Women, War, Diaspora and Learning - Research Resources
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  Last updated on May 17, 2007    

Women and War

The Boston Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights
The Boston Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights would like to announce the launch of our online Compendium of Syllabi on Gender, Armed Conflict, Security and International Relations. This collection of syllabi has been gathered from faculty and institutions both in the United States and internationally, and covers a wide range of topics related to gender and war. We hope the Compendium proves to be a valuable resource for faculty engaged in designing or updating similar courses, as well as for students interested in pursuing the study of gender and security. Please visit the compendium at http://www.genderandsecurity.org/syllabus.html

NEW: The Shame of War: Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls in Conflict

NEW: UNIFEM Report on the Effect of the Iraqi War on Women

Middle East Context

Abdo, Nahla, and Lentin, Ronit. (eds.) 2002. Women and the Politics of Military Confrontation: Palestinian and Israeli Gendered Narratives of Dislocation. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.                                                                                

Abdo, Nahla. 2002. "Women, War and Peace: Reflection from the Intifada." In Women's Studies International Forum. 25 (5): 585-593.

Abu-Nasr, Julinda. 1996. "The Effects of War on Women in Lebanon." In Arab Women Between Defiance and Restraint. (ed). Suha Sabbah. New York: Olive Branch Press.

__________. 1991. "Sexuality and war: Literary masks of the Middle East." In Journal of Women's History. 2(3): 135-138.

__________. 1991. "Sexuality, war, and literature in Lebanon." In  Feminist Issues. 11(2): 27-42.

Accad, Evelyne. 1989. "Feminist perspectives on the war in Lebanon." In Women Studies International Foru.m 12(1): 91-95.

Adnan, Etel. 1988. "Sitt Marie Rose (a Lebanese woman and the Lebanese civil war)." In Kinesis. June: 18.

Agustin, Ebba. 1993. Palestinian Women: Identity and Experience. London: Zed Books.

Ameri, Anan. 1999. "Conflict in peace: Challenges confronting the Palestinian women's movement." In Hermeneutics and Honor: Negotiating Female 'Public' Space in Islam/ic Societies. (ed.) Asma Afsaruddin. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Amnesty International 2005. Israel and the Occupied Territories: Conflict, Occupation and Patriarchy, Women Carry the Burden. 36 pages.

Amnesty International. 2005. Afghanistan: Addressing the Past to Secure the Future. 19 pages.      

Amnesty International. 2005. Iraq Decades of Suffering: Now Women Deserve Better. 37 pages.

Cooke, Miriam. 1994. "Arab women, Arab wars." In Reconstructing Gender in the Middle East: Tradition, Identity and Power. (ed.) Fatima Gocek and Shiva Balaghi. New York: Columbia University Press.

__________. 1998. War's Other Voices: Women Writers on the Lebanese Civil War. London: Cambridge University Press.

Dajani Souad. 1993. "Palestinian women under Israeli occupation." In Arab Women: Old Boundaries, New Frontiers. (ed.) Judith Tucker. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

Eisenstein, Zillah. 2004. "Feminism and Afghan women: Before and after September 11," in Zillah Eisenstein, Against Empire: Feminism, Racism, and the West. London: Zed Books: 148-180.

Enloe, Cynthia. 1990. "Womenandchildren: making feminist sense of the Persian Gulf crisis." Village Voice. Sept 25.

Enloe, Cynthia. 2004. "Updating the gendered empires: Where are the women in occupied Afghanistan and Iraq?" In The Curious Feminist: Searching for Women in a New Age of Empire. (ed.) Cynthia Enloe. Berkeley: University of California Press: 268-305.

Falk, Richard. 1994. " Democracy Died at the Gulf." Ismael, Tariq Y. and Jacqueline S. Ismael eds. The Gulf War and the New World Order: International Relations of the Middle East. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

__________. 1994. "Reflections on the Gulf War Experience: Force and War in the UN System." Ismael, Tariq Y. and Jacqueline S. Ismael eds. The Gulf War and the New World Order: International Relations of the Middle East. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Farhood, Leila. 1999. "War, trauma and women: Predisposition and vulnerability to adverse psychological health outcomes." In Women and War in Lebanon. (ed.) Lamia Shehedeh. Miami: University Press of Florida.

Ghoussoub, M. 1998. Leaving Beirut: Women and the Wars Within. London: Saqi Books.

