The Many Facets of Health Policy

   Ontario Citizen's Council - Charting
   Ontario's Drug Policy

   Newborn Screening - Health Policies
   and Implications

   Aging at Home - Balance of Care
   Research Group

   Evidence-Based Management:
   What's the Evidence?

   Economic Evaluation in Child Health:
   Challenges, Costs and Consequences

   Research Day 2010





Winter 2010

Chair's Message

The Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (HPME) has a distinct and vital mission: to provide leadership in understanding and improving the financing, organization, delivery, and outcomes of health services and clinical interventions.

This issue of our newsletter – HPME In Focus – highlights the complexity of health policy decision-making. The stories in this issue shine a light on some of the ways HPME faculty members are engaged with policy makers in exploring how best to connect individuals who receive care with the providers and policy makers who determine how best to deliver the care. In addition, you’ll catch a glimpse of how we’re continuing to examine the evidence base itself – the essential information that underpins the decisions that affect how health services are perceived, funded, and administered.

To good health and decision-making,

Louise Lemieux-Charles, Chair
Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
University of Toronto