H.-J. Gerigk, R. Goldblatt, J. Pachuta, M. Rice, D. Slattery
The Current Bibliography is the most complete and up-to-date international bibliography of recent Dostoevsky research published at present. It has been the intention of the compilers that the Current Bibliography when used as a supplement to the preceding issues of the IDS "Bulletin" be as nearly inclusive as possible of all material published from 1970 to the present year. It is our aim for the bibliography eventually to be exhaustive. Consequently the latest year is usually the least representative, and the earlier years become more and more complete as time goes by. In general, we can say that over a three to four year period the entries for the first of those years will be nearly complete.
Colleagues are encouraged to forward items which have thus far escaped listing and new sources as they are discovered to:
Professor Martin P. Rice
Associate Editor, "Dostoevsky Studies"
Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages
Knoxville, Tennessee 37916
This year we have introduced a new format for the Current Bibliography. Instead of three separate listings (Western Non-Slavic Languages, Languages of the Soviet Union including Émigré, and East European Languages), we: have merged the three parts into one listing in the belief that this format will be easier to use for our colleagues, most of whom do their research in more that one language. In this way, only one listing has to be checked instead of two or three. In addition, you will notice that certain items in the bibliography begin with a star (*). This sign indicates that the given entry has been verified physically by one of the compilers and has not been reproduced from other listings. The compilers are attempting to make the bibliography to as great an extent as possible
de visu
in order to insure its accuracy.
* Aleksandrov, Roman. "Dve godovshchiny. (K stoletiju ubijstva Aleksandra II i smerti D.-ogo)." Russkaja mysl' (March 19, 1981), 7.
Alkel'kina, E.A. "Nekotorye osobennosti povestvovanija v 'Zapiskakh iz Mertvogo doma' P.M. D.-ogo.: Problemy metoda i zhanra, 7 (1980), 92-102
Al'tman Moisej S. "Chitaja D.-ogo." International D. Society Bulletin, 7 (1977), 113-21.
Anchev, Angel. "D. i nashata literaturna obshchestvenost." Literaturna misul, 7(1980), 84-106.
Anderson, Roger B. "The Meaning of Carnival in 'The Brothers Karamazov'." Slavic and East European Journal, 23, iv (Winter, 1979), 458-78.
Anderson, Roger B. " 'D. and the Psychologists' by M. Kravchenko." Slavic and East European Journal, 23, ii (1979), 269-71. (Book Review.)
*B., N. "Vecher parnjati D.-ogo." Novoe russkoe slovo (May 5, 1981), 3.
Bahtin, Mihail M. "Predgovor." Književna reč (December 10, 1979), viii: 134. (O problemima stvarolastva Dostojevskog)
*Bahtin, Mihail M. "Problemi poetike D.," pp. 78-93 in Milovoj Solar, ed., Moderna teorija romana. Beograd: Nolit, 1979. 456 pp.
Barsht, K. "Risunki velikogo romanista." V mire knig, 7 (1980), 69-71. (O graf. nasledii P.M. D.-ogo.)
Basina, M. JA. Skvoz sumrak belykh nochej. Dokum. povest'. (Po dorogim mestam. 3-ja ch. trilogii 'Velikie Oblichiteli'.) Leningrad: Det. lit. Leningr. otd-nie, 1979. (O P.M. D.-om. Dlja sred. i st. vozrasta.)
Batyuto, A. I. "D. and Turgenev in the 1860's and 1870's (Was there Nothing but Animosity Between Them?)" Russkaja Literatura, no. 1 (1979), 41-64.
Baum, Wilhelm. "Ludwig Wittgenstein's World View." Ratio, 22 (June, 1980), 64-74. (Compares D.'s vision of reality with Wittgenstein's)
Bearse, G. "Buenos Aires and Arlt (D., Martinez Estrada and Escalibrini Ortiz)." Latin American Literature, 7, X, iv (1979), 81-82 (Book Review.)
Beermann, Rene. "Einige Charakterzüge der Modernen Estnischen Literatur." Ost-Europa, 27, v (May, 1977), 399-412.
Beljakova, A. "Poslednjaja kvartira D-ogo." Vozdushnyj transport (March 4, 1980). (O lit. memor. muzee Leningrad).
Beljakova, A. "Poslednjaja kvartira D-ogo." Sovetskaja Latvija (March 25, 1980), 4.
Belousov, R. "P'er Lasener i Rodion Raskol'nikov." Literaturnaja ucheba, 4 (1980), 190-94. (O prototipe geroja romana P.M. D.-ogo "Prestuplenie i nakazanie".)
Berdjaev, Nikolaj Aleksandrovich. La oncezione di D. Torino: G. Einaudi, 1977. (Original Title "Mirosozercanie D.-ogo.")
*Bieler, Manfred. "Das Licht und die Finsternis. Zum hundertsten Todestag
D.-s." Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, No. 32 (7. Feb. 1981).
*Bienek, Horst." Einleitung" zu D. für alle, ed. Horst Bienek, tr. E.K.
Rahsin. München: Piper 1981, 1615 pp., 1-38
*Bienek, Horst. "Ohne ihn kann ich nicht leben. Gespräch mit Sinjawskij über D. und die Dissidenten heute." Die Zeit, No. 7 (6. Feb. 1981), 44.
Bjorkegren, Hans. Brott och Straff: F.D. Stockholm: Wahlström and Wid-strand, 1979. (2 vol.)
Borisova. V.V. "Fol'klorno-mifologicheskaja osnova kategorii zemli u F.M. D.-ogo," pp. 35-43 in Fol'klor narodov RSFSR. Ufa: Bashkirskij univer-sitet, (1979).
Bourgeois, Paul. "D. and Existentialism - An Experiment in Hermeneu-tics." Journal of Thought, 15, ii (1980), 29-37.
Bratanov, Dimitur. Belezhiti ucheni i pisateli protiv alkokholizma. Sofiia: Nar. prosv., 1980. 164 pp. (A. Forel, G. Bunge, P.M. Dostoevski, L.N. Tolstoi, et al.)
Brody, Ervin C. "Meaning and Symbolism in the Names of D.'s "Crime and Punishment' and 'The Idiot'." Names, 27 (1979), 117-40.
Brumfield, W. C. "Thérčse Philosophe and D.'s Great Sinner." Comparative Literature, 32 (Summer, 1980), 238-52.
Bursov, Boris. "Kniga zhizni i tvorchestva." Komsomol'skaja pravda (February 8, 1981).
Cap, 3. P. " 'French Literary Imagination and D., and Other Essays' by H. Peyre." Comparative Literature Studies, 15, iv (1978), 431-34. Book Review.)
*Carlsson, Anni. "Der Doppelgänger. Zu einem Motiv der Weltliteratur." Neue Zürcher Zeitung (12. Sept. 1980), Fernausgabe Nr. 311, p. 34.
Catteau, Jacques. "Objet d'un livre." Le Monde Hebdomadaire (Feb. 28, 1980), 12.
Chances E. " 'D. Crime and Punishment - Murder as Philosophie Experiment' by A. D. Nuttall." Slavic and East European Journal. 24, iv (1980), 425-26. (Book Review.)
*Chavdarova, Dechka. "Ubeditelen glas v spora za D." Ezik i literatura, 6 (1979), 105-07.
*Chavkin, Allan. "Ivan Karamazov's Rebellion and Bellow's 'The Victim'."
Papers On Language and Literature, 16, iii (Summer, 1980), 316-19.
Chervinskene, E. P. "Svoboda lichnosti v mire idei D.-ogo," pp. 68-74 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj litera-tury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
Chudakov, A.P. "Predmetnyj mir D.-ogo," pp. 96-105 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
Comrie, Bernard. "Archaisms in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature." Journal of Russian Studies, 32 (1976), 36-39.
*Connolly, Julian. "Bunin's 'Petlistve Ushi': The Deformation of a Byronic Rebel." Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 14, i (Spring 1980). (Some references to 'Crime and Punishment'.
Cousins, N. "D.'s Legacy." Saturday Review. 7 (Dec. 1980),
Cristescu, Maria Luiza. "Ĭn cĭrje", Steaua, 30, iii (March 1979), 31.
Curtis, J. M. " 'Solzhenitsyn and D. - A Study in the Polyphonic Novel' by V. Krasnov." Slavic and East European Journal, 24, iv (1980), 433-4. (Book Review.)
Dampier, William. “TV Ontario: ‘From D. to Donald Duck.’ “ Public Telecommunications Review, 6, I (1978), 20-27.
Dan’ priznatel’noi Ljubvi. Russkie pisateli o Pushkine. Sbornik. Sost. i premech. O.S. Murav’evoj. Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1979.
Dostoevskaja, A.G. “Vospominanija.’ Otryvok.” Saundzhe, 2 (1979), 193-214. (Gruz.)
D., F.M. Bednye ljudi. Belye nochi. Moskva: Progress, 1979.
D., F. M. Belye nochi. Sentimental'nyj roman. Iz vospominanij mechta-telja. Ris. M. V. Dobuzhinskogo. Moskva: Malysh, 1978.
D., F. M. Igrok. (Roman.) Vechnyj muzh. (Rasskaz.) Khudozhnik B. R. Akbulatov. Petrozavodsk: Karelija, 1980.
D., F. M. "Neopublikovannoe pis'mo k N. N. Strakhovu. (1873). Publ. G. F. Kogan," pp. 3-6 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
D., F. M. Podrostok (Roman). V 3-kh ch. Poslesl. i primech. S. Belova. Moskva: Sovetskaja Rosssija, 1979.
D., F. M. Prestuplenie i nakazanie. Roman v 6-ti ch. s čpilogom. Vstupitel'naja stat'ja G. Fridlendera. Primech. G. Kogan. II. D. Shmarinova. (Biblioteka Klassiki. Russkaja Iiteratura.) Moskva: Khudozhestvennaja Iiteratura, 1978.
D., F. M. Unizhčnnye i oskorblennye (Roman). V 4-kh ch. II. IU.P. Minga-zitinova. Moskva: Pravda, 1979.
D., F. M. Unizhčnnye i oskorblennye (Roman). V 4-kh ch. s čpilogom. Minsk: Belarus', 1979.
Dryzhakova, Elena. "D., Chernyshevsky, and the Rejection of Nihilism." Oxford Slavonic Papers, 13 (1980), 58-79.
Dunlop, J. B. " 'Solzhenitsyn and D. - A Study in the Polyphonic Novel' by N. Krasnov." Christianity and Literature, 30, ii (1981), 107-19. (Book Review.)
Dunwoodie, P. "Caligula-D.'ian. Universe and the Evolution of Scipion." Revue de Littérature Comparée, 53, ii (1979), 223-30.
Dzjubinskaja, N. "Shutovskoj 'mezal'jans' u D.-ogo i Andreja Belogo." Literaturnaja ucheba, 4 (1980), 176-83. (Poslesl. K. Kedrova.)
Easson, A. " 'Faulkner and D. Influence and Confluence' by J.Weisgerber." Notes and Queries, 26, v (1979), 481-2. (Book Review.)
Efremova, N. "D. v Staroj Russe." Literaturnaja Rossija (July 11, 1980), 14. (Po materialam Doma-muzeja F. M. D.-ogo.)
Egeberg, Erik. "Norvezhskoe D.-denie: Kratkij Obzor." International D. Society Bulletin, 7 (1977), 122-24.
Elsworth, J. D. " 'D.: Seeds of Revolt' by J. Frank." Journal of European Studies, 9, xxxvi (1979), 296-97. (Book Review.)
Čl'zon, M. D. "Dve zametki k romanu 'Besy'," pp. 188-90 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Push-kinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
Erenraj, Maks. "Jurodstvo kneza Miškinna." Književna reč (December 25, 1979), viii:135.
Evnin, F. I. "D. i russkaja literatura konca XIX - nachala XX veka," pp. 206-17 in D. Materialy i issledovanija vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
Fedorov, G. "D. i sem'ja Kozlovskikh." Literaturnaja Rossija (April 25, 1980), 20.
Feher, Ferenc. "The Last Phase of Romantic Anti-Capitalism: Lukacs' Response to the War." New German Critique, 10 (Winter, 1977), 139-
*Fein, Herrmann. "Welche Qual kostet mich doch diese Gier nach Glauben.
Zum 100. Todestag von F. D." Die Welt, No. 32, (7. Feb. 1981).
*Fiderer, Gerald. "Raskolnikov's Confession." Literature and Psychology, 30, 2 (1980), 62-71.
Filippov, Boris. "Krasota spaset mir." Novoe russkoe slovo (Jan. 25, 1981), 2, 4.
Fleischhauer Ingeborg. "Jakov Emmanuilovic Golosovker und sein Ort in der russisch-sowjetischen Kant Interpretation." Kantstudien, 70 (1979), 66-84.
Florence, Jean. "Psychoanalysis-Literature." Revue de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education, 9, ii (1974), 209-29.
Fortin, R. E. "Responsive Form: D. 'Notes From the Underground' and the Confessional Tradition." Essays in Literature,7, ii (1980), 225-45.
Foy, James L. and Stephen J. Rojcewicz. "D. and Suicide."
Confinia Psychiatrica, 22, ii (1979), 65-80.
Frank, Joseph. " 'Literary Creation in The Works of D.' by J. Catteau." Slavic and East European Journal, 23, iv (1979), 529-31. (Book Review.)
Frank, Joseph. "His Jewish Problem." New York Review of Books, 27 (Dec. 4, 1980), 43-44. (Excerpt from introduction to 'D. and the Jews' by David Goldstein.)
Freeborn, R. " 'D. and the Novel’ by M. Holquist." Slavonic and East
European Review, 57, i (1979), 110-11. (Book Review.)
Freeborn, R. " 'D.: His Life and Work' by R. Hingley." Slavonic and East European Review, 57, iv (1979), 587-88. (Book Review.)
Freling. R. " 'D.: His Life and Work' by R. Hingley." Southern Humanities Review, 15, i (1981), 88-89. (Book Review.)
Fridlender, Georgij. "Nasledie na veka." Literaturnaja gazeta (February 11, 1981), 6.
Fridlender, Georgij. "O nekotorykh ocherednykh zadachakh i problemakh izuchenija D.-ogo." pp. 7-26 in D. Materialy i issledovanija vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
Fridlender, Georgij. "Tridcat' unikal'nykh tomov." Moskovskij komsomolec (February 3, 1981).
*Fridlender, Georgij. "Tridcat' unikal'nykh tomov." Sovetskaja Latvija (February 5, 1981), 4. (O rabote nad 30-tom. sobr. soch. pisatelja. Rasskaz d-ra filologicheskikh nauk. Zapisala A. Beljakova.)
*Fridlender, Georgij. "Tridcat' unikal'nykh tomov." Kazakhstanskaja Pravda (February 10, 1981), 4. (O rabote nad 30-tom. sobr. soch. pisatelja. Rasskaz d-ra filologicheskikh nauk. Zapisala A. Beljakova.)
Garber, Kathleen D. "A Psychological Analysis of a D. Character: Raskolnikov's Struggle for Survival." Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 14, i (1976), 14-21.
Gelfand, Elissa D. "Albertine Sarrazin: A Control Case for Femininity in Form." French Review. 51, ii (Dec. 1977), 245-51.
Gerigk, Horst-Jürgen. "Schuld und Freiheit: D., Dreiser und Richard Wright.", I (1980), 123-39.
Ger'ling-Grundzinskij, Gustav. "Zlobodnevnyj klassik." Russkaja mysl' (February 19, 1981), 7.
Glekina, N. "Dom, gde rodilsja Fedor D." Moskovskij komsomolec (January 25, 1981), 3. (O Muzee-kvartire F. M. D.-ogo.)
Glekina, N. "Moskovskaja kvartira." Lesn. prom-st' (February 3, 1981). (O Muzee kvartire pisatelja.)
Glekina, N. "Zdes' rodilsja D." Sovetskaja Estonija (February 7, 1978), 3. Golosovker, Ja. E. "D. i Kant." Književnost, 35, ii (1980), 407-25.
Gostautas, Stasys. "Buenos Aires y Arit (D., Martinez Estrada y Eccalabrini Ortiz)." Latin American Literary Review, 7, xiv (1979), 81-82. (TR by Grace Bearse.)
Gould, James A. "The Concepts of Freedom in The Grand Inquisitor." Dialogos, 15 (April 1980), 171-77.
