Women, War, Diaspora and Learning - Research Resources
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  Last updated on May 17, 2007    


War, Genocide and Testimony

Butalia, Urvashti. 1997. "A question of silence: Partition, women and the state." In Gender and Catastrophe. (ed.) Ronit Lentin. London; New York: Zed Books.

Di Paolantonio, Mario. 2000. "Loss in present terms: Readings the limits of post-dictatorship Argentina's national conciliation." In Between Hope and Despair: Pedagogy and the Remembrance of Trauma. (eds.) Roger Simon, Sharon Rosenberg and Claudia Eppert. Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield.

Lentin, Ronit. 1997. "Introduction: (En)gendering genocides." In Gender and Catastrophe. (ed.) Ronit Lentin. London; New York: Zed Books.

Ranck, Jody. 2000. "Beyond reconciliation: Memory and alterity in post-genocide Rwanda." In Between Hope and Despair: Pedagogy and the Remembrance of Trauma. (ed.) Roger Simon, Sharon Rosenberg and Claudia Eppert. Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield.

Ringelheim, Joan. 1997. "Genocide and gender: A split memory." In Gender and Catastrophe. (ed.) Ronit Lentin. London; New York: Zed Books.

Simon, Roger, Sharon Rosenberg and Claudia Eppert. 2000. Between Hope and Despair: Pedagogy and the Remembrance of Trauma. Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield.

Simon, Rogers, Claudia Eppert, Mark Clement and Laura Beres. 2002. "Witness as Study: the difficult inheritance of testimony." The Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies 22(4): 285-322.

Zur, Judith. 1997. "Reconstructing the self through memories of violence among Mayan Indian war widows." In Gender and Catastrophe. (ed.) Ronit Lentin. London; New York: Zed Books. 64-76.


Feminist Methodology

Barry, Kathleen. 1988. Susan B. Anthony: A Biography of a Singular Feminist. New York and London: New York University Press.

Clough, Patricia. 1993. "Response to Smith's response." In The Sociological Quarterly 34(1): 193-194.

__________. 1993. "On the brink of deconstructing sociology: Critical reading of Dorothy Smith's standpoint epistemology." In The Sociological Quarterly 34(1): 169-182.

Contratto, Susan. 1985. "Introduction." In Bus Dignity: Lower Income Women Tell of Their Lives and Struggles. Fran Leeper. University of Michigan Press.

Cosslett, Tess, Celia Lury and Penny Summerfield. 2000. Feminism and Autobiography: Texts, Theories, Methods. London & New York: Routledge.

Fowlkes, Diane L. 1997. "Moving from identity politics through a feminist materialist standpoint of intersubjectivity." In Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 12(2) 105-124.

Gorelick, Sherry. 1996. "Contradictions of feminist methodology." In Feminism and Social Change: Bridging Theory and Practice. (ed.) Heidi Gottfried. Chicago: University of Illinois Press.

Kesler, Suzanne J. and Wendy McKenna. 1978. Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Lather, Patti. 1995. "Feminist perspectives on empowering research methodologies." In Debates and Issues in Feminist Research and Pedagogy. (eds.) Janet Holland and Maud Blair. Philadelphia: Multilingual Matters LTD.

Lawless, Elaine J. 2001. Women Escaping Violence: Empowerment through Narrative. Columbia: University of Missouri Press.

Middleton, Sue. 1993. Educating Feminists: Life Histories and Pedagogy. New York: Teachers College Press.

Personal Narratives Group. ed. 1989. Interpreting Women's Lives: Feminist Theory and Personal Narratives. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

Smith, Dorothy. 1987. The Everyday World as Problematic. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

__________. 1993. A high noon in textland: A critique of Clough. In The Sociological Quarterly 34(1): 183-192.

__________. 1999. Writing the Social: Critique, Theory and Investigations. University of Toronto Press.

Spender, Dale. ed. 1987. Personal Chronicles: Women's Autobiographical Writings. Special Issue of Women's Studies International Forum 10(1).

Sutton, Margaret. 1998. "A feminist epistemology and research methods." In Women in the Third World: An Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Issues. (ed.) Nelly P. Stromquist and Karen Monkman. New York: Garland Publishing.


