Women, War, Diaspora and Learning - Research Resources
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  Last updated on May 17, 2007    

Lifelong Learning - Policy

A Memorandum on Lifelong Learning. 2000. A commission staff working paper. Brussels
A Report on Adult Education and Training in Canada: Learning and Living. May 2001. Statistics Canada, Human Resource Development Canada.
Archer, David. Reflect: a Radical New Approach to Adult Literacy. London: International Reflect Network.
ASPBAE and ICAE attend the World Education Forum. April 24-28, 2000, Dakar, Senegal.
Bediako, Thomas. April 28, 2000. Speech at the Closing Plenary of the World Education Foundation. For the World Education Forum. April 24-28, 2000, Dakar, Senegal.
Bradi, Berni. 1999. "Lifelong Learning and Civil Society: The Changing Role of the State" presented at International Seminar on Adult Education and Lifelong Education Policies in Industrialized Countries. Quebec, December, 1999.
Canada's International Business Strategy, 1997-1998. 1997. Government of Canada, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
Canadian Association for Adult Education. November 1997. Engagement for Literacy: A Report on the Consultation: Response to the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS). Prepared for the National Literacy Secretariat, Human Resource Development Canada
Chilwela, Jennifer. April 26, 2000. NGO statement for the Inaugural Session of the World Education Forum. The World Education Forum. April 24-28, 2000, Dakar, Senegal.
CONFINTEA V draft report. 2001?
CONFINTEA V follow-up newsletter http://www.unesco.org/education/uie/confintea. 99-03-12.
Confintea: Follow-up Report.Draft. UNESCO Institute for Education
Cooperating with Civil Society to Achieve Social Goals Through Education. Summary of paper presented by ASPBAE for the World Education Forum April 24-28, 2000, Dakar, Senegal.
Cycles of Formation: Politic-Pedagogical Proposal for Citizen's School. April 1999. Cadernos Pedagogicos, Secretaria Municipal de Educacao (SMED). Porto Alegre: City Secretariat of Education.
Declaration of the African Trade Union Conference on the Role of African Workers and Trade Unions in the New Partnership for Arica's Development (NEPAD). Dakar, Senegal, February, 2002
Dwyer, Victor. 1997. "Who should pay for ESL? the backlash over teaching immigrants English." In Maclean's, April 14, 1997, 52-55.
EAEA's Policy Statement About Lifelong Learning in Europe. European Association for the Education of Adults.
Education for All: Old promises, new commitments: ASPBAE Report for the World Education Forum. April 24-28, 2000, Dakar, Senegal.
Education News: the Newsletter of the UNICEF Education Cluster. February 1997. UNICEF, 6(3).
"Education notes." In Maclean's, December 21,1998, 76.
Field, John (ed). 2001. Promoting European Dimensions in Lifelong Learning. The National Organization for Adult Learning
Framework for Priority Action for Change and Development of Higher Education. 1998. For the World Conference on Higher Education, Paris, October 1998. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. ED-98/CONF.202/4.
Fretwell, David. H. and Joe E. Colombano. 2000. Adult Continuing Education: An Integral Part of Lifelong Learning. World Bank Discussion Paper.
Fretwell, David. H. and Joe E. Colombano. April 2000. "Emerging policies and programs for the 21st century in upper and middle income countries." in Adult Continuing Education: An Integral Part of Lifelong Learning. World Back discussion paper. Human Development Network Education Department. The World Bank.
Hanson, Jody. June 2-5, 1996. Learning Democracy: Working at the University, Studying at the Brothel. Prepared of the Annual Socialist Studies Meeting, St. Catherine's Canada.
Information.1990. Released by Ontario Federation of Labour, July 25, 1990.
Inspiration…Celebration…Mobilization. August 1999. UNESCO Newsletter, Issue 1.
Learning to Succeed: A New Framework for post-16 Learning. 1999. Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State of Education and Employment of England.
Lenihan, Donald G et.al. 2001. Measuring Qulaity of Life: The Use of Societal Outcomes by Parliamentarians. Volume 3. Centre for Collaborative Government.
Lenihan, Donald G. 2001. Opening the E-Government File: Governing in the 21st Century. Volume 2. Centre for Collaborative Government.
