Highlighting Elements
Examples of Logical Highlighting
- CITE - This is citation text
- CODE - This is
typed computer code
- DFN - This is a defining instance text
- EM - This is emphasized text
- KBD - This is keyboard input text
- SAMP - This is literal character text
- STRIKE - This is
strike-out text
- STRONG - This is strongly emphasized text
- VAR - This is a variable text
Examples of Character Highlighting
- B - This is boldfaced text
- BIG - This is bigger text
- I - This is italicized text
- S - This is
strike-through text
- SMALL - This is small text
- SUB - This is subscript text
- SUP - This is superscript text
- TT - This is fixed-width typerwriter font text
- U - This is underlined text