D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H   P O L I C Y,
M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


March/April 2003


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Education Day Event - May 9, 2003

Education Day has been a very successful event in recent years, and this one promises to be another interesting and informative session. The theme is once again a very topical issue: Decoding Accountability: What It Is, What It Is Not & What It Could Be In today's health care world accountability is a statement that is beginning to mean all things to all people. Accountability has taken on more complex and complicated definitions that have been applied to all aspects of a health care. Accountability has become integral to discussions of healthy public policy, the relationship between government and the general public, the administration of health care organizations, and the measurement of health care service outcomes. Is accountability becoming a distraction that threatens to dominate the health care sector and take us on a journey to nowhere?

Now is the time to consider what 'accountability' really means.

Join us to hear the perspective of renowned speakers from healthcare, government and private industry on the meaning of accountability and how to apply it or contain it within your organization.

The cost for this year's Education Day remains unchanged at $149 for non-member and $109 for members, $99 for students.

Registration information is available at the HPME website (www.utoronto.ca/hpme/alumni/alumni_4.htm), or call Rose Jones at 416-586-5082 or email (rjones@mtsinai.on.ca).

As always, Education Day concludes with a networking lunch. See you there!

Malcolm Moffat Named New President and CEO, St. John's Rehabilitation Hospital

Effective March 24, Malcolm Moffat, an alumnus of the HPME MHSc program , was named as the new President and Chief Executive Officer of St. John's Rehabilitation Hospital in Toronto.

Prior to this appointment Mr. Moffat was Vice-President and Chief Planning Officer of St. Michael's Hospital. In the past several years, he has also played a lead role in the development of the GTA Rehab Network and the Metropolitan Toronto Acquired Brain Injury Network.

St. John's Rehabilitation Hospital provides inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services for adults recovering from multiple traumatic injuries, burns, organ transplants, amputations, cardiovascular surgery, strokes, neurological and complex musculoskeletal conditions. The Hospital offers a number of teaching programs in partnership with the University of Toronto and other post-secondary institutions.

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