Holt, Maria. 1996. "Palestinian women and the Intifada: An exploration of images and realities." In Women and Politics in the Third World. (ed.) Haleh Afshar. New York: Routledge.

Iyad, Abu. Translation by Linda Butler Koseoglu. 1981. My Home, My Land: A Narrative of the Palestinian Struggle. New York: Times Books.

Jad, Islah. 1990. "From salons to the popular committees." In Intifada: Palestine at the Crossroads. (ed.) J. R. Nasser and R. Heacock. New York: Praeger.

__________. 1998. "Patterns of relations within the Palestinian family during the Intifada. In Palestinian Women of Gaza and the West Bank. (ed.) Suha Sabbagh. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

Karam, E.G. 1999. "Women and the Lebanon wars: Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder." In Women and War in Lebanon. (ed.) Lamia Rustum Shehadeh. Miami: University Press of Florida.

Karame, Kari H. 1995. "Girls participation in combat: A case study from Lebanon." In Children in the Muslim Middle East. (ed.) Elizabeth Fernea Warnock. Austin: University of Texas Press.

__________. 1999. "Mama Aida-A Lebanese godmother of the combatants." In Women and War in Lebanon. (ed.) Lamia Rustum Shehadeh. Miami: University Press of Florida.

Khweiri, Jocelyn. 1999. "From gunpowder to incense." In Women and War in Lebanon. (ed.) Lamia Rustum Shahadeh. Miami: University Press of Florida.

LaTeef, Neldo. 1997. Women of Lebanon: Interviews with Champions for Peace. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.

Lentin, Ronit. ed. 1997. Gender & Catastrophe. New York and London: Zed Books.

Makdisi, Jean Said. 1991. "Post-war, pre-what?" In Women's Review of Books 8(10/11): 8-9.

_______________. 1997. "Powerlessness and power: Women and the war in Lebanon." In Women: A Cultural Review. 8(1): 89-91

Maksoud, Hala. 1996. "The case of Lebanon: Women and the civil war in Lebanon." In Arab Women: Between Defiance and Restraint. (ed.) Suha Sabbagh. New York: Olive Branch Press.

Nuha Al-Radi. 2003. Baghdad Diaries: A Woman's Chronicle of War and Exile. New York: Vantage Books.         

Dossa, Parin. 2004. Politics and Poetics of Migration: Narratives of Iranian Women from the Diaspora.  Toronto: Canada Scholar's Press.                                             

Peteet, Julie. 1991. Gender in Crisis: Women and the Palestinian Resistance Movement. New York: Columbia University Press.

__________. 1997. "Icons and militants: Mothering in the danger zone." in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 23(1): 103-129.

Physicians for Human Rights.1998. The Taliban's War on Women: A Health and Human Rights Crisis in Afghanistan. Boston: Physicians for Human Rights: 30     

Rajab, Jehan. 1996. Invasion Kuwait: An Englishwoman's Tale. London: The Radcliffe Press.

Rubenberg, Cheryl. 2001. Palestinian Women: Patriarchy and Resistance in the West Bank. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Sabbagh, Suha (ed.) 1998. Palestinian Women of Gaza and the West Bank. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

________________ 1996. "Lebanon's civil war through different eyes: An interview with Jean Makdisi." In Arab Women: Between Defiance and Restraint. (ed.) Suha Sabbagh. New York: Olive Branch Press.

Sayigh, Rosemary. 2002. "Remembering Mothers, Forming Daughters: Palestinian Women's Narratives in Refugee Camps in Lebanon." In Women and the Politics of Military Confrontation: Palestine and Israeli Gendered Narratives of Dislocation. (eds.) Nahla Abdo and Ronit Lentin New York: Berghahn Books: 56-71.

Scheley-Newman, Esther. 2002. Our Lives are but stories; Narratives of Tunisian -Israeli women. Wayne State University.                                                                     

Schulze, Kristen, Martin Stokes, and Colin Campbell. (Forthcoming). Communal Violence, Civil War and Foreign Occupation: Women in Lebanon.

__________. 1998. "Communal Violence, Civil War and Foreign Occupation: Women in Lebanon." In Women, Ethnicity and Nationalism: The Politics of Transition. (ed.) Rick Wilford and Robert Miller. London: Routledge.

