D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


September/October 2002


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Other Notables

Ross Baker voted one of the "100 most powerful people in [U.S.] healthcare"

Ross Baker, HPME Associate Professor, and Chair of the North American Association of University Programs in Health Administration, has been listed number 33 amongst 100 of the most powerful people in [U.S.] healthcare according to a poll conducted by Modern Healthcare magazine.

To come up with its ranking, Modern Healthcare polled its readership during a 17-day period in July. The magazine's editorial staff compiled a list of 160 candidates for this distinction and posted it on the magazine's Web site on July 15. Visitors to the site had to vote for ten candidates, with an opportunity to include up to five write-in candidates. The voting deadline was July 31. Voters also were encouraged to submit comments on their choices. Visitors to the site cast a total of 2,174 ballots. Because of the high number of write-ins, more than 1,000 individuals received votes, with the final ranking based on the number of votes received.

Modern Healthcare is a business newsweekly serving healthcare management. Circulation is primarily controlled, and concentrated on executives with financial and purchasing responsibilities in hospitals, integrated delivery systems, managed care organization, medical group clinics, multi-hospital systems and group purchasing organization, as well as architects and consultants to the field. Primary titles reached in hospitals are CEO's, presidents, administrators, CIO's, vice presidents, chief purchasing and financial officers and officers of the Board.

Dr. Baker's current research focuses on organizational factors influencing patient safety and clinical improvement, and strategies and tools for improving the use of performance information in healthcare. Together with Peter Norton at the University of Calgary he recently finished a survey and interview research on current patient safety activities in Canada. He also serves as a member of the National Steering Committee on Patient Safety chaired by Dr. John Wade.

HPME researchers release report on diabetes

Jan Hux, Assistant Professor, and Andreas Laupacis, Professor, also researchers at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, released a "practice atlas" describing diabetes care in Ontario between 1995 and 1999, along with colleague Gillian Booth.

The report describes the incidence and prevalence of diabetes in Ontario, acute complications, drug use, health outcomes and risk factors. It appears that the number of Canadians living with diabetes has increased, largely because treatments have improved, allowing people to live longer and better than in the past.

The full report is available at www.ices.on.ca.

Updated Web Interface

Be sure to visit the modified HPME web site that now includes a New and Notable column updated regularly with notifications of publications, awards, and research activities. Please keep us informed of your successes so that we can share the information with your colleagues. Note too that faculty profiles were recently updated with most recent publications, and you can always return to the main page by clicking on the HPME logo at the top of the page or the bottom left-hand corner.

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