For Video Trick scoring tools please see
Downloads: VJ05 version 16. Start here as the basis (this is a complete installer)
VJ07v1.3.exe A replacement EXE file to bring the above install up to date.
This page is a quick update to make the latest version available. Previous versions and other information is available here!
Note: It may be worth checking Bob Corson's page (the author of the software) for a more recent versin of the EXE at least. His page is at:
The first assumption is that you alread have video capture hardware installed. If you don't, go do that. At least make sure that you can do a 320x240 resolution capture in Windows Movie Maker before you try to get the Video Jump program installed.
Before launching the install make the following folder needed by the program
Now make a folder to store jump video captures, I use the following:
Now extract all the files form the ZIP file and run the Setup file to install. If it asks you about newer files, select to keep newer files.
Once the install is done, browse to the folder in C:\Program Files where you just installed the program and create a sub folder called LOUPE and move the 4 loupe files (they are obvious) from the program folder to this LOUPE subfolder.
Now you are in a position to launch the program.
A word to the wise about capture hardware, especially USB capture hardware. For video jump you need 640x480 resolution. In order to get this you MUST be using a USB 2 capture device plugged into a USB 2 high speed port. Plugged into a USB 1.x port will get you 320x240 capture only.
Capture card drivers can be a bit tricky at times. If you are using a USB capture device it will be detected as "new hardware" in each USB port you plug it into. Either plug it into the same port every time, or else before you get to the site plug the capture device into each and every USB port the computer has and make sure the driver installs properly. This can save you a ton of grief on site. If you are using a PC-Card (PCMCIA) and have two PC-Card slots in your laptop, make sure you have used the capture card in both slots before you get on site.
Here are a few common errors you can get and what they mean.
Error occurred while trying to close file, please retry
This error is a direct result of not having a folder called c:\vjio on your computer.
No correct save video directory has been set. Please put in the path of the save video directory here
This message means that the current path to where the video jump program will save captured screen images (BMP files) and captured jump videos (AVI files) has not been set to a valid existing directory. You must type in the name of an EXISTING folder here. Clicking Cancel here is an infinite loop so you might as well type in something. You can hit the Windows key and open My COmputer and create a folder (suggested is c:\vjfiles) to enter here then toggle back to Video Jump and enter that name.
Nothing happens after I hit No to the DO I want to reset all parameters question
Right after the initial dialog prompt, the program initializes the capture hardware it finds on the system. This can take several seconds so be patient. If you never get a second dialog prompt then it means your capture hardware has hung.
No MCI devices
This means that the program did not detect a capture device inthe system. You must get your capture device working before you run the program. SOme capture devices only work with special software. For example a Dazzle DVD capture device only seems to work with their software and is not detected as a WDM capture device.
Runtime Error 53
Often related to not finding a file, the most coommon place is when you select Loupe in the System COnfiguration screen and have not properly moved the Loupe files into a folder called Loupe in the Video Jump Measurement folder in Program files.
Having problems getting your video capture card going? Read this first!
There is discussion group information for Video Jump/Video Trick/Video Slalom related
discussions located at: