> accessing
> ws-ftp le
LE for Windows is a program which can be used to transfer files
from your PC to the UTORweb server; this is also called uploading
files to the UTORweb server, and in the case of Web pages, publishing.
WS_FTP LE also allows renaming files, creating directories, and
other manipulations of the files you have at the UTORweb server.
LE uses the FTP protocol, which is widely used to transfer files
from one computer to another on the Internet. Trivia: FTP
stands for file transfer protocol.
in a license you must agree to, the vendor for WS_FTP LE provides
it free of charge if you are a student, faculty member, or staff
member of an educational institution. Get a copy by visiting the
vendor at www.ipswitch.com
or from any Shareware software site, such as www.tucows.com.
(Note that WS_FTP PRO, unlike WS_FTP LE, is not free of charge.)
you have a copy of the program, install it by double-clicking the
file you obtained named ws_ftple.exe or ws_ftple. You can accept
the given default options during the installation process.
a WS-FTP LE Profile for UTORWEB
the WS_FTP program. (One way is to click on Start > Programs
> Ws_ftp > WS_FTP.) You should see something like the following:
the New button. This should clear most of the fields.
Then fill the fields as we have filled them in the screen photo
above and the table below,
to type in the field
be anything you like; we suggest utorweb
be individual.utoronto.ca
be your
security leave this blank
your UTORid must be enabled to use the UTORweb service. (Your UTORid
is not the same as your email address, e.g. not terry.lee@utoronto.ca.)
If you know your email address and need to know your UTORid or to
examine your UTORid options please visit www.utorid.utoronto.ca.
users may want to set the initial folder used on their PC. To do
this select the Startup tab in the above Session Properties
dialog. Fill in the field called Initial Local Folder.
For example, you may want to fill in C:\My Documents\mywebstuff
if that is the folder on your PC where you keep files for transferring
to the UTORweb server.
will not need to fill in this dialog again.
Files to UTORWEB
OK button on the Session Properties dialog you filled
in above to connect to the UTORweb server. When prompted, "Please
enter a password for UTORid on side individual.utoronto.ca,"
give your UTORid password. You should see a window that looks as
the bottom part of the window (where it says "226 Transfer
complete" in the above screen photo) says something like
Login incorrect.
!Logon failure, so quitting
you did not succeed in connecting. On failures, an "oh oh"
sound may also be made. The most likely cause is misspelling the
UTORid userid, UTORid password, or individual.utoronto.ca (note
that ftp:// or http:// should not be included); to try again click
on the Connect button.
disconnect at any time, click on the Close button;
to reconnect use the Connect button. (The same button
changes between these two names.)
you are connected, the left hand side of the window, labeled Local
System, displays files on your
PC. The right hand side, labeled Remote Site displays your
files on the UTORweb server.
a file on the left hand Local System side of the window and
clicking on the --> button will transfer (alias
upload or publish) the file from your PC to the UTORweb server.
Similarly, selecting a file on the right hand Remote Site
side and clicking the <-- button transfers (alias
downloads) the file from the UTORweb server to your PC.
a file on either the Local System (for your PC) or Remote
Site (for the UTORweb server), and click the corresponding Delete
or Rename button to perform the indicated action.
can change the PC folder or UTORweb folder involved by double-clicking
the green up arrow to navigate up a folder or double-click on a
folder to navigate to that folder. The current folder is always
indicated. In the above window photo, C:\My Documents\mywebstuff
is the current PC folder, while / (the top of the folder tree) is
the current UTORweb server folder.
you save a file to the "private" folder it will not be
accessible by others. This is a good place to store documents which
you would like to access later, possibly from a different location.
For example, you could save your wordprocessing document, spreadsheet,
etc. at a University public workstation and then access it from
your home PC or a different University workstation later.
save your file outside the "private" folder than it becomes
accessible to everyone. For example, if you name your file sample.html,
it will be accessible from any browser using the URL http://individual.utoronto.ca/terrylee/sample.html;
the "terrylee" portion of the URL is one you chose when
you activate your UTORid for use with the UTORweb service. If you
are uncertain what your URL will be see www.utorid.utoronto.ca.
The special file called index.html is accessed from a browser using
http://individual.utoronto.ca/terrylee (known as the "home"
page.) The "http://" portion of the URL can be dropped
in most browsers.
common problem occurs when intending to double-click a folder
to navigate folders, but instead inadvertently double-clicking
on a file. Double-clicking on a file on either side of the display
will cause the file to be transferred to the other side. (This
is an alternative to using the --> and <--
automatically disconnects after 900 idle seconds. The message
at the bottom left hand of the window will say, "421 Timeout(900
seconds): closing connection." Afterwards, attempts to
transfer files will produce, "!Receive error: connection
reset !Failed 'port'". Attempts to navigate UTORweb server
folders will produce "!Send error: connection reset !Receive
error connection reset". Simply click the Close
button at the bottom of the window. Once it turns into a Connect
button, click it again.
recommend you keep your PC copy of the files you transfer to
the UTORweb server. In the event you inadvertently delete a
file on the UTORweb server, your PC copy of the file will allow
recovery. We also recommend that you keep old versions of your
files in case you decide you don't like the new version. For
example, copy your index.html to a folder named backup before
making changes. That way if you don't like the way the new one
looks, you have the old copy handy. Keeping a backup of all
files placed on the UTORweb server is your responsibilitywe
cannot restore deleted or altered files for you.
every PC folder you transfer files to or from, WS_FTP creates
a file named WS_FTP.LOG containing a record of each transfer.
usage: to select more than one file to upload you can shift-click
them to select contiguous files or control-click them to select
non-contiguous files.
Advanced usage: As described above, all files are transferred
in FTP binary mode, meaning there are no changes made. In Windows
text files (such as HTML files) all lines are terminated with
a carriage return character followed by a line feed character,
whereas the UTORweb server is a UNIX based system which uses
only line feed at the end of each character. (MacOS uses only
the carriage return character as a line terminator.) Normally
this has no affect on HTML files going from a PC because carriage
return is treated as white space by all browsers. If you are
doing something where having the line terminator translated
appropriately is important, you can select ASCII mode for files
requiring it; simply click the ASCII radio button (found
near the bottom of the window). You can also select the Auto
radio button; by default it uses ASCII for Windows files ending
in a txt extension, but you can add extensions such as html
by clicking the Options button, then the Extensions
tab. We added the htm and html extensions in the screen photo

Sept 01 Written by Alex Nishri
of Toronto
Maintained by Network
Services Group