Gratton, C. " 'The 7th Solitude: Metaphysical Homelessness in Kierkegaard, D. and Nietzsche' by R. Harper." Studies in Formative Spirituality, l, ii (1980), 311-12. (Book Review.)
Grossman, Leonid. D. Bratislava: Tatran, 1979. 263 pp.
Grossmann, Leonid. D. Milan, Italy: Garzonti, 1977.
Gubler, Donworth V. "D.'s Women." Proceedings of the Pacific Northwest Conference on Foreign Languages, 29, i (1978), 130-35.
*Gundolf, Friedrich. "D. (1908)," pp. 114-20 in his Beiträge zur Literatur-und Geistesgeschichte. (Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung Darmstadt, 54) Heidelberg: Lambert Schneider, 1980.
*Hackel, Sergei. "Paths to Reconciliation: Some Ways and By-Ways from the Orthodox Past." Sobornost, 2, i (1980), 8-17. (Speaks of the act of kissing the earth as an act of repentance, and cites 'Brothers K.', 'C&P', 'Possessed'.)
Hall, J. R. "Abstraction in D.'s 'Notes from the Underground'." Modern Language Review, 76 (Jan., 1981), 129-37.
*Hallissy, Margaret. "Bartheline's 'Views of My Father Weeping' and D.'s 'Crime and Punishment'." Studies in Short Fiction, 18, i (Winter, 1981), 77-79.
Herbert, A. "D., Camus, and the Immortality of the Soul." Revue de Littérature Comparée 54, iii (1980), 321-55.
Holquist, J. M. " 'Triumph of the Novel. Dickens, D. and Faulkner' by A. J. Guerard." Comparative Literature, 31, ii (1979), 185-87. (Book Review.)
Hov Sverrre. "D.'s budskap i lys av var tid." Kirke og Kultur, 84 (1979), 536-44.
*Imbach, Josef. "D.'s Kritik an der römischen Kirche." Neue Zürcher Zeitung (23. Januar 1981), Fernausgabe Nr. 17, p. 34.
*Ivanov, A. "Smert' i pokhorony F. M. D-ogo. (K 100-letiju so dnja smerti.)." Novoe russkoe slovo (January 25, 1981), 5.
Jackiewicz, Aleksander. "Dostojewski. Życie kina." Życie Warszawy, 10 (1980), 7.
Jazukiewicz-Oselkowska, Ludwiga. Fiodor Dostojewski w twórczości Stanisława Brzozowskiego i Stefana Żeromskiego: Studium porównawcze. Warszawa: PWN, 1980. 418 pp.
Jones, Malcom V. "Winter Notes on Autumn Reading: Five Recent Books on D." Journal of Russian Studies, 37 (1979), 32-39.
Juhász, Anikó. "Berdyaev Dosztojevszkij-értelmezésének fő kérdései." Tájékozatató. Filozófia, politikai gazdaságtan, tudományos sozocialmus, 2 (1980), 193-224.
Kajgorodov, V. I. "Ob istorizme D.-ogo," pp. 27-40 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Push-kinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
Kalbouss, G. " 'D. in Russian and World Theater' by V. Seduro. " Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue Canadienne des Slavistes, 22, ii (1980), 302-03. (Book Review.)
*Kasack, Wolfgang. "In der Mitte der Mensch. Zum 100. Todestag von F. M. D." Neue Zürcher Zeitung (23. Januar 1981), Fernausgabe Nr. 17, pp. 33-34.
Katto, Zhak. "Pisatel' svobody." Russkaja mysl' (February 19, 1981), 7.
Kej, Lesli. "P'esa D.-ogo v Pol'she." Novoe russkoe slovo (January 18, 1981), 5. (Besy.)
Ketchiov, S. " 'D.: Cruel Talent, by N. K. Mikhailovsky." Slavic and East European Journal, 23, ii (1979), 268-69. (Book Review.)
Khatchadourian, Haig. "Rational/Irrational in D., Nietzsche and Aristotle." Journal of British Social Phenomenology, 11 (May, 1980), 107-15.
Khristoforov, V. "Na beregu Irtysha." Literaturnja Rossija (February 6, 1981), 20. (O Semipalat. lit.-memor. muzee pisatelja.)
Kijko, E. I. "D. i Renan," pp. 106-22 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980. (Ob otnoshenii F. M. D.-ogo k tvorchestvu fr. uchenogo Zh.-E. Renana.)
*Király, Gyula. "Hamlet és Raszkolnyikov - reneszánsz és XIX. szádzad." Filológiai kózlóny, 3 (1980), 289-312.
*Kirpotin, V. "Al'ternativa D.-ogo." Oktjabr', l (January, 1981), 203-14.
Kodzhaev, M. K. "Princip determinacii kharaktera Goljadkina v 'Dvojnike' F. M. D.-ogo." Nauchnye trudy. Azerbazhanskij pedagogicheskij institut russ. jaz. i lit., 2 (1979), 52-59 (Rez. azerb.)
Kogan, G. F. "Lekcija E. V. Tarle Shekspir i D.: (1900)." Izvestija Akademii nauk SSSR. Serija literatury i jaz., 38, 5 (1979), 477-84.
Kornejchuk, G. A. "Gor'kij i D. Motiv dvojnichestva," pp. 20-24 in Revoljucija Zhizn'. Pisatel'. Voronezh: (s.n.), 1980.
Kržišnik, Erika. "Sinonimi v povesti D.-ega 'Dvojnik'." Jezik in slovstvo, 24 (1978-79), 86-92.
Kudrjavcev, Ju. G. Tri kruga D.: sobytijnoe, social'noe, filosofskoe. (Isto-rija filosofii.) Moskva: Izdatel'stvo MGU, 1979.
