Women, War, Diaspora and Learning - Research Resources
Photo of marching women
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This project is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada/Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada.
  Last updated on May 17, 2007    

Women, Peace and Security

The Boston Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights
The Boston Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights would like to announce the launch of our online Compendium of Syllabi on Gender, Armed Conflict, Security and International Relations. This collection of syllabi has been gathered from faculty and institutions both in the United States and internationally, and covers a wide range of topics related to gender and war. We hope the Compendium proves to be a valuable resource for faculty engaged in designing or updating similar courses, as well as for students interested in pursuing the study of gender and security. Please visit the compendium at http://www.genderandsecurity.org/syllabus.html

Barnett, Antony, and Solomon Hughes. 2001. "British Firm Accused in UN 'Sex Scandal': International Police in Bosnia Face Prostitution Claims." The Observer, July 29.

Bouta, Tseard, and Georg Frerks. 2002. Women's Roles in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution, and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Literature Review and Institutional Analysis. Clingendael: Netherlands Institute of International Relations, Conflict Research Unit.

Collinson, Sarah (ed.) 2003. "Humanitarian Policy Group Report: Power, livelihoods and conflict: case studies in political economy analysis for humanitarian action." Overseas Development Institute.

Corrin, Chris. 2001. "Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Gender Analysis in Kosova." International Feminist Journal of Politics: Gender in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies 3(1): 78-98.

Hansen, Lene. 2001. "Bosnia and the Construction of Security." International Feminist Journal of Politics: Gender in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies 3(1): 55-75.

Karam, Azza. 2001. "Women in War and Peace-Building." International Feminist Journal of Politics: Gender in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies 3(1): 2-25.

Kwon, Insook. 2001. "A Feminist Exploration of Military Conscription." International Feminist Journal of Politics: Gender in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies 3(1): 26-54.

Long, Carolyn. 2003. The Advocate's Guide to Promoting Gender Equality at the World Bank. Washington: Women's Edge.

Mertus, Julie. 2001. "Grounds for Cautious Optimism." International Feminist Journal of Politics: Gender in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies 3(1): 99-103.

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. 2001. The Development Assistance Guidelines: Helping Prevent Violent Conflict.

Sen, Amartya. 2001. "Many Faces of Gender Inequality." The Frontline, November 9.

United Nations General Accounting Office. 2003. "Humanitarian Assistance: Protecting Refugee Women and Girls Remains a Significant Challenge." Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate.

Women's Global Net. 2000. "A Resolution on Women, Peace and Security." United Nations Security Council Resolution [cited 6 June 2000]. Available from the World Wide Web: (http://www2.womensnet.rog.za).


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