Sered, Susan Starr. 2000. What Makes Women Sick? Maternity, Modesty and Militarism in Israeli Society. Hanover, NH: Brandeis University Press.                                                        

Shahadeh, Lamia Rustum. (ed). 1999. Women and War in Lebanon. Miami: University Press of Florida.

__________. 1999. "Women in the Lebanese militias." In Women and War in Lebanon. (ed.) Lamia Rustum Shahadeh. Miami: University Press of Florida.

Usher, Graham. (1993). "Palestinian Women, the intifada and the state of independence: An Interview with Rita Giacaman."Race & Class, 34 (3): 31-44.

Warnock, Kitty.  1990.  Land Before Honour:  Palestinian Women in the Occupied Territories.  Basingstoke:  Macmillan. 

Young, Elise G. 1992. Keepers of the History: Women and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. New York: Teachers College Press.

War, Occupation and Education

Education, Reconstruction and Occupation

Finger, Mathias and Jose Manual Asun.  2001.  “Chapter 2: UNESCO: Humanising Development through Permanent Education.”  Adult Education at the Crossroads: Learning Our Way Out. London: ZED Books.

            .  2001.  “Chapter 3: Pragmatism.”  Adult Education at the Crossroads: Learning Our Way Out. London: ZED Books.

            .  2001.  “Chapter 4: Humanism.”  Adult Education at the Crossroads: Learning Our Way Out. London: ZED Books.

            .  2001.  “Chapter 5: Marxist Adult Education: Democratic Centralism or Multiple Paths to the Right Solution?”  Adult Education at the Crossroads: Learning Our Way Out. London: ZED Books.

UNESCO Institute for Statistics.  2004.  “Global Education Digest 2004: Comparing Education Statistics Around the World.”

United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women.  “Education and Training of Women: New Challenges/ Beijing at 10: Putting Policy into Practice.”  INSTRAW

United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.  February 2005.  Gender Equality: Striving for Justice in an Unequal World.

Villalobos, Vernor Munoz.  February 8, 2006.  “Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Girls’ right to education.  Report submitted to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. 

            .  December 17, 2004.  “Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: the right to education.”  Report submitted to: United Nations Commission on Human Rights.

Education and Occupation

Algazi, Gadi.  July-August 2006.  “Offshore Zionism.”  New Left ReviewIssue 40.  (Accessed: 9/6/2006).  Available from: (

BADIL Resource Centre for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights. January 2005.  “Campaign for Palestinian Refugee Rights.”

            .  Spring 2005.  “Gaza Disengagement: Ongoing Displacement.”  Issue No. 25. 

             (pamphlet).  “BADIL Resource Centre for Residency and Refugee Rights.”

Bat Shalom, Coalition of Women for Peace.  “Statements of Israel’s feminist peace organizations: September 11, 2001.”

Bethlehem University.  Summer 2005.  “News.” 

             (compact disc).  “Reaching for the Future.” 

Boyden, Jo with Paul Ryder.  June 1996.  “Implementing the Right to Education in Areas of Armed Conflict.”  Oxford.  (File:///c:/Documents%20and%20Settings/W2035/Desktop/Implement...)

Education and Conflict.  “Sources of Additonal Information on this Topic.”  (File:///c:/Documents%20and%20Settings/W2035/Desktop/Education...)
“Ensuring a Gender Perspective in Education in Emergencies.”  Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE). 

Faith, Sarah.  September 1989.  “The Holocaust lives on.”  New Internationalist, Issue 199.(Accessed on 10/10/2001).  Available from: (http://www.oneworld.org/ni/issue199/holocaust.htm)

Hammond, Keith. (?).  “The Occupied West Bank and the Palestinian right to education.”  Department of Adult & Continuing Education, University of Glasgow.

Keller, Adam, ed.  July 2001.  “The Other Israel.”  Newsletter of the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, No. 98/99. 

Moughrabi, Fouad.  (?).  “Educating for Citizenship in the New Palestine.”  Diversity and Citizenship Education: Global Perspectives.     

            .  Autumn 2001.  “The Politics of Palestinian Textbooks.”  The Journal of Palestinian Studies.  Vol. 31, No. 1: 5-19.

            .  October 1, 2001.  “Battle of the Books in Palestine.”  The Nation.  (Accessed: 5/31/2005).  Available from: (www.thenation.com/docprint.mhtml?I_20011001&smoughrabi).

