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4.3.2 Examples of Paragraph Alignments

The following paragraphs illustrate all possible ALIGN attribute values. Have a look at what they do on your browser.

No Alignment Specified

This paragraph has no alignment attribute. By default, paragraphs are left-aligned, although once the Web supports other languages, such as arabic, the default alignment will be language-specific. One problem with examples is thinking of what to say.... blobby bloop!


This paragraph is left aligned, with the start tag <p align="left">. By default, paragraphs are left-aligned, so this should look the same as the above paragraph (of course, the words are different!).


This paragraph is center-aligned, and begins with the tag <p align="center">. So, hopefully you should see this center-aligned on your display. If you do not, then your browser does not support this alignment value.


This paragraph is right-aligned, and begins with the tag <p align="right">. So, hopefully you should see this right-aligned on your display (flushed to the right hand margin, with a ragged left margin). If you do not, then your browser does not support this alignment value.


This paragraph is left and right justified, and begins with the tag <p align="justify">. So, hopefully you should see this text flush with both the left and right margins. If you do not, then your browser does not support this alignment value.

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