Kuznetsev, Boris. "Paralele koje se spajaju." Izraz, 9 (1979), 217-31. (About Dostoevsky and Einstein.)
Lagerlof, Karl Erik. "Love in the Works of D." Bonniers Litterara Magasin, 49, iii(1980), 131-39.
*Lauth, Reinhard. "Der 'Traum eines lächerlichen Menschen' als Auseinandersetzung mit Rousseau und Fichte." , 1 (1980), 89-101.
Lavrin, Janko. F. M. D. Reinbek: Rowohlt Verlag, 1980.
Layton, S. " 'Ideology and Imagination: Image of Society in D.' by G. C. Kabat." Russian History - Histoire Russe 6 (1979), 117-19. (Book Review.)
Leatherbarrow, W. J. "Idealism and Utopian Socialism in D.'s 'Gospodin Prokharchin' and 'Slaboye Serdtse'." Slavonic and East European Review, 58 (Oct., 1980), 524-40.
Lehrman, E. H. " 'D. and Gogol: Texts and Criticism' by P. Meyer and S. Rudy." Slavic and East European Journal, 24, iii (1980), 291-92. (Book Review.)
Lewis, T. J. " 'D.: His Life and Work' by R. Hingley." World Literature Today, 53, iii (1979), 518-19. (Book Review.)
Likhachov, D.S. Literatura-Real’nost-Literatura. Leningrad: Sovetskij pisatel’, 1981.
Lindenmeyr, Adele. "Raskolnikov's City and the Napoleonic Plan." Slavic Review, 35, i (1976), 37-47.
Linnér, Sven, " 'D.'s Quest for Form. A Study of his Philosophy of Art' by R. L. Jackson." Slavic and East European Journal, 23, ii (1979), 269. (Book Review.)
Lowy, Michael. "Ideologie Révolutionnaire et Messianisme Mystique Chez le Jeune Lukacs (1910-1919)." Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions, 23, xiv (Jan.-Mar., 1978), 51-63.
MacPike, Loralee. D.'s Dickens. London: Prior, 1980.
Majkov, A. N. "Iz neizdannykh pisem A. N. Majkova o D.-om: 1864-1893 g.g.," publ. I.G. Jampol'skogo, pp. 278-81 in D..Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Push-kinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
*Maksimov, Vladimir. "Dukhovnoj zhazhdoju tomim ...." Russkaja mysl' (February 12, 1981), 7.
*Maksimov, Vladimir. "K 100-letiju so dnja smerti F. M. D.-ogo." Novoe russkoe slovo (February 12, 1981), 3.
Mălăncioiu, Ileana. Vina tragică. Tragicii greci, Shakespeare, D., Kafka. Bucuresti: Cartea românească, 1978. 297 pp.
Malcovati, Fausto. "Svidrigajlov: Delitto senza castigo." Acme. Annali délia facoltŕ di lettere e filosofia dell'universitŕ degli studi di Milano, 31, ii (1978), 187-93.
Manschreck, Clyde L. "Nihilism in the Twentieth Century: A View From Here." Church History, 45, i (March, 1976), 85-96.
Matual, David. " 'Ideology and Imagination: The Image of Society in D.' by G. C. Kabat." International Fiction Review, 7, i (1980), 64. (Book Review).
Melent'ev, I. U. "Stradaja, negoduja i ljubja." Literaturnaja gazeta (February 11, 1981), 6.
Milee kraja net.... Sost. V. N. Parkhomenko. Khudozhnik V. Karabut. Tula: Priok. kn. izd-vo, 1979. (Sbornik. Dlja st. i sred. shkol. vozrasta. Avtory: V. A. Zhukovskij, F. I. Tjutchev, I. S. Turgenev, A. A. Fet, F. M. D., A. K. Tolstoj, N. V. Uspenskij, N. S. Leskov, L. N. Tolstoj, G. I. Uspenskij i dr.)
Miller, Robin Feuer. " 'Hugo and D.' by N. B. Brown." Slavic and East European Journal, 23, ii (1979), 190-202. (Book Review.)
Minaev, Vladimir N. "D. illusztrálása. Beszélgetés." Muvészet, 9 (1980), 24-26.
*Mochul'skij, Konstantin. "D." Russkaja mysl' (January 29, 1981), 7.
*Mochul'skij, Konstantin. "Podpol'nyj chelovek." Russkaja mysl' (February 26, 1981), 7.
Morel, J. P. " 'Literary Creation in D.' by J. Catteau." Quinzaine Littéraire, 298 (1979), 14-15. (Book Review.)
Morozova, T. G. "Rasskaz V. G. Korolenko 'At-Davan' i tradicii D.-ogo," pp. 123-43 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
Morson, Gary Saul. The Boundaries of Genre: D's Diary of a Writer and the Traditions of Literary Utopia. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981.
Mostovskaja, N. N. "D. v dnevnikakh S. I. Smirnovoj (Sazonovoj)," pp. 271-78 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
*Natova, N. "Docheri F. M. D.-ogo i mesto ikh poslednego uspokoenija." Russkaja mysl' (March 26, 1981), 12.
Navilh, F. "Soviet Films Presented at the Tenth Soviet-Filrn-Festival, February 18-24, 1981," Revue du Cinema-Image et Son-Ecran, 360 (1981), 47-50.
Nazirov, R. G. "D. i roman U. Godvina," pp. 159-67 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
Nazirov, R. G. "Petr Verkhovenskij kak čstet." Voprosy literatury, 10 (1979), 231-49. (K analizu obraza v romane F. M. D.-ogo 'Besy'.)
