Rule 14 - JUMPING
14.1: General - Jumping
For the boat, see rule
11.1, and for the towlines,
11.12 and
For the tolerances see Rules 12.2.3,
12.2.4 and
14.2: Jump Course Entrance
The entrance to the jump course is the 180 m buoy.
14.3: Election of Ramp Height
For divisions in which more than one ramp height is allowed (Rule
11.17.4), skiers in those divisions must declare their choice of ramp height at the time of registration, otherwise the lowest ramp height in that division shall apply.
14.4: Jumping Speeds and Tolerances
The boat speeds for the jumping event shall be chosen by the skier from those listed below, up to the following maximum speeds:
a) Open Men, Men I,
Men II, Men III, 57 km/h
b) Boys III, Men IV, Men V, Men VI,
Men VII, Women I, Women II,
Women III, Open Women 51 km/h
c) Girls III, Women IV, Women V
Women VI, Women VII 48 km/h
d) Boys II, Girls II 45 km/h
Boat speeds may be selected in increments of 3 km/h to the maximum speeds for each division. Possible jump speeds and specified tolerances are as follows:
(Record Capable Standard)
Speed Range 82M SEGMENT(C-D to E-F) 41M SEGMENT(E-F TO G-H)
(kph) (mph) Actual Fast Slow Actual Fast Slow
57 35.4 5.18 5.08 5.28 2.59 2.52 2.66
54 33.6 5.47 5.32 5.62 2.73 2.63 2.83
51 31.7 5.79 5.69 5.89 2.89 2.81 2.97
48 29.8 6.15 6.00 6.30 3.08 2.98 3.18
45 28.0 6.56 6.36 6.76 3.28 3.13 3.43
42 26.1 7.03 6.83 7.23 3.51 3.36 3.66
39 24.2 7.57 7.32 7.82 3.78 3.63 3.93
36 22.4 8.20 7.95 8.45 4.10 3.80 4.40
33 20.5 8.95 8.70 9.20 4.47 4.17 4.77
30 18.6 9.84 9.54 10.14 4.92 4.62 5.22
The boat shall be timed between buoys C-D and E-F and also E-F and G-H of the jump course in order to maintain the required tolerances, except where the boat path is between the jump ramp and buoys C-E, in which case, the pass is not timed and 12.2.1 applies. Segment C-D to E-F and E-F to G-H are two separate timing phases and must be timed independently of each other.
For a pass in which the skier has selected the maximum boat speed for his/her division, if either the C-D to E-F segment or the E-F to G-H segment is too fast, a reride shall be mandatory.
For a pass in which the skier has selected a boat speed slower than the maximum for his/her division, if either the C-D to E-F segment or the E-F to G-H segment is too fast, but does not exceed the maximum allowable for the skier's division, a rerun shall be optional. If either segment is too fast and does exceed the maximum allowable for his division, a rerun shall be mandatory.
If neither the C-D to E-F or E-F to G-H segments are too fast, and if either of such time segments is too slow, then a reride shall be optional. If the skier elects to take a reride, he/she will not be scored less than the distance measured on the disputed jump.
In the case where a skier chooses to pass the ramp, or falls on the approach to the ramp, the maximum speed tolerance allowable shall be increased by .05 sec. In such circumstances it is not necessary to time the boat through segment E-F to G-H and, if timed, such time shall not be used.
14.5: Skier Selected Boat Path
The skier must request his/her desired boat path from those suggested in the following diagram. The boat shall follow a straight path parallel to the jump course on the right-hand side of the ramp.
Interpretation Note: Boat paths outside the tournament course are not governed by the Rule Book. Tournament officials shall determine these paths before the start of the tournament. This may include shorter jump boat paths for skiers who use single wake cuts.
14.7: Jump Event Officials
There shall be three (3) judges for the jump event -- two (2) judges shall be on shore; the third, a boat judge, shall be in the boat with a boat timer.
