D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


January 2002


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Combined MHSc/MSW in Health Administration and Social Work Receives OCGS Approval

As its meeting of October 26, 2001 the Ontario Council of Graduate Studies officially approved the recommendation that the Combined MHSc/MSW in Health Administration and Social Work be approved. Plans to launch the program as of September 2002 are now underway.

The Combined Program has been developed to provide those students with a strong interest in both social work and health/social services management the opportunity to engage in an integrated and coherent program of study leading to concurrent receipt of the MHSc Health Administration and the MSW degrees. Admission to the Program will be conditional upon independent admission to each of the participating graduate departments. It is anticipated that approximately 3 students will enroll in the Program each year.

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