Lenihan, Donald G. 2002. Post-Industrial Governance: Designing a Canadian Cultural Institution for the Global Village. Volume 5. Centre for Collaborative Government.
Lenihan, Donald G. 2002. Realigning Governance: from E-Government to E-Democracy. Volume 6. Centre for Collaborative Government.
Lenihan, Donald G. and Jay Kaufman. 2001. Leveraging our Diversity: Canada as a Learning Society. Volume 4. Centre for Collaborative Government.
Lifelong Learning/Education Bibliography. 1973 - present. Hamburg. Unesco Institute for Education.
Lifelong Learning Bibliography: A European VET Perspective. 2002. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
Lifelong learning and training: a bridge to the future. July 1999. Final Report for the Second International Congress on Technical and Vocational Education. April 26-30, 1999. Seoul, Republic of Korea, compiled by Section for Technical and Vocational Education of UNESCO. ED-99/CONF.401/CLD.7.
Lifelong Learning in Europe. 2001. 6(4).
Literacy in Ontario. Prepared by the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training.
Mapping the World of Women's Information Services Database: Quick Reference Guide. 2002. International Information Centre and Archives for the Women's Movement (IIAV)
"Memorandum of Understanding". September 29, 1994. For the International Literacy Institute. University of Pennsylvania/UNESCO.
Minority Rights and Training 1997-2000. 1997. Report of an International Minority Rights Group Seminar held April 10-11, 1997 in Gatwick, UK.
Opening Doors to the World: Canada's International Market Access Priorities, 1999. 1999. Government of Canada, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
"Organizational Structure". September 29, 1994. For the International Literacy Institute. University of Pennsylvania/UNESCO.
Overcoming Exclusion Through Adult Learning, 2000. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
People and Skills in the new Global Economy. 1989. Premier's Council Report for the Province of Ontario, Canada.
People and Skills in the New Global Economy: List of Recommendations. 1989. Premier's Council Report for the Province of Ontario, Canada.
Progress, Acievement and Problems: A Retrospective Review of Adult Education since 1985. 1997. Working Document for the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA V). United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Report of the Knowledge Nation Taskforce. 2001. Government of Australia.
Schools for Citizenship: Achievement for All. prepared by the Secretaria Municipal de Educacao (SMED) City of Porto Alegre Department of Education.
Siemienski, Guillaume. May 26-30, 1997. Education Rights of Minorities: the Hague Recommendations. Working paper prepared for the Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on Prevention of discrimination and Protection of Minorities, Working Group on Minorities. Third Session. E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.5/1997WP.3.
Status and Trends: Adult Education in a Polarized World. 1997. Prepared for the International Consultative Form on Education for All. Paris: UNESCO. www.unesco.org/education/efa/03e697.htm.
Survey of Trends in Adult Education and Training in Canada (1985-1995). 1997. Report of Canada in preparation for CONFINTEA V, July 1997. http://www.cmec.ca/international/adulted-en.stm. Downloaded 11/24/98.
The Cape Town Statement on Characteristic Elements of Lifelong Learning Higher Education Institution. 2001. Developed at Lifelong Learning Higher Education and Active Citizenship Conference October, 2000 in Cape Town, South Africa.


World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-First Century: Vision and Action. 1998. For the World Conference on Higher Education, Paris, October 1998. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. ED-98/CONF.202/3.
Youngman, Frank. 2001. "The prospects for lifelong learning for all in Africa: the case of Botswana." In Inchiesta, spring 2000.
Youngman, Frank. 2002. Policy Development for Lifelong Learning in Botswana. For the Interagency Strategic Group Meeting on Lifelong Learning, Hamburg, April 2002.
Youngs, Gillian (ed.). 2001. Creative and Inclusive Strategies for Lifelong Learning: Report of International Roundtable, November 2000. Germany: UNESCO Institute for Education.


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