The boat judge shall observe the accuracy of the boat path and course conditions, and monitor the water speed measuring devices. The boat timer shall verify the speed of the boat by using a timing device pursuant to procedures outlined in 14.4.3. Alternately, the boat may be timed by an automatic timing device. In the event the time is recorded elsewhere than in the boat, it must be communicated to the boat immediately after each pass. When an incorrect speed results, the boat timer shall so advise the boat judge. In addition to the official timer, at least one other timing device shall be operated from the shore or boat. In the event that the official timer fails to record a time, the back-up timer shall govern.
14.8: Jump Measurement
Jump distances shall be measured by a system of meters measuring the subtended angles provided by 3 meter stations, each consisting of two meters.
To ensure accuracy, it is recommended that each meter station be no more than 70 m from the landing point.
Jump distances are to be calculated through the use of a computer. Any computer program used for this purpose must be verified by passing the benchmark tests established in Appendix VII.
The point of landing is defined as the centre of the inscribed circle which is tangent to all three sides of the triangle formed by the three average sightings from the meter stations. The distance is calculated from the landing point back to the ramp. The size of the triangle is defined as the diameter of that inscribed circle.
If the top and bottom sightings from any single meter station are more than 0.6 meters apart at the point of landing, then the average value and the single sighting with the smaller value will each be tried in turn, and whichever of these produces the smaller triangle will be used to derive the official distance.
On a given jump when the diameter of the inscribed circle obtained by the angular measuring system is greater than 0.6 meters, the contestant will have the option to either take the jump over again or accept the shortest distance measured from a corner of the triangle, provided that on any of his preceding or following jumps, the measured distance does not exceed the distance to the furthest corner of the large triangle. In the case where one of the preceding or following jumps does exceed the distance to the furthest corner, the official score of the wide triangle jump will be the shortest vertex.
In the case where a competitor decides to take the jump over again, the disputed jump will not be scored, but the competitor's distance on the reride may not exceed the distance measured to the furthest corner of the large triangle of the disputed jump, but will not be less than the distance measured to the nearest corner of the large triangle of the disputed jump. Multiple rerides are to be resolved sequentially in the order in which they occurred.
In the event of a tie, the competitor so affected then has the option to rerun or to accept the shortest possible distance.
14.9: Distance
Jump distances shall be measured from a point at the water line directly below the centre of the top edge of the ramp to the point where the heels of the skier landed. The distance SHOULD be communicated to the skier after each jump.
Jump distances may not be scored in increments finer than 10 cm.
14.10: Jump Scoring
The longest standing jump shall be the contestant's score in the jumping event. Contestants must complete one standing jump in order to place or earn overall points in the jumping event.
14.11: Ties Jumping
If a tie results, for medal placement, the second longest jump of each skier in the tie shall be counted to break the tie. If a tie still exists after consideration of the second longest jumps, it shall be run off with a new drawing for order. Each contestant in the run-off will be allowed two passes through the jump courseÑthe longest jump to count. Repeated ties shall be run off in the same manner until placement in the event is established.
In an elimination and final round tournament, ties will be decided on the basis of the highest final round score. If, after the final round, a tie still exists, it will be broken as in 14.11.1. Ties will be run off for the first three placings.
14.12: Rerides
If a rerun is given because of faulty boat path or an error in speed, it must be taken immediately. If more than one jump is annulled because of faulty boat speed or path, the skier has the option of requesting a five-minute rest period. In the event of an optional reride, the skier shall be given the option of receiving his/her distance before accepting or refusing the reride.
Throwing The Handle
A contestant may refuse to enter the jump course by throwing the handle. He/she shall do so before passing buoys C-D in the official jump course. The skier shall not be penalized for so doing, providing this refusal was for a reason acceptable to the event judges. Should the reason be judged not acceptable, one jump shall be deemed as taken.
Allowed Time After a Fall
In the case of a fall after a jump, the skier who is not back on his/her skis in 3 minutes after the tow boat is ready to take him/her will not be allowed to compete any further in that round.
14.13: Forerunner
Whenever feasible, it is advisable to use a forerunner in the jumping event.