Oral History

Allen, Barbara. 1979. "The personal point of view in orally communicated history." In Western Folklore 38: 115.

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Anderson, Kathryn, Susan Armitage, Dana Jack and Judith Wittner. 1987. "Beginning where we are: Feminist methodology in oral history" In Oral History Review 57: 103-127.

Baird, Barbara. 1990. I Had One Too: An Oral History of Abortion Before 1970. Adelaide, South Australia: Women's Studies Unit, Flinders University.

Baum, Willa. 1980-81. "Therapeutic value of oral history." In International Journal of Aging and Human Development 12(1): 49-53.

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__________. 1987. Oral History for the Local Historical Society. Stockton, CA: Conference of the California Historical Society.

Behar, Ruth. 1993. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Ezperanza's Story. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

Bell, Diane. 1987. Generations: Grandmothers, Mothers and Daughters. Melbourne: McPhee Gribble.

Benmayor, Rina and Andor Skotnes. eds. 1994. Migration and Identity: International Yearbook of Oral History and Life Stories, Volume III. Oxford University Press.

Bertaux, Daniel and Paul Thompson. eds. 1993. Between Generations: Family Models, Myths and Memories: International Yearbook of Oral History and Life Stories, Volume II. Oxford University Press.

Blatti, Jo. 1990. "Public history and oral history." In Journal of American History 77(2): 615-26.

Blatz, Perry K. 1990. "Craftsmanship and flexibility in oral history: A pluralistic approach to methodology and theory." In Public Historian 12: 7-22.

Bodnar, John. 1996. "Generational memory in an American town." In Journal of Interdisciplinary History 26(4): 619-37.

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Buhle, Paul. 1981. "Radicalism: The oral history contribution." In International Journal of Oral History 2(3): 205-15.

Cohen, Patsy & Margaret Somerville. 1991. "Introduction." In Ingelba and the Five Black Matriarchs. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.

Di Leonardo, Micaela. 1987. "Oral history as ethnographic encounter." In The Oral History Review 15: 1-20.

Dunaway, David K. And Willa K. Baum. eds. 1996. Oral History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology, 2nd edition. Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History.

Evans, George E. 1987. Spoken History. London: Faber and Faber.

Felt, Thomas. 1976. Researching, Writing and Publishing Local History. Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History.

Fletcher, William. 1987. Recording Your Family History: A Guide to Preserving Oral History with Video Tape, Audio Tape, Suggested Topics and Questions. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co.

Frisch, Michael. 1990. A Shared Authority: Essays on the Craft and Meaning of Oral and Public History. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

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Gluck, Sherna, and Daphne Patai. eds. 1991. Women's Words: The Feminist Practice of Oral History. New York: Routledge.

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Hareven, Tamara K. 1978. "The search for generational memory: Tribal rites in industrial society." In Daedalus 107(4): 137-49.

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Jeffrey, Jaclyn, and Glenace Edwall. eds. 1994. Memory and History: Essays on Remembering and Interpreting Human Experience. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.

Jolly, Brad. 1982. Videotaping Local History. Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History.

Joyner, Charles. 1979. "Oral history as a communicative event: A folkloristic perspective." The Oral History Review 7: 47-52.

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Kane, Lucile M. 1972. A Guide to the Care and Administration of Manuscripts. Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History.

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Lanman, Barry A., and George L. Mehaffy. 1989. Oral History in the Secondary School Classroom. Los Angeles, CA: Oral History Association.

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Lowenstein, Wendy. 1978. Weevils in the Flour: An Oral Record of the 1930s Depression in Australia. Melbourne: Highland House.

McMahan, Eva and Kim Lacy Rogers. eds. 1994. Interactive Oral History Interviewing. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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Mercier, Laurie and Madeline Buckendorf. 1992. Using Oral History in Community History Projects. Los Angeles, CA: Oral History Association, Pamphlet No. 4.

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Modjeska, Drusilla. 1989. Inner Cities: Australian Women's Memory of Place. Ringwood, Victoria: Penguin.

Montell, W. Lynwood and Barbara Allen. 1981. From Memory to History: Using Oral History Sources in Local Historical Research. Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History.

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