of women's organizations in post-war reconstruction: Diaspora-homeland
relations in the Kurdish "Safe Haven," 1991-2003
Women have generally
been excluded from active or formal participation in peace
and reconciliation processes, interim governance and policy
making, and post-war reconstruction. Women's participation
in reconstruction is especially constrained by the fact that
wars and even small scale armed conflicts seriously curtail
their civic and political rights and subject them to new forms
of hardship and gender-based violence (ICRC 2003; Mojab 2000).
If women in war-torn societies such as Iraq and Afghanistan
are not allowed to actively participate in reconstruction
in part due to the continuing conditions of war, the women
of the diaspora find themselves in a position to contribute
to the effort. While these new diasporas are themselves products
of armed conflicts in the Middle Eastern war zone, exiled
or diasporan women in the West have acquired a diversity of
skills, which empowers them to make significant contributions
to reconstruction and democratization. This project aims at
understanding the dynamics of exclusion/inclusion of women
in post-war reconstruction in the context of transnationalization
and diasporization of Iraqi Kurds.
Since the end of
the Gulf War of 1991, Kurdish women have participated in a
state-building project initiated within the 'Safe Haven' region
of Northern Iraq. While the nature of this state-building
project is changing rapidly as a result of the war and occupation
in 2003, the period from 1991 till 2003 provides an excellent
research opportunity to study the mechanisms and results of
the participation of exiled women in state-building and post-war
reconstruction projects. Our objective in this research is
to trace the transnational participation of Kurdish women
in the short-lived experiment to create the foundations of
a modern nation-state in Northern Iraq between 1991-2003.
This proposed research will be the first to document Kurdish
women's transnational political organizing. Our research questions
are: 1) through what mechanisms have Kurdish women sought
formal participation in post-war reconstruction and state-building
project from 1991-2003? 2) What impact have women organizing
in diaspora had on the state-building process? and 3) How
have politics within the 'Safe Haven' affected the organizing
agendas of Kurdish women in the diaspora?
We will explore
these questions through organizational analysis, interviews
with women activists in the Kurdish region and the diaspora,
and archival searches on gender-related policies and practices
of the Kurdish Regional Government and UN agencies operating
in the region between 1991-2003. We will do a detailed analysis
of the activities of four women's organizations in the diaspora
during that particular time period. We will trace the impact
of these organizations on events and politics unfolding in
Iraqi Kurdistan through activist testimony, through contact
with women's organizations operating in the region; and through
archival verification. We will also trace the impact of homeland
politics on these diasporic organizations, paying special
attention to the gendered influence exerted by political parties.
Throughout our activities related to data collection, analysis,
and dissemination of results, we will maintain close ties
to academic, policy and community stake-holders in Canada
and internationally.
As we are building
on established research networks in each of the three areas,
we anticipate being able to: 1) contribute to the most current
theoretical debates in refugee and diaspora studies, transnational
feminist theory, peace and conflict studies, and Middle East
studies; 2) offer timely policy advice concerning post-war
reconstruction at the national and transnational (UN) levels;
and 3) offer forums for debate and further study and reflection
to community and women's groups in the Kurdish diaspora.