Prof. Rocco Capozzi

Rocco Capozzi is Professor of modern and contemporary Italian literature, and literary theory and criticism in the Department of Italian Studies at the University of Toronto. His main areas of interest are: I. Modern and contemporary Italian literature; II. Narratology, literary theory and criticism; III. Semiotics. Professor Capozzi has served as President of the NorthEast Modern language Association, and is presently the Associate Editor ofModern Language Studies. He is also on the editorial board of journals such as

Forum Italicum, and Spunti e Ricerche. He has published Carlo Bernari. Tra fantasia e realtà (SEN, 1984), and Scrittori critici e industria culturale (Manni 1991). Professor Capozzi has edited several volumes, among which Reading Eco: An Anthology. A pretext to Literary Semiotics (Indiana UP, 1997). Professor Capozzi has published extensively in learned journals and edited volumes.

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