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Over Quota on the UTORmail System - Eudora Lite

Q. I'm confused! I am using Eudora Lite for Macintosh and I only have a few messages in my INBOX yet the UTORmail system is telling me that I am over the 20MB quota. How can this be?

A. There are a couple possibilities.

  1. Battling Invisible Message Buildup
    The Fix!
  2. Total Frustration!!
    Please contact the Information Commons Help Desk - the email address is <>.


Determining whether or not "invisible message buildup" is the problem and how to fix it.

Eudora Lite 1.5.4 - Macintosh

  • Choose Settings from the Special menu.
  • Select the Checking Mail icon in the category listing on the left. Options for Checking Mail will appear on the right.
  • Check to see if "Leave Mail on server" is selected. If the answer is yes, DO NOT uncheck this option - not yet, at least. Click Cancel and exit Eudora Lite.
  • You will need to access your UTORmail inbox using the Log Agent system. Once you have whittled your inbox down, then go back to Eudora Lite and uncheck the "Leave Mail on server" option as above.

Eudora Lite 1.5.4 - Macintosh

  • Choose Switches from the Special menu.
  • In the middle column under Checking, look to see if "Leave Mail on server" is selected. If the answer is yes, DO NOT uncheck this option - not yet, at least. Click Cancel and exit Eudora Lite.

You will need to access your UTORmail inbox using the Log Agent system. Once you have whittled your inbox down, then go back to Eudora Lite and uncheck the "Leave Mail on server" option as above.

Use the Log Agent System

1. You will need the utility NCSA Telnet for Macintosh to connect to Log Agent. If you do not currently have a copy, please download from UTORdist. Start NCSA Telnet and choose Open Connection... from the File menu. When prompted to login, type:


in the Host/Session Name field and then click Connect.

2. For the login, please enter your 8 digit library number. For the password, please enter your 9 digit student/personnel number.

3. You will then see a menu of 5 options. Press '1' on your keyboard (but do NOT press the enter key as it automatically does this for you) and then wait until it changes to the Pine screen, where you would then enter your UTORmail email password.

4. Once it accepts your password, press enter twice and you will then see your message list. Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate (use the '-' key to go up one page and the '+' key to navigate down one page at at a time) and press the 'd' key to mark messages for deletion, and use the 'u' to undelete messages accidentally marked for deletion.

5. Once you have marked a message for deletion, a 'D' shows up to the left of each message. Press 'q' to quit the program, and then press 'y' twice to confirm quitting, and then to confirm the removal of messages marked with the 'D' to the left of them.

6. Open Eudora Lite and deselect the "Leave Mail on server" option. Review the instructions for getting to the option as above.


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