D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


November 2001


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




Other Notables

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Andrea Cortinois joins Board of Directors of the
Canadian Society for International Health

Congratulations to Andrea Cortinois, who was recently elected as the student representative to the Board of Directors of the Canadian Society for International Health. Andrea is a Ph.D candidate in the Department of Health policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto.

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Student Awards

Unni Narayanan (MSc)
  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Orthopaedic Research & Education Foundation Health Services Research Fellowship
Katina Tzanetos (MSc)
  • Department of Medicine, Clinician Educator Fellowship x 2 years
Connie Marras (MSc)
  • CIHR (Fellowship Training Award) 2000-2003
Rita Selby (MSc)
  • Thrombosis Interest Group of Canada Fellowship 2000-2001 (Dupont Pharma)
  • CIHR New Investigator Award 2001-2006 (CIHR Rx&D/Pharmacia)
Matthew Stanbrook (Phd)
  • CIHR Fellowship 2000-2003
Ari Bitnun (MSc)
  • Canadian HIV Trials Network Associateship Award 1999-2002
Jill Hayden (PhD)
  • CIHR Postdoc Fellowship 2001-2004
Lillian Sung (PhD)
  • CIHR Postdoc Fellowship 2001-2002
  • HSC (Hospital for Sick Children) Clinician Scientist 2001-2005
  • NCIC Award (declined)
  • Duncan Gordon Award (declined)
  • HSC Restracom Award (declined)
Jill Tinmouth (MSc)
  • Canadian Association of Gasteroenterology Fellowship 2000-2001
Ted Marras (MSc)
  • CIHR/CLA Postdoc Fellowship 2000-2002
Alan Tinmouth (MSc)
  • Canadian Blood Services Transfusion Medicine Award 1999-2001
Mahyar Etminan
  • Postdoc Fellowship from Kunin Lunenfeld Research Unit, Baycrest Center for Geriatric Care 2001-2002
Sophie Jamal (PhD)
  • CIHR Clinician Scientist (Phase 1) Award (renewal) 2001-2003
David Juurlink (PhD)
  • CIHR Fellowship 2001-2004
Linda Li (PhD)
  • CIHR Doctoral Research Award 1999-2002

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