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Acid Burn Survivors Support Group:

Acid attacks are a particularly vicious form of violence that is prevalent throughout the world. With the primary aim of disfiguring the victims, the acid attack leaves the victims with permanent visible physical injuries and serious psychological trauma. Apart from causing severe physical disabilities, the attacks often result in a long and painful period of rehabilitation with severe facial disfigurement and visual impairment that cannot be easily concealed. These factors often have a negative impact on social interactions, including loss of employment, education and the opportunity for marriage, as scarred victims may be seen as outcasts in the community, leading to social isolation, damage to self-esteem and self-confidence, ostracization, depression, post-traumatic stress disorders and other psychological effects.

The therapeutic value of creating an environment where acid burn survivors have the opportunity to interact with each other to share stories, information about resources, treatments, develop friendships and skills to perform day-to-day activities cannot be underestimated.

The Acid Burn Survivors Support Group was formed in November 2003 and is supported by the Children's Surgical Centre, the Cambodian League for Promotion and Defence of Human Rights (LICADHO), Cambodian war amputees rehabilitation society (CWARS) and the Office of International Surgery. The group was borne out of a study conducted in mid 2003 that identified a need for and the limited availability of psychosocial support for survivors of acid assaults. The group format includes facilitated group discussions, sharing of practical advice between members, education sessions with guest speakers and occasional field trips.

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CSC Operating Room
© 2005 Office of International Surgery