Murad, Nora Lester.  “Aid to Palestine: A Selected Bibliography.”  (Accessed: 9/7/2006).  Available from:

“Palestine/Israel -The Facts.”  September 1989.  New Internationalist, Issue 199. (Accessed on 10/10/2001).   Available from: (

Pourzand, Niloufar.  “Female Education and Citizenship in Afghanistan: a Turbulent Relationship.”  Women, Citizenship and Difference.  Ed. Nira Yuval-Davis and Prina Werbner.  ZedBooks: London and New York. 

Rabbani, Mouin.  1995.  “The standard colonial pattern: an interview with Noam Chomsky.”  Race and Class, Vol. 37, No. 2. 

Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Nadera.  April 2006.  “Negotiating the Present, Historicizing the Future: Palestinian Children Speak About the Israeli Separation Wall.”  American Behavioral Scientist. Vol. 49, No. 8: 1101-1124.

            .  April 2006.  “Negotiating the Present, Historicizing the Future: Palestinian Children Speak About the Israeli Separation Wall.”  American Behavioral Scientist. Vol. 49, No. 8: 1101-1124.

Sommers, Marc.  May 2002.  “Children, Education and War: Reaching Education for All (EFA) Objectives in Countries Affected by Conflict.”  CPR Working Papers: Social Development Department.

The Coordination Forum of the NGO’s Working Among the Palestinian Community.  2001.   “Rights of the Palestinian Child in Lebanon: Second Supplementary Report.”

The Palestinian National Authority Ministry of Women’s Affairs.  September 2004.  “Action Plan for 2005-2007” (draft).

Tomlinson, Kathryn and Pauline Benefield.  April 2005.  “Education and Conflict: Research and Research Possibilities.”  National Foundation for Educational Research.  (Accessed 5/31/2005).  Available from: (http://www.nfer.ac.uk/research-areas/pims-data/summaries/education...). 

Usher, Graham.  1993.  “Palestinian Women, the infitada and the state of independence: an interview with Rita Giacaman.”Race and Class.  Vol. 34, No. 3: 31-44. 

Vongalis-Macro, Athena.  November 2006.  “The ambiguous politics of teachers in the reconstruction of Iraq.”  Joint Centre for Political and Economic Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2.  (Accessed: 11/27/2006).  Available from: (http://www.jceps.com/print.php?articleID=75). 



Adelson, Anne, Amina Sharif Hassan, and Safia Jowhar. 1999- 2000. "Enough is enough! Voice of Somali women for peace, reconciliation and political rights." In Canadian Woman Studies/Les Cahiers de la Femme 19(4): 132-136.

African Rights. August 1995. Rwanda. Not So Innocent. When Women Become Killers, London: African Rights. London, UK: African Rights: 255.

Afshar, Haleh. May 2003. "Women and wars: Some trajectories towards a feminist peace." In Development in Practice, 13 (2&3): 178-188.

Amnesty International.2005. The International Action Network on Small Arms and Oxfam International. The Impact of Guns on Women's Lives. 39 pages.

Ansari, Massoud. 2004. "Acid attack on boy who "refused sex with Muslim cleric." In The Daily Telegraph February 12.

Bop, Godou. 2001. "Women in conflicts, their gains and their losses." In Sheila Meintjes, Anu Pillay and Meredeth Turshen (eds.) The Aftermath: Women in Post-Conflict Transformation. London: Zed Books: 19-34.

Buijs, G. (ed.) 1996. Migrant Women Crossing Boundaries and Changing Identities.  Oxford: BERG.

Butalis, Urvashi. 2002. Speaking Peace: Women's Voices from Kashmir. London: Zed Books.

Caprioli, M. 2000. 'Gendered conflict'. In Journal of Peace Research. 37(1):51-68.

Cleaver T & Wallace M. 1990. Namibia : Women in War. London Zed Books.

Cock, Jacklyn. 1991. Women and War in South Africa. Open Letters. London.

Cockburn, Cynthia. 1996. Research on Women in Conflict Zones: Questions of Method. Toronto: Women in Conflict Zones Network.

Cockburn, Cynthia. Gender, Armed Conflict and Political Violence. London: Zed Books.

Cooke, Miriam and Angela Woollacott. 1993. Gendering War Talk. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Corrin, Chris. (ed). Women in a Violent World: Feminist Analyses and Resistance Across 'Europe'. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press:1996.