Nazirov, R. G. "Khudozhestvennoe myshlenie F. M. d.-ogo. i zhivopis'," pp. 54-66 in Tipologija literaturnogo processa i individual'nost' pisatelja. Perm, 1979. (O vlijanii mirovoj zhivopisi na tvorchestvo pisatelja.)
Neuhäuser, Rudolf. "Nachwort zu D. 'Der Spieler'," tr. Arthur Luther. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1980.
*Neuhäuser, Rudolf. "Semantisierung formaler Elemente irn 'Idiot'." , Dostoevsky Studies, 1 (1980), 47-63.
*Neuhäuser, Rudolf. "The Early Prose of Saltykov-Shchedrin and D." Canadian Slavonic Papers, 22, iii (1980), 372-87.
Obolenskaja, Ju. A. "K voprosu o stilisticheskoj adekvatnosti perevoda. Per. zagolovkov 'Brat'ja Karamazovy' na isp. jaz." Nauchnye doklady vyssh. shkoly. Filol. nauki, 4 (1981), 71-75,
*Onasch, Konrad. "Der hagiographische Typus des 'Jurodivyj' im Werk D.'s." Dostoevsky Studies, l (1980), 111-21.
*Onasch, Konrad. "Die Schönheit wird die Welt erlösen. Zum 100. Todestag F. M. D.'s irn Februar 1981." Theologische Literaturzeitung, 105, xi (1980), 801-16.
Opits, R. "Chelovechnost' D.-ogo (roman 'Idiot')," pp. 79-95 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
Ossinovsky, I. N. "Thomas More in D.'s 'The Idiot'." Moreana, 17, Ixvii (1980), 16.
Palumbo, Donald. "The Theme of the Fortunate Fall in D.'s 'The Brothers Karamazov': The Effective Counterargument to Ivan's Ambivalent Atheism." The Cea Critic, 43, iv (1981), 8-12.
Parolek, Radegast. "Z posledních sovětských prací o D.-ém." Československá rusistika, 3 (1980), 124-26.
Patten, R. L. " 'Triumph of the Novel: Dickens, D., and Faulkner' by A. J. Guerard." Dickensian, 75, (1979), 39-41. (Book Review.)
Paunovski, Ivan. "Podir edna legenda za D." ABV, 10 (1980), 4.
Peace R. A. " 'D. and the Psychologists' by M. Kravchenko." Slavonic and East European Review. 57, iv (1979), 585-87. (Book Review.)
Perring, Ronald Edward. "The Grand Inquisition." Studies in the Humanities, 7, ii (1979), 52-57.
*Pervushin, N. V. "D. v Zheneve." Novoe russkoe slovo (February 1. 1981), 7.
Pervushin, N. V. "L. Tolstoi, Rousseau, G. Sand i D." Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., Transactions, 11 (1978), 164-73.
Petrosjan, G. "Genij russkoj literatury." Kommunist Tadzhikistana (February 11, 1981).
Petrosjan, G. "Genij mirovoj literatury." Sovetskaja Latvija (February 8, 1981).
Phan, Peter. "Evdokimov and Monk Within." Sobornost, 3, i (April, 1981), 53-61. (The article treats D.'s understanding of beauty, truth, and goodness as the way to spiritual restoration.)
Pirjevec, Dušan. "Braća Karamazovi i pitanje o Bogu." Odlomak. - Treći program Radio Beograda 3, 42 (1979), 43-138.
Pomerancev, K. "D. i sovremennyj mir." Russkaja mysl' (February 26, 1981), 7.
Pomerancev, K. "Pomnjat i uvazhajut D.-ogo." Marii kommuna (February 9, 1980). (Marijskij.) (O restavracii Doma-muzeja F. M. D.-ogo v Moskve. K 160-letiju so dnja rozhdenija i 100-letiju so dnja smerti pisatelja.)
Popescu-Neveanu, Paul. "Somn şi vise. Spiritul, militant, materialist-dialectic al cunoaşterii ştiinţifice." Ştiinţa şi tehn, 6 (1979), 21-23.
Popov, V. P. "Problema naroda u D.-ogo," pp. 41-54 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Push-kinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
"Poslednjaja kvartira D.-ogo." Padom' ju juanatne (Padomju Jaunatne) March 19, 1980), (Latysh.)
Przystanowicz, Maria. "Adaptacje radiowe powieści D.-ego. Narracja, czas, przestrzeń (na przykladzie 'Zbrodni i kary')." Przekazy i opinie. 4 (1979), 70-80.
Pulkhritudova, E. "Roman v zerkale sceny." Sovetskaja kul'tura (March 11, 1980), 5. (Inscenirovka P. Khomskogo 'Brat'ja Karamazovy' po odnoim. romanu F. M. d.-ogo v Mosk. dram. teatre im. Mossoveta i p'esa V. Baljasnogo 'Doroga' v Mosk. dram. teatre na Maloj Bronnoj.)
*Raether, Martin. "Raskol'nikovs acte gratuit. Ein Beitrag zu D.'s Lehre vom 'Naturgesetz des Menschen'." Dostoevsky Studies, 1 (1980), 141-50.
Rak, V. D. "Dopolnenija k kommentariju 'Polnogo sobranija sochinenij' F. M. D.-ogo," pp. 176-88 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
*Rakusa, Ilma. (ed. unter Mitwirkung von Felix Philipp Ingold). D. in der Schweiz. Ein Reader. Frankfurt am Main: Insel 1981. 351 pp.
Rakusa, Ilma. "Zwischen Vorurteil und Widerspruch. F. M. D, in der Schweiz." Neue Zürcher Zeitung (September 12, i 980), Fernausgabe Nr. 311, pp. 33-34.
