Andrew Howard, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Director, Office of International Surgery
Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Hospital for Sick Children

Dr. Howard is a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon who has a large and diverse clinical practice. His clinical interests include complex orthopaedic trauma and surgery for spinal and lower extremity deformities. In addition to his surgical training, he holds a Masters of Science in Epidemiology (1998) from the University of Ottawa.

Dr. Howard sits on the executive committee of Safekids Canada.

Dr. Howard's research focuses on prevention of road traffic injuries to children, which are overwhelmingly the leading cause of death for children in developed countries. Dr. Howard studies the biomechanics and epidemiology of child motor vehicle occupant injuries. This work is done in close cooperation with the Road Safety branch of Transport Canada and is unique in Canada. He is a member of the Auto21 Network of centres of excellence, leading a project on computer simulation of children's crash injuries.

Dr. Howard also studies the epidemiology of other major categories of unintentional childhood injury, including pedestrian and cyclist injuries, falls, and sports injuries. He has worked with the Toronto District School Board to study the relationship between playground equipment and injury risk, and is carrying out a randomized trial in this area.

Dr. Howard also does research on the prevention and treatment of unintentional injury to children in low income countries, and is the Director of the Office of International Surgery and of the Canadian Network for International Surgery.

Dr. Howard's recent publications can be found here.

Dr. Andrew Howard
Room S - 107
Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue
Toronto Ontario M5G 1X8 CANADA
Fax: +1-(416)-813-6414



© 2005 Office of International Surgery