Corrin, Chris. 2001. "Post-conflict reconstruction and gender analysis in Kosavo." In International Feminist Journal of Politics. 3(1): 78-98.

D'Amico, Francine. 2003. Review of War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa. by Joshua S. Goldstein. H-Minerva. Available from the World Wide Web: (http://www.h-net.msu.edu).

Date-Bah, Eugenia and Walsh Date-Bah, Martha and others. (eds.) March 2001.

 Gender and Armed conflicts: Challenges for Decent Work, Gender Equity and Peace Building Agendas and Programmes. Working Paper 2. "Infocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction, Geneva: Recovery and Reconstruction." Department, International Labour Organization.

Donini, Antonio, Niland, Norah, and Wermester, Karen. (eds.) 2003. Nation-building Unraveled? Aid, Peace and Justice in Afghanistan. Bloomfield: Kumarian Press, 256 pages.

Dudnik, Stefan, Karen Hagemann, and John Tosh, eds. 2004. Masculinities in politics and war: Gendering modern history. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Eade, Deborah. 2004. "Part Two: Introduction-Peace and reconstruction: Agency and agencies." In Development, Women, and War: Feminist Perspectives. (eds.) Haleh Afshar and Deborah Eade London: Oxford GB: 188-219.

Early, Frances. 1995. "New Historical Perspectives on Gendered Peace Studies." In Women's Studies Quarterly. 3&4: 22-31.

Elshtain, Jean Bethke. 1987. Women and War. Brighton: The Harvester Press.

Eltantawi, Sarah. 2004. "A Complicated Question: To Wear the Hijab or Not." Counterpunch. February 14/15. Available from the World Wide Web: (http://www.counterpunch.org/eltantawi02162004.html)

Enloe, Cynthia. 2000. "How do they militarize a can of soup?" In. Maneuvers: The international politics of militarizing women's lives. (ed.)Cynthia Enloe. Berkeley: University of California Press: 1-34.

____________. 2004. "Being curious about our lack of feminist curiosity." In The Curious Feminist: Searching for Women in a New Age of Empire. Cynthia Enloe.Berkeley: University of California Press: 1-9.

____________. 2004. "Conclusion: Decisions, decisions, decisions." In Maneuvers: The international politics of militarizing women's lives. Cynthia Enloe. Berkeley: University of California Press: 288-399.

Fanon, Frantz.1999. "Excerpt from 'Concerning Violence': The Wretched of the Earth." In Violence and its Alternatives: An Interdisciplinary Reader. (eds.). Steger, Manfred and Nancy Lind New York: St. Martin's Press: 157-168.

Farha, Leilani. 1999-2000. "Contextualizing violence against women: Forced evictions in situations of armed conflict." In Canadian Woman Studies/Les Cahiers de la Femme. 19(4): 71-76.

Farr, Vanessa. 2000. "The pain of violence is a powerful silencer: African women writing about conflict." In Canadian Woman Studies/Les Cahiers de la Femme. 19(4): 102 -108.

Ferris, Elizabeth. 1993. Women, War and Peace, Research Report No. 14, Uppsala: Life and Peace Institute.

Forcey, Linda. 1995. "Women's Studies, Peace Studies, and the Difference Debate." In Women's Studies Quarterly. 3&4: 9-14.

Galazza, Amy. 2002. "Why gender matters in understanding September 11: Women, militarism, and violence." In Nothing Sacred: Women Respond to Religious Fundamentalism and Terror. (ed.) Betsy Reed New York: Thunder's Mouth Press: 379-391.

Galtung, Johan .1995. "Twenty-Five Years of Peace Research: Ten Challenges and Responses." Journal of Peace Research. 22.

Gardam, Judith, and Hilary Charlesworth. 2000. "Protection of Women in Armed Conflict." In Human Rights Quarterly. 22: 148-166.

Giles, Wenona and Jennifer Hyndman. 2004. "Gender and conflict in a global context." In (eds.) Wenona Giles and Jennifer Hyndman Sites of Violence: Gender and Conflict Zones. Berkeley: University of California Press: 3-23.

_______________________________. 2004. Sites of Violence: Gender and Conflict Zones. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Giles, Wenona, Malathi de Alwis, Edith Klein, and Neluka Silva (eds.) 2003. Feminists Under Fire. Toronto: Between the Lines.

