Current PhD students

Emily HerzmanChinese Indonesians in Rural West Kalimantan: Identity,
Land and Belonging in Post-Suharto Indonesia”

Trevor Preston: “Educational Institutions and the State Management of the Islamic Revival in Indonesia and Malaysia”

Lisa Davidson (Anthropology)): Cambodia and Khmer Diaspora (co-supervised by Tania Li)

Sheri Gibbings, “Building a Street, Building a Nation: Architecture, Urban Space and National Belonging on Malioboro Street in Yogyakarta, Indonesia”

Cindy Phan (interest in gender, Vietnam)

Teodosia Villarino, “Pagpanikay-sikay Lang and the Logic of Survival: Gender, Mothers and the Urban Poor in Barangay Hipodromo, Cebu City, Philippines”

Lan Tran, “Neoliberalism, alternative ideologies, and socio-economic mobility in Vietnam”

Konar Arifin,”Peasant Politics and Agrarian Change in Java after the fall of Suharto’s Authoritarian Regime” (writing up in Indonesia)

Anna Polonyi,”Development and Human Trafficking in the Lao PDR”

Kirsten Brown,”The Road to Kamalisi: Development, Hope, and Power in Highland Indonesia”

Jean-François Bissonnette, “Agrarian change in Eastern Indonesia”


Current M.A. Students

Irene Poetranto
Genevieve Depelteau


Former PhD Students

Carrie Mitchell, "Recycling the City: The Impact of Urban Change on the Informal
Waste Recovery Industry in Hanoi, Vietnam"

Nguyen Quang Tuan: "Community-Based Environmental Regulation in Vietnam:  A Focus on Landfills"

Jaggapan Cadchumsang, “People at the Rim: A Study of Border Constructions, Ethnicity and Nationalism in a Thai Border Village”

Ha Kim Nguyen, “Domestic Services: Employer-Employee Relationships under Economic Reforms in Urban Vietnam”


Former M.A. Students

Katherine Mitchell
Matthew Trew.
Jessica Soedirgo

Michael F.Prentice, “Violence and Conflict in West Papua: An Anthropological Argument for Reparations”

Lan Tran, “Vietnam’s Economic Renovation and Images of Gender Roles in Print Advertisements: a Comparative Perspective”