that is, the break-up, displacement and re-constitution of
nations and ethnic peoples, is one of the important but understudied
trends of globalization. The Kurds of the Middle East, now
dispersed throughout the world, from Australia to Canada,
constitute one of the most interesting cases of population
movement in our times. Coming from “traditional”
societies in the process of disintegration through war and
state repression, Kurdish refugees, especially women, face
enormous challenges in the process of resettling, and becoming
citizens of the nation-states in the West. They have to learn
about a whole universe that differs from their previous world
– learning to live in different economic and social systems,
acquiring different languages, coping with different gender
relations, and integrating into different legal and political
regimes. For these new citizens originating from war zones,
learning, unlearning and relearning constitute crucial issues
of cohesion and conflict that cannot be reduced to questions
of education only.
There are about 25 to 30 million Kurds now dispersed in the
Middle East, Europe, North America, and Central Asia. Kurds
are the fourth largest ethnic people in the Middle East, outnumbered
only by the Arabs, the Turks and the Persians. The Kurdish
people were divided among the newly established nation-states
of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria in the wake of World War
I. These centralist states did not allow the development of
civil society in Kurdistan. Indeed, the policy of assimilating
national minorities like the Kurds reproduces a situation
of war and conflict, which continues to impact their lives
even in Canada. These wars destroyed the budding civil society
in all parts of Kurdistan. Ethnic cleansing, genocide and
ethnocide have been the official policy of countries that
rule over the Kurds. The century-long plight of Kurdish people
for sovereignty and self-determination gained some international
attention following the mass exodus of the Kurds from Iraq
in the aftermath of the US-led Gulf War of 1991. Since then,
international human rights organizations have reported ongoing
internal and external conflicts leading to the massive dislocation
of sizeable populations. The genocidal policies of Iraq and
the internal war in Turkey have contributed to the endless
migration of this people to the West.
This research is an in-depth inquiry into the challenges and
promises of re-rooting of war-stricken Kurdish women in Canada,
Britain and Sweden. Learning is a crucial factor in this process
of re-settling. However, theories of learning do not account
for the contexts and contingencies of learning, their diverse
forms, and the creativity of the learners in moving beyond
the confines of formal learning. This qualitative study addresses
some of these silences or gaps. It aims at contributing to
three interrelated areas: (a) learning theory by accounting
for the relationship between war-related violence and learning,
especially the dynamics of women’s ‘informal learning,’
(b) diasporic studies, a new field in need of both empirical
research and theoretical development, and (c) gender studies,
especially a gendered approach to diasporic life and transnationalization.
A total of 45 Kurdish women from these countries will be interviewed
in order to collect data on (1) their experiences of war in
the countries of origin, (2) the ways in which war relates
to their learning in the diaspora, and (3) the diversity of
learning, the creativity of learners, and obstacles to learning
about re-rooting.
This website is funded by the
New Approaches to Lifelong Learning project