Gill, Aisha. 2002. Honour-Based Violence, London: Change Kvinnoforum.

Gluckman, Ryn, Rachael Kamel, and Betsy Hartmann. 2003. "Militarized Zones: Gender, Race, Immigration, Environment." Political Environments 10.

Goldstein, Joshua. 2001. War and Gender. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Haas, Mary E. 1998. "Women and War." In Women in the Third World: An Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Issues. (eds.) Nelly P. Stromquist and Karen Monkman. New York: Garland Publishing Inc.

Hansen, Lene. 2001. "Gender, nation, rape: Bosnia and the construction of security." In International Feminist Journal of Politics 3(1): 55-75.

Hoffman, John. 2001. Gender and Sovereignty: Feminism, the State and International Relations. Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave/St. Martin's.

Horsman, Jenny. 1999. "Chapter 1: Introduction": 17-34; "Chapter 2: What is 'Normal' in a violent society": 35-56; and "Chapter 4: Beyond 'normal' appearances: 'Hidden' impacts pf trauma": 85-125. In Too Scared to Learn: Women, Violence and Education. Jenny Horsman. Toronto: McGilligan Books.

Human Rights Watch. 1996. Shattered Lives: Sexual Violence during the Rwandan genocide and its Aftermath. New York: Human Rights Watch/Africa.

Hynes, Patricia. 2004. "On the battlefield of women's bodies: An overview of the harm of war to women." Women's Studies International Forum, 27: 431-445.

Hynes, Patricia. March 13, 2003. "War and Women". ZNet [Cited 20 June 2003]. Available from the World Wide Web: (http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=3229).

Jacobs, Susie, Jacobson, Ruth, and Marchbank, Jen (eds.) (2000) States of Conflict: Gender, Violence and Resistance, London and New York, Zed Books.

Janzen, John M. and Reinhild Kauenhoven Janzen. 2000. Do I Still Have a Life? Voices form the Aftermath of War in Rwanda and Burundi. Lawrence, KS: Publications in Antrhopology, 20, University of Kansas.

Jayawardena, Kumari and Malathi de Alawis. 1996. Embodied Violence: Comunalising Women's Sexuality in South Asia. New Delhi, India: Kali for Women.

Jospeh, Ammu and Sharma, Kalpana (eds.) 2003. Terror and Counter Terror: Women Speak Out. London: Zed Books.

Karam, Azza. 2001. "Women in war and peace-building: The roads traversed, the challenges ahead." In International Feminist Journal of Politics. 3(1): 2-25.

Kumar, Krishna. 2001. "Civil Wars, Women and Gender Relations: An Overview." In Women and Civil War: Impact, Organizations, and Action. (ed.) Krishna Kumar. Boulder: Lynne Reinner Publishers Inc.

Kumar, Krishna. (ed). 2001. Women and Civil War: Impact, Organizations and Action. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Kwon, Insook. 2001. "A feminist exploration of military conscription." In International Feminist Journal of Politics 3(1): 26-54.

Lalita Vasantha Kannabiran, Rama Melkote, Uma Maheshwari, Susie Tharu, and Veena

Le Billon, Philippe. 2000. The Political Economy of War: What Relief Agencies Need to Know. London: Humanitarian Practice Network: 39 pages.

Lentin, Ronit. (ed). 1997. Gender & Catastrophe. New York and London: Zed Books Ltd.

Long, Scott. 2005. "Anatomy of a backlash: Sexuality and the 'cultural' war on human rights." Human Rights Watch World Report 2005. New York: Human Rights Watch: 70-93.

Lykes, Brinton.1999. "Telling stories - rethreading lives, community education, women's development and social change among Maya Ixil." In International Journal of Leadership in Education. 2(3): 207-227.

MacDonald, Eileen. 1991.  Shoot the Women First: Inside the Secret World of Female Terrorists.  New York: Random House.

Makdisi, Jean Said.1990. Beirut Fragments: A War Memoire. New York: Persia Books.

Marshall, Lucinda. February 21, 2004. "The Connection Between Militarism and Violence Against Women." ZNet [Cited 24 February 2004]. Available from the World Wide Web: (http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=5018).

