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2004 Publications

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Atkinson-Leadbeater, K., Nuttley, W.M., van der Kooy, D. A Genetic dissociation of learning and recall in Caenorhabditis elegans. Behavioral Neuroscience. 118 (2004) 1206-1213.


Cheng, H-Y.M., Laviolette, S.R., van der Kooy, D., and Penninger, J.M. DREAM ablation selectively alters THC place aversion and analgesia but leaves intact the motivational and analgesic effects of morphine. European Journal of Neuroscience. 19 (2004) 3033-3041.


Coles, B.L.K., Angenieux, B., Inoue, T., Del Rio-Tsonis, K., Spence, J.R., McInnes, R.R., Arsenijevic, Y., van der Kooy, D. Facile isolation and the characterization of human retinal stem cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 101 (2004) 15772-15777.


Hitoshi, S., Seaberg, R.M., Koscik, C., Alexson, T., Kusunoki, S., Kanazawa, I., Tsuji, S., van der Kooy, D. Primitive neural stem cells from the mammalian epiblast differentiate to definitive neural stem cells under the control of Notch signaling. Genes and Development. 18 (2004) 1806-1811.


Karpowicz, P., Cohen, C.B., van der Kooy, D. Is it ethical to transplant human stem cells into developing nonhumans. Nature Medicine. 10 (2004) 331-335.


Laviolette, S.R., Gallegos, R.A., Henriksen, S.J., van der Kooy, D. Opiate state controls bi-directional reward signaling via GABAA receptors in the ventral tegmental area Nature Neuroscience. 7 (2004) 160-169.


Laviolette, S.R. van der Kooy, D. GABAA receptors gate bidirectional reward transmission from the ventral tegmental area to the tegmental pedunculopontine nucleus as a function of opiate state. European Journal of Neuroscience. 20 (2004) 2179-2187.


Laviolette, S.R., van der Kooy, D. The neurobiology of nicotine addiction: bridging the gap from molecules to behaviour. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 5 (2004) 55-65.


Law, E., Nuttley, W.M., van der Kooy, D. Contextual taste cues modulate olfactory learning in C.elegans by an occasion-setting mechanism. Current Biology. 14 (2004) 1303-1308.


Morshead, C.M., van der Kooy, D. Disguising adult neural stem cells. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 14 (2004) 125 - 131.


Sanyal, S., Wintle, R.F., Kindt, K.S., Nuttley, W.M., Arvan, R., Fitzmaurice, P., Bigras, E., Merz, D.C., Hébert, T.E., van der Kooy, D., Schafer, W.R., Culotti, J.G., and Van Tol, H.H.M. Dopamine modulates the plasticity of mechanosensory responses in Caenorhabditis elegans. EMBO Journal. 23 (2004) 473-482.


Seaberg, R.M., Smukler, S.R., Kieffer, T.J., Enikolopov, G., Asghar, Z., Wheeler, M.B., Korbutt, G., van der Kooy, D. Clonal identification of multipotent progenitors from adult pancreas that generate neural and pancreatic lineages. Nature Biotechnology. 22 (2004) 1115-1124.


Zhang, W., Morris, Q.D., Chang, R., Shai, O., Bakowski, M.A., Mitsakakis, N., Mohammad, N., Robinson, M.D., Zirnglibl, R, Somogyi, E., Laurin, N., Eftekharpour, E., Sat, E., Grigull, J., Pan, Q., Peng, W-T.,Krogan, N., Greenblatt, J., Fehlings, M., van der Kooy, D., Aubin, J., Bruneau, B.G., Rossant, J., Blencow, B.J., Frey, B.J., Hughes, T.R. The functional landscape of mouse gene expression. Journal of Cell Biology. 3 (2004) 21-41.

**photo credit: Sandrine Willaime-Morawek**