants).

REGISTRATION: By mail (with fees) to OWSA by August 23. On-site registration with penalty accepted on site Saturday August 31 at 8:00 am. Payment by cash, cheque or VISA accepted.

Advance fee $ 85 (CDN) includes competition and Sunday evening social. On-site (late) fee is $ 95 CDN.

PRACTICE: $ 5 per standard tournament run (2 passes of the course).

TRAVEL: Huntsville is approximately 3 hrs north of Toronto International Airport. Take Highway 400 north to Barrie, merge with Hwy 11 north, follow to Highway 60 east, turn right at Regional Rd. # 23 (Peninsula Dr) and follow signs to Best Western Hidden Valley Resort. Competitors are responsible for their own transportation to/from the site.

ACCOMODATION: Contact Best Western Hidden Valley Resort at (705) 789-2301. There are numerous other hotels, inns, campgrounds, etc in the Huntsville area- more details on request from the OWSA office.

DETAILS: Join us for "Wakestock '96"- Canada's first National Wakeboard Championship sanctioned by Water Ski Canada. The Labour Day weekend in Huntsville, the center of the Muskokas, will be a celebration of wakeboarding with music, social events, "learn-to" and demo clinics, great prizes and much more. Be part of history- Canada's first Wakeboard Nationals!

CONTACT: Ontario Water Ski Association.