Ramuz, C. F. "Über D." Schweizer Monatshefte für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur, 58, iii (1978), 199-206.
Rice, Martin P. " 'D. and the Psychologists' by M. Kravchenko." Modern Language Journal, 64, ii (1980), 278-79. (Book Review.)
Rodnjanskaja, I. B. "Vjach. I. Ivanov. Svoboda i tragicheskaja zhizn'. Issledovanie o D.-kom," pp. 218-38 in D. Materialy i issledovanija vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
Rogers, Robert. "Psychoanalysis, D., and 'The Idiot'." Hartford Studies in Literature, 12, i (1980), 55-58. (Rev. of "Unconscious Structure in 'The Idiot': A Study in Literature and Psychoanalysis" by Elizabeth Dalton.)
Rovda, K. I. "D. i mirovaja literatura." Russkaja literatura, 2 (1980), 246-51. (Rev. of Fridlender, G. "D. i mirovaja literatura." Moskva: Khudozhestvennaja literatura," 1979.)
Rzhevsky, Leonid. "D.'s 'Besy': Its Language and the Author's Image." Russian Language Journal, 34 cxvii (Winter, 1980), 101-08.
Savel'eva, v. V. "Inoskazatel'noe soderzhanie temy 'doroga' v romane F. M. D.-ogo 'Brat'ja Karamazovy'," pp. 40-46 in Analiz khudozhestvennogo proizvedenija. Alma-Ata, 1979.
Scherer, Olga. "Rosie Coldfield et Vanko Karamazov: Le Diminutif au Service de l'Ambivalence." Revue de Littérature Comparée, 53 (1979), 311-22.
Schiaffino, Gabriella. "Alcune note sul parricidio nei 'Fratelli Karamazov'." Acmé. Annali della Facoltŕ di lettere e filosofia dell' universitŕ degli studi di Milano, 31, ii (1978), 195-99.
Schoenl, W. J. "From the Crystal Palace to D.'s Grand Inquistitor: Some Reflections." Journal of Thought, 15, ii (1980), 19-27.
Sdobnov, V. V. "Čpigraf romana F. M. D.-ogo 'Brat'ja Karamazovy'," pp. 88-103 in Khudozhestvennoe proizvedenie i ego chitatel'. Kalinin, 1980.
Seleznev, Ju. "Neobkhodimosf D.-ogo." Voprosy literatury, 7, (1980), 234-62. (Obzor. knig, posvjashch. zhizni, tvorchestvu i mirovozreniju pisatelja.)
Seleznev, Ju. "Velikaja nadezhda D.-ogo." Sovetskaja Rossija (February 8, 1981).
Semenov, E. I. Roman D.-ogo "Podrostok" (Problematika i zhanr). Leningrad: Nauka. Leningradskoe otdelenie, 1979.
*Sennett, Richard. "Authority and Freedom." Kenyon Review, 2, ii (Spring, 1980). (Treats the nature of freedom in Kafka and D.)
Shein, Louis J. " 'D. and the Novel' by M. Holquist." Queen's Quarterly, 85, iv (1978). 720-21. (Book Review.)
*Shteinberg, Aaron Zakharovich. "Ideja bessmertija u D.-ogo." Russkaja mysl' (February 5, 1981), 7.
Slattery, Dennis P. "Panic in Petersburg: D.'s Mythical Method." Publications of the Arkansas Philological Association, 5, ii-iii (1979), 48-57.
Sokhrjakov, JU. I. "Tradicii D.-ogo v vosprijatii T. Vulfa, U. Folknera i D. Stejnbeka," pp. 144-58 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
Sołowjow, Władimir. "Mowa druga. D.-ego wizja chrźeścijaństwa. Fragment książki 'D. w oczach wspólczesnych'." Novum, 2 (1980), 62-70.
Spendel, Giovanna. "Ill mantello del Principe Myshkin." Acme. Annali della facoltŕ di lettere e filosofia dell' universitŕ degli studi di Milano, 31, ii (1978), 201-05.
Stokes, John. "Wilde on D." Notes and Queries, 27 (June, 1980), 215-16.
*Stoinev, Anani. "D. i Pobedonostsev - geniiat i negoviiat 'nastavnik'." Filosofska misul, 8 (1980), 118-21.
*Szczukin, Wasilij. "Z nowszych badań nad D.-im." Przegląd humanistyczny, 7/8(1980), 152-57
*Szpakowska, Małgorzata. "Wyrobnik." Twórczość, 4(1980), 127-30.
Tade, E. "Dvadcatshest' dnej iz zhizni D. - Zarkhi, A." Soviet Film, 80, xii (1980), 170-73. (Film Review.)
Tamarchenko, N. D. "D., Met'jurin, Gjugo: k vopr. o zhanrovykh istoch-kakh i svjazakh 'Prestuplenija i nakazanija' D.-ogo." Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Sverdlovskij pedagogicheskij institut, sbornik 319 (1979), 15-27.
Tepljakova, L. S. "Nerechevye glagoly v funkcii vvodjashchikh prjamuju rech' v proizvedenijakh F. M. D.-ogo," pp. 101-10 in Teoreticheskie aspekty lingv. issled. Jaroslavl', 1979.
Terras, Victor. A Karamazov Companion: Commentary on the Genesis, Language and Style of D.'s Novel. Madison: U. of Wisconsin Press, 1981. 482 pp.
Terras, Victor. " 'Ideology and Imagination. The Image of Society in D.' by G. C. Kabat'." Slavic and East European Journal, 23, iv (1979), 528. (Book Review).
