Frank Collins is Professor of French medieval literature and French language in the Department of French at the University of Toronto. His areas of interest are: I. Chrétien de Troyes as well as prose continuations
of this material. Various approaches, including structuralist/semiotic and more traditional, historical; II. a) Editing of medieval texts. b) Translation from French into English of major semiotic works
(predominantly by Greimas, but also Ricoeur, Melançon, Rastier and Übersfeld); III. Language teaching and the teaching of translation. Professor Collins is author and co-author of numerous volumes such as Paris School Semiotics,
vol. 1, "Theory" (Benjamins, 1989) and Paris School Semiotics, vol. 2, "Practice" (Benjamins, 1989), in collaboration with Prof. Paul Perron. He recently co-translated with Prof. Paul
Perron two volumes by A. J. Greimas, A.J. Greimas. The Social Sciences: A Semiotic View (University of Minnesota Press, 1990) and A.J. Greimas and J. Fontanille, The Semiotics of Passions (University of Minnesota Press, 1993). Professor Collins has also published numerous essays in edited books and learned journals, such as Interpretations, Structuralist Review, and Voix et images.