Marvić-Petrović and Ivana Stevanović .1995. "Life in refugee: Changes in socioeconomic and familial status." In Women, Violence and War: Wartime Victimization of Refugees in the Balkans.  (ed.) Visena Nikolić-Ristanović. Budapest: Central European University Press: 151-169.

Matthews, Jenny. 2003. Women and War. London: Pluto Press.

Mayer, Tamar (ed.). 1994. Women and the Israeli Occupation; the politics of change London: Routledge.

Meintjes, Sheila, Anu Pillay and Meredeth Turshen. 2001. "There is no aftermath for women." In The Aftermath: Women in Post-Conflict Transformation. (eds.) Sheila Meintjes, Anu Pillay and Meredeth Turshen. London: Zed Books: 3-18.

Meintjes, Sheila.2001. "War and post-war shifts in gender relations." In The Aftermath: Women in Post-Conflict Transformation. (eds.)  Sheila Meintjes, Anu Pillay and Meredeth Turshen London: Zed Books: 63-77.

Menon, Ritu and Kamla Bhasin. 1998. "Picking up the pieces: Women rehabilitate women." and "Learning to survive: Two lives, two destinies." In Borders and Boundaries: Women in India's Partition. Ritu Menon and Kamla Bhasin. New Delhi: Kali for Women: 167-225.

Meredeth Turshen. 1998. "Women's war stories." In What Women Do in Wartime. (eds.) Meredeth Turshen and Clotilde Twagiramariya. London: Zed Books:1-26.

Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2003. "'Under Western eyes' revisited: Feminist solidarity through anticapitalist struggles." In Feminism Without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity. Chandra Talpade Mohanty. Durham and London: Duke University Press: 221-251.

______________________. 2003. "Under Western eyes: Feminist scholarship and colonial discourses." In Feminism Without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity.Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Durham and London: Duke University Press: 17-42

Mojab, Shahrzad and Susan McDonald. 2001. "Women, violence and informal learning." NALL Working Paper, No. 41. 20 pages.

NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security. 2002. "Fact Sheet on Women and Armed Conflict." New York: UN Press Conference and UN Security Council Arria Formula Meeting.

Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna (ed.) 2000. Women, Violence and War. Budapest: Central European University Press.

____________________. 1995. "Women, violence and war." In Wartime Victimization of Refugees in the Balkans. Budapest: Central European University Press.

Petchesky, Rosalind. 2002. "Phantom towers: Feminist reflections on the battle between global capitalism and fundamentalist terrorism." In (ed.) Betsy Reed. Nothing Sacred: Women Respond to Religious Fundamentalism and Terror. New York: Thunder's Mouth Press: 357-372.

Peteet, Julie. 2002. "Icons and Militants: Mothering in the Danger Zone." Gender, Politics and Islam. In (eds.) Therese Saliba, Carolyn Allen, and, Judith A. Howard. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press.

Pilly, Anu. 2001. "Violence against women in the aftermath." In The Aftermath: Women in Post-Conflict Transformation. (eds.) Sheila Meintjes, Anu Pillay and Meredeth Turshen. London: Zed Books: 35-45.

Porath, Sigal R. Ben. 2003. "Radicalizing democratic education: Unity and dissent in wartime." Philosophy of Education Yearbook: 245-253.

Ranchod-Nilsson, Sita and Mary Ann Tetreault. 2000. Women, States, and Nationalism: At Home in the Nation? New York: Routledge.

Reardon, Betty A. 1985. Sexism and the War System. New York: Teacher's College Press.

Roy, Arundhati. January 16, 2004. Do Turkeys Enjoy Thanksgiving? Mumbai: Plenary of the World Social Forum [Cited 18 January 2004]. Available from the World Wide Web: (http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=4873).

____________. May 12, 2003. Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy (Buy One, Get One Free). New York: Centre for Economic and Social Rights [Cited 20 May 2003 in Common Dreams News Center]. Available from the World Wide Web: (http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=3637).

Ryan, Louise. 1997. "A Question of Loyalty: War, Nation, and Feminism in Early Twentieth Century Ireland." Women's Studies International Forum 20 (1): 21-32.

Sen, Sanita. 1993. "Motherhood and mothercraft: gender and nationalism in Bengal." Gender and History 5(2): 231-43.

Sharoni, Simona.1998. "Gendering Conflict and Peace in Israel/Palestine and the North of Ireland." Millennium Journal of International Studies, 27(4).