Trofimov, I. "Genij russkogo naroda." Gudok (February 10, 1981).
Umiński, Zdzisław. "Listy wielkiego pisarza." Kierunki, 18 (1980), 12.
*Vagin, Evg. "O D.-kom v Italii." Novoe russkoe slovo (February 7, 1981), 6.
Vahros, Igor. "Sata vuotta F. M. D. kuolemasta (11.11.1821-9.2.1881). Suuren humanistin ja rakentavan utopistin taiteesta." Aspect (Helsinki), No. 1 (1981), 76-97. (In Russian: "Sto let so dnja konchiny F. M. D. O tvorchestve velikogo gumanista i konstruktivnogo utopista.")
Varga, István. "Mémeth László Dosztojevszkij-képéről." Alföld, 12 (1980), 49-56.
Vechnoe solnce: russkaja socialisticheskaja utopija i nauch. fantast. (Vtoraja polovina XIX - nachalo XX v.) Sost., avt. predisl., spravok ob avt. i komment. S. Kamykov. Khudozh. G. Metchenko. Moskva: Molodaja gvardija, 1979.
Veinberg, P. I. "Pis'ma P. I. Vejnberga K D.-omu (1860-1880 gg.). Publ. G. V. Stepanovoj," pp. 239-53 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akademija nauk SSSR, 1980.
Verč, Ivan. Vdrug. L'improviso in D. Trieste: Editoriale Stampatriestina, 1977.
Verkuyl, J. D.'s Visie op de Mens. Kampen, Belgium: Kok, 1980. Veselâ, Marie. "D.-ého deník." Práce (May 5, 1978), 6.
Veselá, Marie. “D.-ého deník.” Práce (May 5, 1978), 6.
Villadsen, Preben. The Underground Man and Raskolnikov: A Comparative Study. Tr. from Danish by Daniel Frickelton and Laurits Rendboe. Odensee: Odensee U. P., 1981. 159 pp.
Volgin, I. L. "D. i pravitel'stvennaja politika v oblasti prosveshchenija (1881-1917)," pp. 192-206 in D. Materialy i issledovanija, vyp. 4. Leningrad: Institut russkoj literatury. (Pushkinskij Dom) Akaderriija nauk SSSR, 1980.
Volgin, Igor'. "Zaveshchanie D.-ogo." Voprosy literatury, 6 (1980), 154-96. (O rechi F. M. D.-ogo, proiznes. na torzhestvakh, posvjashch. otkry-tiju pamjatnika A. S. Pushkinu v Moskve 8 ijunja 1880 g.)
Wasiolek, E. " 'D. and the Novel' by M. Holquist." Comparative Literature, 31 iii (1979), 315-16. (Book Review).
*Wegner, Michael. "Zur Modernität des Dostoevskijschen Romantypus." Dostoevsky Studies, 1 (1980), 23-30.
West, Paul. "Sheer Fiction: Mind and the Fabulist's Mirage." New Literary History, 7, iii (Spring, 1976), 549-61.
*Wexelblatt, Robert. "The Higher Parody: Ivan Ilych's Metamorphosis and the Death of Gregor Samsa." Massachusetts Review, 21, iii (Fall, 1980). (Speaks of 'Notes from Underground' in comparing the two works in the title.)
Williams, F. " 'D. in Russian and World Theater' by V. Seduro." Slavonic and East European Review, 58, i (1980), 117-18. (Book Review).
Wilson, Raymond J. "Raskolnikov's Dream in 'Crime and Punishment'." Literature and Psychology, 26, iv (1976), 159-66.
Winfield, W. "Reflection/Negation/Reality: D. and Hegel." Comparative Literature Studies, 17 (December, 1980), 399-409.
*Wood, Alan. "Siberian Exile in Tsarist Russia." History Today, 30 (September, 1980). (Speaks briefly of House of the Dead.)
Woodcock, G. " 'D. and the Novel' by M. Holquist." Sewanee Review, 87, iii (1979), 480-90. (Book Review).
Woodcock, G. " 'Ideology and Imagination: The Image of Society in D.' by G. C. Kabat." Sewanee Review, 87, iii (1979), 480-90. (Book Review).
Woronzoff, Alexander. "Andrej Belyj's 'Petersburg', James Joyce's 'Ulysses', and the Stream-of-Consciousness Method." Russian Language Journal, 30, cvii (Fall, 1976), 101-07.
*Zajcev, Boris. "D. i Optina Pustyn'." Russkaja mysl'(January 29, 19S1), 7.
*Z-n, V. "Vecher pamjati D.-ogo." Novoe russkoe slovo (January 14, 1981), 6.
*Zajcev, Boris. "D. i Optina Pustyn'." Russkaja mysl' (February 5, 1981), 7.
*Zajcev, Boris. "D. i Optina Pustyn'." Russkaja mysl' (February 19, 1981), 8-9.
Zarkhi, A. "D. Twenty-Six Days in the Life of D. Biographical Film." Soviet Film, 80, iii (1980), 13-14.
Zeltynja, G. "Emocii i mnenija, posmotrev Ubivca." Padom'ju jaunatne (Padomju Jaunatne) (January 31, 1979). (Latysh. Inscenirovka M. Rozovskogo 'Ubivec' po romanu F. M. D.-ogo 'Prestuplenie i nakaza-nie v Rizhskom teatre russkoj dramy.)
*Zhegalov, N. "Sovremennoe literaturovedenie o roli literatury v dukhovnoj zhizni obshchestva. Iskanija." Novyj mir, 2, (February, 1981), 244-51. (P. 245 only.)