D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


March/April 2002


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CIHR Doctoral Research Awards & Fellowships

CIHR Doctoral Research Awards

Monica AggarwalPolicy Implications of Implementing Primary Care Reform: Barriers and Best Practices
Andrea A. CortinoisDigital Ethics: Exploring the potential contribution of information and communication technologies to improve equity in health, reducing disparities in access to health care, reaching out to marginalized population groups and empowering patients in their relationship with health providers
Michael HillmerInstitutional characteristics of long-term care facilities in Ontario and their association with clinical outcomes
Nancy KraetschmerPolicy implications of geography and scope of services for telehealth
Eleanor G. SchraaThe application of accounting research theory in understanding the use of accounting information in health care decision-making

CIHR Fellowships

Fariba AghajafariThe effects of health care system changes and hospital restructuring on health care utilization for women in the inner-city of Toronto
Mayhar EtminanExploring the Association between Atypical Neuroleptics and Diabetes
Veena GuruQuality control in cardiac surgery: How do clinical outcomes relate to quality of care?
Michel Landry Is publicly funded health care under the influence of globalization and privatization? A case study of rehabilitation service delivery and financing in Ontario
Gabrielle M. Van der VeldeDecision analytic and cost-effectiveness analyses of non-surgical conservative neck pain treatments (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cervical spinal manipulation)

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Health Care, Technology, and Place: A Transdisciplinary Research Training Program

Peter C. Coyte (Department of HPME) and Patricia McKeever (Faculty of Nursing) have been awarded a Strategic Research Training Grant by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. The Health Care, Technology, and Place Program will offer talented doctoral and post-doctoral trainees from HPME and other departments the opportunity to develop transdisciplinary research skills and knowledge under the mentorship of some of the most accomplished and dynamic fauclty at the University of Toronto.

Applications are due by June 18, 2002.

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