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Iraq: Women’s NGOs, Imperialism and Occupation

American Imperialism                                                                                                                                                   

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American Imperialism in Iraq

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American NGOs

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Iraqi Constitution

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Background Reports on Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan

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Iraq and Kurdistan Background Reports

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NGOs Theory

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Hammami, Rema.  1995.  “NGOs: the Professionalisation of Politics.”  Race and Class, Vol. 37, No. 2.  

Jad, Islah.  2004.  “The NGOization of the Arab Women’s Movement.”  Review of Women’s Studies, Vol. 2Birzeit University: Institute of Women’s Studies. 

Jommo, Berewa.  “Evaluating NGO Work in Education for all from a Gender Perspective” in Breaking Through: Engendering Monitoring and Evaluation in Adult Education.  Carolyn Medel-Anonuevo, ed.  UNESCO Institute for Edcation. 

Lang, Sabine (2000).  “The NGO-ization of Feminism: Institutionalization and Institution Building Within the German Women’s Movements” in Global Feminisms Since 1945.  Bonnie, G. Smith, ed.  New York: Routledge.  Pp 290-304. 

Morris-Suzuki, Tessa.  March April 2000.  “For and Against NGOs: The Politics of the Lived World.”  New Left Review 2: Second Series. pp. 63-84. 

Nakhleh, Khalil.  April 2004.  “The Myth of Palestinian Development: Political Aid and Sustainable Deceit.”  Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA).  Jerusalem. 

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Pitner, Julia (Spring 2000).  “NGOs’ Dilemmas.”  Middle East Report. No. 214 Critiquing NGOs: Assessing the Last Decade: 34-37.  (Accessed 11/22/2005).  Available from (http://www.merip.org/mer/mer214/214_pitner.html).

Roy, Sarah (Summer 2005).  “Praying With Their Eyes Closed: Reflections on the Disengagement from Gaza.”  Journal of Palestine Studies, Issue 136.  (Accessed: 8/24/2005).  Available from: (http://www.palestine-studies.org/final/en/journals/printer.php?aid=6525). 

Roy, Sarah (Spring 2000).  “The Transformation of Islamic NGOs in Palestine.”Middle East Report. No. 214 Critiquing NGOs: Assessing the Last Decade: 24-26.  (Accessed 11/22/2005).  Available from: (http://www.merip.org/mer/mer214/214_roy.html).

Shawa, Salma.  March 29-31 2000.  “NGOs and the discourse of ‘civil society’ in Palestine: a comparative analysis of four organizations (Draft).”  Paper presented at the NGOs and Governance in the Arab World: A Conference organized jointly by the MOST Programme (UNESCO), the CEDEJ, the IRd, and the SPSS of Al Ahram. 

Silvey, Rachel M (2000).  “Diasporic Subjects: Gender and Mobility in South Sulawesi.” Women’s Studies International Forum, Vol. 23, No. 4: 501-515.

Sutton, Margaret and Robert Arnove (eds.).  2004.  Civil Society or Shadow State? State/NGO Relations in Education.  Information Age Publishing Inc. 

Yeoh, Brenda S.A. and Shirlena Huang (2000).  “‘Home’ and ‘Away’: Foreign Domestic Workers and Negotiations of Diasporic Identity in Singapore.”  Women’s Studies International Forum, Vol. 23, No. 4: 413-429.


Women in Iraq

American Bar Association’s Iraq Legal Development Project (July 2005).  “The Status of Women in Iraq’s De Jure and De Facto Compliance with International Legal Standards.”  American Bar Association’s Iraq Legal Development Project

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Khan, Zaynab.  2005.  “Women’s rights and Islam: A Study of Women’s Rights and Effects of Islamic Fundamentalism and Muslim feminism in the Kurdish area of Iraq.”  Linköping University, Department of Management and Economics.  Master Thesis Paper in Political Science. 

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Women’s NGOs in Iraq

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Neshat, Saeid N.  2003.  “A Look into the Women’s Movement in Iraq.”  Farzaneh. Vol. 6, No. 11 (Spring). 

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Rebick, Judy (24 May 2006).  “Women in Iraq.”  Znet.  (Accessed: 8/20/2006).  Available from: (

Saunders, Debra J. (16 November 2003).  “Poster Women for Peace?”  San Francisco Chronicle.  (Accessed: 11/22/2003).  Available from: (

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