Women, War, Diaspora and Learning - Research Resources
Photo of marching women
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This project is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada/Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada.
  Last updated on May 17, 2007    

Lifelong Learning - Practice

About NIACE: Supporting, Developing and Promoting Adult Learning. The National Organization for Adult Education.
ADEN Conference Plan. 2002.
Additional Qualification Courses for Educators, fall/winter 2002-2003. OISE/UT.
"Adult Learning." section J of the Toronto Star, August 15th, 2002.
Becoming a Members of ADEN. African Development Education Network.
Berry, Kevin. 2001. "Thumbs up for technical skills" in FE Focus, July 6, 2001: 42.
Branching Out: Toronto's Magazine of Lifelong Learning. 2001. 1(4).
Canadian Lifelong Learning. Published by the Canadian Link to Lifelong Learning. 1999. 2(1).
Celebrating Lifelong Learning for All. 2000. Adult Learners' week, May 20 to 26, 2000.
Centre for the Study of Eductaion and Work. 2001. Mission Statement. OISE/UT.
e-Learning in the Workplace, Symposium, 2001 and 2002. Laurier Institute, Wilfred Laurier University.
Elliot, Larry.. 2001. "Who else will do a woman's work?" in the Guardian, July 9th, 2001:19.
"Establishing a Dynamic Equilibrium." University of Toronto Innovations Foundation Annual Report 2000-2001.
Laghi, Brian. 2001. "Never too late to learn: A motto of the Liberal plan" in the Globe and Mail, February 5th, 2001: A4.
Manenji, David M. (ed). 2001. "ADEN Planning Session: July 2001 to December 2002." For African Development Education Network.
McCarthy, Shawn. "Skilled-worker shortage could reach one million" in the Globe and Mail, February.
Morrison, James. 2000. "Corporate Universities: An Interview with Jeanne Meister" in Vision July/August 2000. http://horizon.unc.edu/TS/vision/2000-7.asp (link temporarily unavailable). downloaded 2/9/01.
"Most Ontario Teachers Already Upgrading KNowledge" 2001 Press Release from New Approaches to Lifelong Learning. http://oise.utoronto.ca/depts/sese/csew/nall/Oct-9-Press-Release.htm. Downloaded 10/12/01.
Pokawa, Joseph. 2001. "ADEN Objectives."
"Running the Rapids". The Canadian Lifelong Learning Lyceum. November 4-7, 1999. National Arts Centre, Ottawa, Onatrio. Canadian Link to Lifelong Learning.
School of Continuing Studies Course Calendar 2002-2003. University of Toronto.
Smith, Russell. 2001. "Skills crisis? Let's train some poets and intellectuals" in the Globe and Mail, March 8th, 2001: R3.
Stanford, Jim. 2001. "We don't need no education" in CAUT Bulletin ACPPU, September, 2001.
"Training for human rights trainers program". Canadian Human Rights Foundation. http://www.chrf.ca/english/education/files/modules-IHRTP.htm. Downloaded 7/2/02.




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